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Kinder, die schießen


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Seit heute prangt ein gut sichtbarer Aufkleber auf meinem Auto, herausgegeben von der BC Wildlife Federation.

" Kids, wo hunt, trap and shoot

don´t mug little old ladies !"

(to mug: ausrauben, überfallen)

Ich stelle mir gerade vor, was man mit meinem Auto und diesem sticker wohl in Deutschland anstellen würde.... :angry2:

Ich finde es immer wieder unglaublich, wie weit unsere Welten auseinanderklaffen in dieser Hinsicht.


Leider wird in Deutschland meistens nur an "Amokläufe" gedacht, wenn die Menschen Kinder oder Jugendliche schießen sehen.

Mal ganz davon abgesehen, dass dank dem deutschen Affengesetz das Einstiegsalter für Kinder an Lupi, KK und GK zu hoch angesetzt ist.

Ich durfte mir auch schon nen blöden Spruch eines empörten älteren Herren bezüglich des Visier Aufklebers (auch Waffenbesitzer haben Grundrechte), schätzungsweise anfang 60 anhören.

Er hat da reininterpretiert, dass ich Waffenbesitz als Grundrecht fordere. Tjo wenn man keine Ahnung hat was aktuell politisch in Richtung Waffenbesitz abgeht, dann kommt ebend sowas dabei heraus.

Außerdem meinte er das ich damit nicht so öffentlich hausieren müsse, dass ich Sportschütze sei.

Aber lieber rummaulen als später den Autolack im Arsch.

Nichts destotrotz ist Flagge zeigen richtig und wichtig!


Genau, Flagge zeigen!

Ist auch meine Einstellung. bei mir ist auch die Vereinszugehörigkeit zum Schützenverein am Auto sichtbar.

In unseren Reihen sind sind noch viele die die Meinung vertreten; Das muss doch nicht jeder sehen :peinlich:

Früher hätte ich Verständniss dafür, heute müssen wir uns zeigen. :icon14:

" Kids, wo hunt, trap and shoot

don´t mug little old ladies !"

Ich finde es immer wieder unglaublich, wie weit unsere Welten auseinanderklaffen in dieser Hinsicht.

hallo Grüsse nach Canada von einem "Canadasüchtigen".


Ihr müßt höllisch aufpassen, daß ihr nicht in spätestens 10 Jahren die gleichen Waffengesetze habt wie wir in Old Germany. Bestrebungen dazu sind ja genug im gange.



Ihr müßt höllisch aufpassen, daß ihr nicht in spätestens 10 Jahren die gleichen Waffengesetze habt wie wir in Old Germany.

Die Kanadier haben doch jetzt schon ein viel besch.....eideneres Waffengesetz als wir! :bad:

Kaum HA (ausser AR-15 mit 5-Schuss Magazinen), starke Beschränkungen bei KW (keine .25 und .32-er Kaliber, Lauflänge muss über 105mm liegen, max. 10-Schuss Magazine) und weitere Sauereien.

Die Kanadier haben doch jetzt schon ein viel besch.....eideneres Waffengesetz als wir! :bad:

Kaum HA (ausser AR-15 mit 5-Schuss Magazinen), starke Beschränkungen bei KW (keine .25 und .32-er Kaliber, Lauflänge muss über 105mm liegen, max. 10-Schuss Magazine) und weitere Sauereien.


Es gibt Länder, die definitiv noch ärmer dran sind. Einzig und allein im Diffarmieren, Ausgrenzen und Gängeln sind die Deutschen sicherlich besser als andere Länder... :rolleyes:

Was ansonsten das Thema angeht: Klar ist Flagge zeigen richtig. Angst vor Repressionen von Seiten normaler Bürger habe indes wenig, denn die meisten haben schon begriffen, wie der Hase der Gutmenschen läuft und zeigen sich neutral bis interessiert...und der Rest (Der auch in den eigenen Reihen rumrennt) kann man eh getrost vergessen...

btw: Den SPruch "guncontrol means hitting your target." finde ich auch nicht schlecht.

