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Newsticker-EU Waffenrechtsverschärfung


Empfohlene Beiträge

vor 11 Stunden schrieb schmitz75:


Kurze INfo: Laut Update von Firearms United ist das nicht das engültige Dokument, da gab es offensichtlich noch Last-Minute-Änderungen. Nur als Info, wir werden wohl auf die offizielle Version warten müssen, über die IMCO dann im Januar abstimmt.



Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
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Die Tschechen laufen sich warm gegen die Feuerwaffen-Richtlinie:






Sinngemäß auf deutsch:

Generell wird die Erneuerung der Richtlinie begrüßt, ABER:
- Viele Punkte vom Inhalt unpassend, legal unklar und unverhältnismäßig
- technische und praktische Aspekte durch die hastige Ausführung nicht ausreichend geprüft
- unklare, unnötige, zu weit reichende und unvernünftige Verbote
von halbautomatischen Waffen
- Halbautomaten sollen klar reguliert werden (was bereits der Fall ist), aber die Terroristen haben illegale Waffen verwendet
- Ein weitreichendes Verbot dieser Waffen würde diese auf den Schwarzmarkt spülen oder die Besitzer in die Illegalität zwingen
- Die Tschechische Republik hält die Umsetzungsfrist für zu kurz, da massive Eingriffe in die tschechische Gesetzgebung vorgenommen würden
- Insbesondere in den finalen Verhandlungen wurden die Mitgliedsstaaten nicht ausreichend über Last-Minute-Änderungen informiert







Item xx
th meeting of the Council
(Justice and Home Affairs)
Declaration of the Czech Republic

Declaration of the Czech Republic on the Proposal for a Directive of the European

Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the
acquisition and possession of weapons

The Czech Republic has welcomed that a revision of the Council Directive
91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons has been initiated to
enable the European Union and the Member States to better respond to current security
threats, in particular the terrorism. The Czech Republic participated in the negotiations in
active and constructive manner and appreciates that some concerns have been solved, such as
the definition of essential components or the relationship between the Directive and the C.I.P.
Nevertheless, the Czech Republic considers certain key elements of the proposal to be
inappropriate in substance and legally unclear and sometimes disproportionate. While the
Directive should set strict but practicable rules for the acquisition and possession of firearms,
the proposal mostly introduces inefficient prohibitions instead. Moreover, technical and
practical aspects of the hurriedly proposed measures were not assessed sufficiently.
The Czech Republic especially regrets the unclear, unnecessary, overbroad and
injudicious prohibitions of some semi-automatic firearms. Acquisition and possession thereof
should be strictly regulated, even though recent terrorist attacks did not involve such legally
owned firearms; their owners are in fact under strict supervision of competent authorities
already. However, a far-reaching ban may cause transfer of significant portion of firearms that
are held legally now into illegal ownership or even black market and thus increase their
availability to terrorists and criminals.
The Czech Republic considers the implementation period to be unreasonably short,
since several laws must be amended significantly. Moreover, the Member State legislator will
have to accommodate national rules pursuant to implementing and delegated acts during even
shorter time.
Finally, the Czech Republic is concerned that, in the last stages of negotiations, the
Member States were not sufficiently and in time informed about final changes to the text and,
consequently, could not properly evaluate their impact.
Due to these and other reasons, the Czech Republic cannot endorse the draft Directive.


Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
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Wieder ein Merkwürdiges Fundstück von hier

Abgesehen vom Titel und Verpackung mit Terrorbekämpfungs-Trallalala.

Da klingen doch einige Dinge wieder etwas verdächtig. Die "European Firearms Expert group" ist auch mit von der Partie. 


EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Implementation of the counter-terrorism agenda set by the European Council

Eingelangt am 20.12.2016, U32 Übermittlung


42 Seiten PDF





Implementation of the counter-terrorism agenda set by the European Council

Detailed description of recent and planned CT/CVE related activities Table of contents

3. Firearms and explosives ............................................................................................................. 16


3. Firearms and explosives

The Commission has invited all Member States to set up national focal points on firearms to develop expertise and improve analysis and strategic reporting on illicit trafficking in firearms. So far, 10 Member States have set up a Focal Point (FP) "Weapons and Explosives" at national level. Actions to improve tracking and traceability of firearms continue. The current data collection systems have been assessed in all MS and a manual on best practice guidance has been produced by the European Firearms Experts (EFE) Group. The increased use of FP Weapons and Explosives at Europol is significant.

Interpol ended the FIND project for a single search in iARMS from national databases. In addition Interpol, the Commission and Europol created a joint proposal for interoperability of iARMS and SIS based on UMF (Universal Message Format).

Frontex has increased its engagement in six operational actions within the EU Policy Cycle Firearms Priority, with a special focus on the Western Balkans and stepped up efforts to contribute to the fight against firearms trafficking at the EU's external borders. Eurosur Fusion Services have been made available to EMPACT Firearms Priority action leaders to facilitate the fight against cross-border trafficking of firearms. A series of awareness raising sessions were organized by Frontex and the EMPACT Firearms Priority driver to make the investigators aware of the tools. The testing phase for the new firearms-related crime indicators has started with Western Balkan countries within the framework of the regional Western Balkans Risk Analysis Network (WBRAN) managed by Frontex. It aims at data collection on detections of illegal firearms at the borders. An assessment will be made during early 2017 for possible consolidation of the new data exchange model to tailor better the operational response. Frontex will also extend the fire-arms related data collection to Member States in accordance with the new mandate. Frontex took part in the Joint Action Days (JADs) organized under Europol's Blue Amber Operation in 2015 aimed at tackling firearms trafficking and has continued its support for JADs in 2016 by means of multi-purpose Joint Operations, especially in the Western Balkans. The Agency will also support the EMPACT related JAD in November 2016 focused on firearms trafficking with the participation of Member States and Third Countries, with focus on border control in the Western Balkans region. Frontex has also started to participate in the European Firearms Expert group to improve its capacity in the field of detection and counteracting firearms trafficking.

COSI agreed on a model for a firearms matrix which would provide an overview of all actions with regard to illegal firearms. The feeding of this matrix started and COSI will return to this issue in December 2016. Europol has recently reshaped the use of its bomb database, the European Union Bomb Data System (EBDS), now also accessible through the so-called Europol Platform for Experts (EPE), connecting all end-users. Operational and classified information is only available through the EPE application on Europol's operational network (accessible via Europol's secure network). ...


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  • 2 Wochen später...
!!! Termin für Abstimmung in IMCO !!!
Es gibt einen Termin für die Abstimmung in IMCO. Dort wird dann über das Ergebnis des Triloges abgestimmt, damit der Gesetzesentwurf ins Parlament kann.
26 Januar 2017, 10.15 – 11.45
Ein finales Dokument zu den Trilogergebnisses ist noch nicht vorhanden auf der Website des EU-Parlaments.
Link zur Tagesordnung:
20. Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons
IMCO/8/05094 ***I 2015/0269(COD) COM(2015)0750 – C8-0358/2015
Rapporteur:Vicky Ford (ECR)
DT – PE577.045v01-00
Responsible: IMCO*
Vote on the text agreed during interinstitutional negotiations
*** End of electronic vote ***
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Am 9.3.2016 um 17:38 schrieb Empty8sh:

Auf Bitte einiger Forumsmitglieder, hier alle Mail-Adressen der zuständigen Ausschussmitglieder in IMCO und LIBE:




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IMCO-Ausschuss Sitzungskalender, Eintrag am 25.01.2017





26 January 2017, 09.00 - 12.30


TOP 20

Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons

Miscellaneous - P8_A(2016)0251 - REPORT - Control of the Acquisition and Possession of weapons



Noch keine finale Version des Trilogergebnisses gefunden.

