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The IQ of liberals concerning gun control


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The IQ of liberals concerning gun control

reden wir hier über Waffenbesitz verbietene Liberale wie die FDP...?!?!


I remember when the so called social-democrats (in fact they are neither social nor democrats) in Switzerland wanted to ban pumpguns. They were asked several times why to ban pumpguns but self-loading shotguns not. As you can imagine they never could give an answer. My theory: to many Hollywood movies were people fly several meters after been hit by pumpgun.


Ahem, it's the "English language forum" for a reason, guys. Just sayin'.......

Yes, I know, but as Sheepshooter asked in german I thought he might require a german answer.


Don't worry, Sheepy can do English well, better than me. All page long if necessary :D


This is not true, this cannot be true. PRetty stupid, indeed.

But it fits to the fact that our green party wants to ban lots of things they do not understand at all. An opinion and a feeling is always superior to facts, knowledge and proper research in these politician heads...


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