Es gibt Länder, die definitiv noch ärmer dran sind. Einzig und allein im Diffarmieren, Ausgrenzen und Gängeln sind die Deutschen sicherlich besser als andere Länder... :rolleyes:

"Die Deutschen sind wieder die Besten. Diesmal die besten darin, die Guten zu sein. Sie dulden es, daß bei ihnen Dutzende Moscheen gebaut wurden, sie beherbergen auf ihrem Territorium Klein-Türkei, Klein-Albanien, Klein-Rußland, Klein-Afrika und Klein-Polen - und irgendwwie kommen sie damit zurecht. Bei uns in Polen sollte jüngst eine Moschee gebaut werden, und gleich ging das Geschrei los. Merkwürdig sind diese deutschen - und unfaßbar."

sagte der polnische Schriftsteller Andrzej Stasiuk im Focus.

Die Kanadier haben doch jetzt schon ein viel besch.....eideneres Waffengesetz als wir! :bad:

Kaum HA (ausser AR-15 mit 5-Schuss Magazinen),

Was meinst du mit kaum HA? Ich nehme an Halbautomatische? Wieso sollten die hier kaum vertreten sein? Ganz im Gegenteil.

Die Magazinbegrenzung macht mir keine Probleme. Aber Kanada sind nicht die USA, wo man mit seiner Kanone in den Supermarkt spazieren kann.

Und wenn es mich gelüstet, eine Flak abzuschießen, dann fahre ich mal eben über die Grenze.

Aber ich meinte mit meinem Post keineswegs "ätsch, hier ist alles viel besser als bei euch in Dtl."

Es ging mir um die Einstellung der Leute zu Schußwaffen. Und die empfinde ich hier als weitaus positiver als in Dtl. Zumindest was meine eigenen Erfahrungen angeht.




Müssen wir uns nun schon grenzübergreifend anmachen!?


Du weißt, was ich meine: In Sachen Kanonen geht das Geschrei dann sofort wieder los... Moscheen sind da was anderes- das ist ja was friedliches, gelle!? :rolleyes:


Hier in Kurzform das Affengesetz in Kanada:

There are three categories of firearms for purposes of Canadian law:


•restricted, and


This fact sheet identifies which firearms are restricted or prohibited, as set out in the Criminal Code and the Criminal Code Regulations. Some firearms are classified on the bases of their physical characteristics, such as barrel length or type of action; others are specified by make and model.

Non-restricted firearms are any rifles and shotguns that are neither restricted nor prohibited. Most common long guns are non-restricted, but there are a few exceptions, as indicated in this fact sheet.

Definition of a Restricted Firearm

According to the Criminal Code, a restricted firearm is:

•a handgun that is not a prohibited firearm;

•a semi-automatic, centre-fire rifle or shotgun with a barrel length less than 470 mm (18.5 inches) that is not prohibited;

•a rifle or shotgun that can fire when its overall length is reduced by folding, telescoping or some other means to less than 660 mm (26 inches);

•any firearm prescribed as restricted (including some long guns).

Firearms Prescribed as Restricted

This list of restricted firearms specified in the December 1, 1998 Criminal Code regulations includes all firearms that have been restricted by a former Order in Council.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the High Standard Model 10, Series A shotgun and the High Standard Model 10, Series B shotgun, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the M-16 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the:

◦Colt AR-15;

◦Colt AR-15 SPI;

◦Colt AR-15 Sporter;

◦Colt AR-15 Collapsible Stock Model;

◦Colt AR-15 A2;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Carbine;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Government Model Rifle;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Government Model Target Rifle;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Government Model Carbine;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Sporter II;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 H-BAR;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Delta H-BAR;

◦Colt AR-15 A2 Delta H-BAR Match;

◦Colt AR-15 9mm Carbine;

■Armalite AR-15;

■AAI M15;


■EAC J-15;

■PWA Commando;



■SWD AR-15; and,

◦Any 22 calibre rimfire variant, including the:

■Mitchell M-16A-1/22,

■Mitchell M-16/22,

■Mitchell CAR-15/22, and

■AP74 Auto Rifle.