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Noch ein Fund, hat aber nur Protokollcharakter von bereits Bekanntem.





EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

2607th meeting of the PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE held in Brussels on 30 November and 1 December 2016

Erstellt am 16.01.2017 von: Vorbereitung Rat und Vorsitz

Eingelangt am 17.01.2017, U32 Übermittlung


20 Seiten pdf








held in Brussels on 30 November and 1 December 2016



Wednesday 30 November 2016


16. Weapons: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (First reading)

= Preparation for the trilogue

14838/16 JAI 997 GENVAL 123 MI 746 COMPET 615 COMIX 775 CODEC 1736

The Committee confirmed the outcome of the Mixed Committee.



Bearbeitet von horidoman
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Fundstück, welches eigentlich nicht hierhergehört. Weil aber aktuell und Stichwort "Firearms" vorkommt (übrigends auch "Carry") stecke ich es trotzdem hierher. Bei sportlicher Wertlosigkeit bitte allenfalls per Mod. feucht durchwischen. Das Ganze ist ein Bericht der EU Kommission vom 13.01.2017 zur VERORDNUNG (EU) Nr. 1214/2011 DES EUROPÄISCHEN PARLAMENTS UND DES RATES über den gewerbsmäßigen grenzüberschreitenden Straßentransport von Euro-Bargeld zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten des Euroraums




14 Seiten pdf


"CIT" Abk. für "cash-in-transit"





on the implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2011 on the professional cross-border transport of euro cash by road between euro-area Member States


2.2.5. Host country rules applying to transport: national police force, public security rules and carrying of firearms

CIT aspects not covered by the common rules of Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011 are governed by national law, subject to the general rules of the Treaty (such as the principle of non-discrimination) and must be respected in the host country by the CIT company carrying out the cross-border transport. Such national rules concern the role of the police force (such as prior notification, escorting or distant remote tracking), security rules on cash delivery or pick-up at locations and rules on firearms


3.4.2. Carrying of firearms

The national rules on the carrying of firearms of the host Member State apply during cross-border CIT transport. Those rules vary widely, with some Member States allowing the carrying of firearms, while others either require or prohibit it, or permit a mixture of options according to each distinct transport arrangement. That diversity limits certain cross-border CIT opportunities. CIT companies report that it is difficult and costly to implement in practice the provision/storage of weapons in remotecontrolled strong-boxes, as provided for in Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011 to cope with different firearms regimes in the participating Member States. In the context of Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011, the Commission does not deem harmonisation of weapon rules among participating Member States appropriate. Consequently, given the existing differences in national legislation with regard to the carrying of firearms, there is no added value to common training requirements.



4.1. Points of review specifically indicated in Article 26 With regard to the points of specific examination stipulated in Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011, it can be concluded that: 1) there is currently no need for common training requirements for the carrying of arms by CIT staff given the diversity of national rules for the carrying of firearms, 2) Article 24 on remuneration does not need to be amended given the proposed revision of Directive 97/71/EC, 3) a system that allows for licence granting on a group basis is not needed, and 4) there is no major technological change in the area of IBNS which would imply a revision of Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011. The Commission has therefore not needed to make use of its empowerment to adopt delegated acts on IBNS todate, nor have there been any indications of a need for delegated acts on other security features such as vehicle armouring and bulletproof vests.


2. Without prejudice to the national firearms rules applying to the participating Member States, the Member State of origin principle should be applied to the transport arrangements provided for in Regulation (EU) No 1214/2011. 



