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Not guilty - George Zimmermann is a free man

Olt d.R.

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Da wird es jetzt wohl die eine oder andere Unruhe in den Ghettos geben.


Hispanica against blacks?

Doesn't matter, if the mob is unleashed there are only worthwhile targets to loot.


"He has been acquitted of all charges by the jury,

because he acted in self defense..."

NO; he was acquitted because the prosecution failed to make a coherent argument, still prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

Zimmerman is a cop wanna-be who ignored direct instructions to stay in the car, initiated a confrontation, lost control of it - with tragic consequences for all concerned.

There was a reason Sheriff Taylor only gave Barney Fife one cartridge - AND made him keep it in his pocket.

  • 4 Wochen später...

"He has been acquitted of all charges by the jury,

because he acted in self defense..."

NO; he was acquitted because the prosecution failed to make a coherent argument, still prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

Zimmerman is a cop wanna-be who ignored direct instructions to stay in the car, initiated a confrontation, lost control of it - with tragic consequences for all concerned.

There was a reason Sheriff Taylor only gave Barney Fife one cartridge - AND made him keep it in his pocket.

Is that right...???????????????? :acute::mega_shok:

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