Top of PageDefinition of a Prohibited Firearm

The Criminal Code states that a prohibited firearm is:

•a handgun with a barrel length of 105 mm or less;

•a handgun designed or adapted to discharge 25 or 32 calibre ammunition;

•a rifle or shotgun that has been altered to make it less than 660 mm (26 inches) in overall length;

•a rifle or shotgun that has been altered to make the barrel length less than 457 mm (18 inches) where the overall firearm length is 660 mm (26 inches) or more;

•an automatic firearm and a converted automatic firearm;

•any firearm prescribed as prohibited.

* Exceptions to the Prohibited Firearm Definition

Certain handguns for use in international sporting competitions are excluded from the prohibition affecting the short-barreled and 25 or 32 calibre handguns. These handguns therefore are considered restricted firearms under the Criminal Code. These handguns are the:

Make Model Calibre

1. Benelli

MP 90 S

32 S&W Long

2. Domino

OP 601

22 Short

3. Erma

ESP 85 A

32 S&W Long

4. FAS

CF 603

32 S&W Long

5. FAS


22 Short

6. Hammerli-Walther


22 Short

7. Hammerli-Walther


22 Short

8. Hammerli


22 Short

9. Hammerli


22 Short

10. Hammerli


22 Short

11. Hammerli


22 Short

12. Hammerli


32 S&W Long

13. Hammerli


32 S&W Long

14. Hammerli


22 LR

15. Hammerli


32 S&W Long

16. High Standard


22 Short

17. Manurhin

MR 32 Match

32 S&W Long

18. Pardini


22 Short

19. Pardini

GP Schumann

22 Short

20. Pardini


32 S&W Long

21. Pardini


32 S&W Long

22. Sako


22 Short

23. Sako


22 LR

24. Sako


32 S&W Long

25. Sako


22 Short

26. Sako


22 LR

27. Sako


32 S&W Long

28. Unique

DES 69

22 LR

29. Unique

VO 79

22 Short

30. Unique

DES 32 U

32 S&W Long

31. Vostok

TOZ 96

32 S&W Long

32. Walther


22 LR

33. Walther


22 Short

34. Walther


32 S&W Long

35. Walther


22 LR

36. Walther


22 Short

37. Walther


32 S&W Long

Firearms Prescribed as Prohibited

As with restricted firearms, a Criminal Code regulation listing all the firearms previously prohibited by Order in Council came into effect December 1, 1998. Those firearms are:

Top of PageFormer Prohibited Weapons Order No. 3

Any firearm capable of discharging a dart or other object carrying an electrical current or substance, including the firearm of the design commonly known as the Taser Public Defender and any variant or modified version of it.

Former Prohibited Weapons Order No. 8

The firearm known as the SSS-1 Stinger and any similar firearm designed or of a size to fit in the palm of the hand.

Former Prohibited Weapons Order No. 11

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Franchi LAW 12 shotgun.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Striker shotgun, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Striker 12 shotgun and the Streetsweeper shotgun.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the USAS-12 Auto Shotgun, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Franchi SPAS-15 shotgun, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Benelli M1 Super 90 shotgun and the Benelli M3 Super 90 shotgun, and any variants or modified versions of them, with the exception of the:

◦M1 Super 90 Field;

◦M1 Super 90 Sporting Special;

◦Montefeltro Super 90;

◦Montefeltro Super 90 Standard Hunter;

◦Montefeltro Super 90 Left Hand;

◦Montefeltro Super 90 Turkey;

◦Montefeltro Super 90 Uplander;

◦Montefeltro Super 90 Slug;

◦Montefeltro Super 90 20 Gauge;

◦Black Eagle;

◦Black Eagle Limited Edition;

◦Black Eagle Competition;

◦Black Eagle Slug Gun;