Bearbeitet von horidoman
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Mir wurde grade dieses Dokument als Ergebnis des Trilogs zugeschickt. Konnte leider nich nicht die Gültigkeit nachprüfen, aber dennoch, hier mal als Info:



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Erster Knaller, den ich gesehen habe, Seite 53.
3. Member States shall ensure that an authorisation to acquire and an authorisation to possess a firearm classified in category B of Annex I shall be withdrawn if the person who was granted the authorisation is found to be in the possession of a loading device apt to be fitted to centre-fire semi-automatic firearms or repeating firearms with one of the following characteristics:
(a) loading devices which can hold more
than 20 rounds;
(b) loading devices for long firearms which can hold more than 10 rounds,
unless that person was granted an authorisation under Article 6 or Article 7(4a).
Das heißt, auch Repetierermagazine über 10 Schuss sind verboten. Damit alle alten GI-Magazine, AK47-Magazine und was sonst noch als Militaria und Zubehör rumfliegt.
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Desweiteren Seite 63:
Sondergenehmigungen für Kat.A7 DÜRFEN gegeben werden, müssen aber nicht. Auf deutsch ein Verbot, da keiner eine Genehmigung kriegt.


4a. Member States may decide to confirm authorisations for semi-automatic firearms classified in point 6, 7 or 8 of category A for a firearm which was classified in category B set out in Annex I of the Directive, as amended by Directive 2008/51/EC, and legally acquired and registered before [date of entry into force], and to renew or prolong those authorisations, subject to the other conditions laid down in this Directive

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb schiiter:

Das war doch die ganze ZEit so? Jedenfalls hatte ich das immer so verstanden.


Nein, bisher nur Halbautomatenmagazine. Jetzt auf einmal sind es alle Magazine, die an einen Halbautomaten passen, also auch Repetierermagazine...evtl. sogar Kurzwaffe.

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb Empty8sh:

Mir wurde grade dieses Dokument als Ergebnis des Trilogs zugeschickt. Konnte leider nich nicht die Gültigkeit nachprüfen, aber dennoch, hier mal als Info:




Das Ding dürfte offiziell sein, im obenerwähnten Sitzungskalender für den 25.01.2017 unter TOP 20 (am 26.01.2017) ist jetzt auch drin (vorerst nur auf Englisch)!



  • 20  In Planung Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons

    • Miscellaneous - P8_A(2016)0251

      - REPORT - Control of the Acquisition and Possession of weapons

    • Miscellaneous - Firearms_4columns

      - 4Column - Control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (Firearms Directive)

  •   In Planung *** End of electronic vote ***


Bearbeitet von horidoman
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Historisches, nur für die Sammlung




EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

2608th meeting of the PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE held in Brussels on 7, 9 and 13 December 2016

Erstellt am 19.01.2017 von: Vorbereitung Rat und Vorsitz

Eingelangt am 19.01.2017, U32 Übermittlung


27 Seiten pdf




35. Weapons

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons

(First reading)

= Presidency debriefing on the outcome of the trilogue


The Committee confirmed the conclusions of the Mixed Committee and was debriefed on the outcome of the trilogue on 5 December 2016.






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Hier auch noch mal die offizielle Bestätigung  http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/imco/subject-files.html?id=20160209CDT00521


Das hier https://polcms.secure.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/upload/302777b2-060e-4f83-bff1-f7ac38ff9bfb/4th colum document Firearms.pdf

ist das Ergebnis des Trialogs. Die grün gehaltenen Kompromisse werden am Ende dass sein, über was das EU Parlament dann entscheidet.

So kann sich dann jeder sein eigenes Bild darüber machen, an welchen Punkten der Kommissionsvorschlag von 11/2015 abgeschwächt wurde.





Bearbeitet von shooter2015
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Fürs Album. Ist schon einen Monat alt, Protokoll aber jetzt erst eingelangt.




EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

2610th meeting of the PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE (Part 2) held in Brussels on 20 December 2016

Erstellt am 20.01.2017 von: Vorbereitung Rat und Vorsitz

Eingelangt am 20.01.2017, U32 Übermittlung

9 Seiten PDF





3. Weapons: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (First reading)

= Confirmation of the final compromise text with a view to agreement

14974/16 JAI 1014 GENVAL 124 MI 753 COMPET 619 COMIX 787

CODEC 1759

The Committee approved the agreement reached with the European Parliament. The Polish delegation raised concerns over the transposition deadlines.