◦Super Black Eagle; and

◦Super Black Eagle Custom Slug.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Bernardelli B4 shotgun and the Bernardelli B4/B shotgun, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the American 180 Auto Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it, including the AM-180 Auto Carbine and the Illinois Arms Company Model 180 Auto Carbine.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Barrett "Light Fifty" Model 82A1 rifle and the Barrett Model 90 rifle, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Calico M-900 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the M-951 carbine, M-100 carbine and M-105 carbine.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Iver Johnson AMAC long-range rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the McMillan M87 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the McMillan M87R rifle and the McMillan M88 carbine.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Pauza Specialties P50 rifle and P50 carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Encom MK-IV carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Encom MP-9 and MP-45 carbines, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the FAMAS rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the MAS 223, FAMAS Export, FAMAS Civil and Mitchell MAS/22.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Feather AT-9 Semi-Auto Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Feather AT-22 Auto Carbine.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Federal XC-450 Auto Rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Federal XC-900 rifle and Federal XC-220 rifle.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Gepard long-range sniper rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Heckler and Koch (HK) Model G11 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Research Armament Industries (RAI) Model 500 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Spectre Auto Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the US Arms PMAI "Assault" 22 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Weaver Arms Nighthawk Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the A.A. Arms AR9 Semi-Automatic Rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Claridge HI-TEC C, LEC-9 and ZLEC-9 carbines, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Kimel Industries AR-9 rifle or carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Grendel R-31 Auto Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Maadi Griffin Rifle and the Maadi Griffin Carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the AA Arms Model AR-9 carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Bushmaster Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Calico M-950 Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the M-110 pistol.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Encom MK-IV assault pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Encom MP-9 and MP-45 assault pistols, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the Encom MP-9 and MP-45 mini pistols.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Federal XP-450 Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the XP-900 Auto Pistol.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Heckler and Koch (HK) SP89 Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Intratec Tec-9 Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Tec-9S, Tec-9M, Tec-9MS, and any semi-automatic variants of them, including the Tec-DC9, Tec-DC9M, Tec-9A, Tec-Scorpion, Tec-22T and Tec-22TN.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Iver Johnson Enforcer Model 3000 Auto Pistol and the Iver Johnson Plainfield Super Enforcer Carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Skorpion Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Spectre Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Sterling Mk 7 pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Sterling Mk 7 C4 and Sterling Mk 7 C8.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Universal Enforcer Model 3000 Auto Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Universal Enforcer Model 3010N, Model 3015G, Model 3020TRB and Model 3025TCO Carbines.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the US Arms PMAIP "Assault" 22 pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Goncz High-Tech Long Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Claridge Hi-Tec models S, L, T, ZL-9 and ZT-9 pistols.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Leader Mark 5 Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the OA-93 assault pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the A.A. Arms AP9 Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Patriot pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the XM 231S pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the A1, A2 and A3 Flattop pistols.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the AA Arms Model AP-9 pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Target AP-9 and the Mini AP-9 pistols.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Kimel Industries AP-9 pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Grendel P-30, P-30 M, P-30 L and P-31 pistols, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Claridge HI-TEC ZL-9, HI-TEC S, HI-TEC L, HI-TEC T, HI-TEC ZT-9 and HI-TEC ZL-9 pistols, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Steyr SPP Assault Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Maadi Griffin Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Interdynamics KG-99 Assault Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

Former Prohibited Weapons Order No. 12 (in effect since October 1, 1992)

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Sterling Mk 6 Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Steyr AUG rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the UZI carbine, and any variant or modified version of it, including the UZI Model A carbine and the Mini-UZI carbine.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the Ingram M10 and M11 pistols, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the Cobray M10 and M11 pistols, the RPB M10, M11, SM10 and SM11 pistols and the SWD M10, M11, SM10 and SM11 pistols.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Partisan Avenger Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the UZI pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Micro-UZI pistol.