Statement by the Czech Republic

"The Czech Republic has welcomed that a revision of the Council Directive 91/477/EEC on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons has been initiated to enable the European Union and the Member States to better respond to current security threats, in particular the terrorism. The Czech Republic participated in the negotiations in active and constructive manner and appreciates that some concerns have been solved, such as the definition of essential components or the relationship between the Directive and the C.I.P. Convention. Nevertheless, the Czech Republic considers certain key elements of the proposal to be inappropriate in substance and legally unclear and sometimes disproportionate. While the Directive should set strict but practicable rules for the acquisition and possession of firearms, the proposal mostly introduces inefficient prohibitions instead. Moreover, technical and practical aspects of the hurriedly proposed measures were not assessed sufficiently. The Czech Republic especially regrets the unclear, unnecessary, overbroad and injudicious prohibitions of some semi-automatic firearms. Acquisition and possession thereof should be strictly regulated, even though recent terrorist attacks did not involve such legally owned firearms; their owners are in fact under strict supervision of competent authorities already. However, a far-reaching ban may cause transfer of significant portion of firearms that are held legally now into illegal ownership or even black market and thus increase their availability to terrorists and criminals. The Czech Republic considers the implementation period to be unreasonably short, since several laws must be amended significantly. Moreover, the Member State legislator will have to accommodate national rules pursuant to implementing and delegated acts during even shorter time. Finally, the Czech Republic is concerned that, in the last stages of negotiations, the Member States were not sufficiently and in time informed about final changes to the text and, consequently, could not properly evaluate their impact. Due to these and other reasons, the Czech Republic cannot endorse the draft Directive."



Statement by the Commission

"The European Commission is satisfied that the co-legislators have reached an agreement on the revised firearm directive. These new rules will substantially reduce the likelihood of dangerous but legally held weapons falling into the hands of criminals and terrorists. At the same time, the Commission regrets that some parts of the original proposal were not supported by the Parliament and the Council – in particular concerning semi-automatic firearms where the Commission had proposed a greater level of ambition with a complete ban of the most dangerous semi-automatic firearms, including all semi-automatic firearms of the AK47 or AR15 families. The Commission also regrets that the magazine size was not limited to 10 rounds for all semi-automatic firearms. The Commission also stresses the importance of the proper implementation of the strict security rules relating to collectors."


Statement by the Commission

"The Commission recognises the importance of a well-functioning standard for deactivation, which contributes to improved levels of safety and gives authorities reassurance that deactivated weapons are properly and effectively deactivated. The Commission will, therefore, accelerate the work on the revision of the deactivation criteria conducted by national experts in the Committee established under Directive 477/91/EEC in order to allow the Commission to adopt, by the end of May 2017, in accordance with the committee procedure established by directive 91/477/EEC, subject to a positive opinion by national experts, a Commission implementing Regulation amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2403 of 15 December 2015 establishing common guidelines on deactivation standards and techniques for ensuring that deactivated firearms are rendered irreversibly inoperable. The Commission calls on Member States to fully support the acceleration of this work."




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Am ‎10‎.‎01‎.‎2017 um 22:42 schrieb Empty8sh:
!!! Termin für Abstimmung in IMCO !!!
Es gibt einen Termin für die Abstimmung in IMCO. Dort wird dann über das Ergebnis des Triloges abgestimmt, damit der Gesetzesentwurf ins Parlament kann.
26 Januar 2017, 10.15 – 11.45
Ein finales Dokument zu den Trilogergebnisses ist noch nicht vorhanden auf der Website des EU-Parlaments.
Link zur Tagesordnung:


Es gibt vermutlich hier wieder eine Videoübertragung zur nächsten IMCO-Farce.


Nochmal der Link zum Sitzungskalender, hier werden möglicherweise (TOP 20) "rechtzeitig" zehn Minuten vor der Abstimmung die anderen Sprachfassungen hereingestellt werden.


Bearbeitet von horidoman
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