Top of PageFormer Prohibited Weapons Order No. 13 (in effect since January 1, 1995)

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the AK-47 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it except for the Valmet Hunter, the Valmet Hunter Auto and the Valmet M78 rifles, but including the:

◦(a) AK-74;

◦(B) AK Hunter;

◦© AKM;

◦(d) AKM-63;

◦(e) AKS-56S;

◦(f) AKS-56S-1;

◦(g) AKS-56S-2;

◦(h) AKS-74;

◦(i) AKS-84S-1;

◦(j) AMD-65;

◦(k) AR Model .223;

◦(l) Dragunov;

◦(m) Galil;

◦(n) KKMPi69;

◦(o) M60;

◦(p) M62;

◦(q) M70B1;

◦® M70AB2;

◦(s) M76;

◦(t) M77B1;

◦(u) M78;

◦(v) M80;

◦(w) M80A;

◦(x) MAK90;

◦(y) MPiK;

◦(z) MPiKM;

◦(z.1) MPiKMS-72;

◦(z.2) MPiKS;

◦(z.3) PKM;

◦(z.4) PKM-DGN-60;

◦(z.5) PMKM;

◦(z.6) RPK;

◦(z.7) RPK-74;

◦(z.8) RPK-87S;

◦(z.9) Type 56;

◦(z.10) Type 56-1;

◦(z.11) Type 56-2;

◦(z.12) Type 56-3;

◦(z.13) Type 56-4;

◦(z.14) Type 68;

◦(z.15) Type 79;

◦(z.16) American Arms AKY39;

◦(z.17) American Arms AKF39;

◦(z.18) American Arms AKC47;

◦(z.19) American Arms AKF47;

◦(z.20) MAM70WS762;

◦(z.21) MAM70FS762;

◦(z.22) Mitchell AK-22;

◦(z.23) Mitchell AK-47;

◦(z.24) Mitchell Heavy Barrel AK-47;

◦(z.25) Norinco 84S;

◦(z.26) Norinco 84S AK;

◦(z.27) Norinco 56;

◦(z.28) Norinco 56-1;

◦(z.29) Norinco 56-2;

◦(z.30) Norinco 56-3;

◦(z.31) Norinco 56-4;

◦(z.32) Poly Technologies Inc. AK-47/S;

◦(z.33) Poly Technologies Inc. AKS-47/S;

◦(z.34) Poly Technologies Inc. AKS-762;

◦(z.35) Valmet M76;

◦(z.36) Valmet M76 carbine;

◦(z.37) Valmet M78/A2;

◦(z.38) Valmet M78 (NATO) LMG;

◦(z.39) Valmet M82; and

◦(z.40) Valmet M82 Bullpup.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Armalite AR-180 Sporter carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Beretta AR70 assault rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the BM 59 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including:

◦the Beretta

■BM 59,

■BM 59R,

■BM 59GL,

■BM 59D,

■BM 59 Mk E,

■BM 59 Mk I,

■BM 59 Mk Ital,

■BM 59 Mk II,

■BM 59 Mk III,

■BM 59 Mk Ital TA,

■BM 59 Mk Ital Para,

■BM 59 Mk Ital TP, and

■BM 60CB; and

◦the Springfield Armory:

■BM 59 Alpine,

■BM 59 Alpine Paratrooper, and

■BM 59 Nigerian Mk IV.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Bushmaster Auto Rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Cetme Sport Auto Rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Daewoo K1 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Daewoo K1A1, K2, Max 1, Max 2, AR-100, AR 110C, MAXI-II and KC-20.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Demro TAC-1M carbine, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Demro XF-7 Wasp Carbine.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Eagle Apache Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the FN-FNC rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the FNC Auto Rifle, FNC Auto Paratrooper, FNC-11, FNC-22 and FNC-33.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the FN-FAL (FN-LAR) rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the FN 308 Model 44, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Competition Auto, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Heavy Barrel 308 Match, FN-FAL (FN-LAR) Paratrooper 308 Match 50-64 and FN 308 Model 50-63.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the G3 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Heckler and Koch:

◦HK 91;

◦HK 91A2;

◦HK 91A3;

◦HK G3 A3;

◦HK G3 A3 ZF;

◦HK G3 A4;

◦HK G3 SG/1; and


•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Galil assault rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the AP-84, Galil ARM, Galil AR, Galil SAR, Galil 332 and Mitchell Galil/22 Auto Rifle.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Goncz High-Tech Carbine, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Heckler and Koch HK 33 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the:

◦HK 33A2;

◦HK 33A3;

◦HK 33KA1;

◦HK 93;

◦HK 93A2; and

◦HK 93A3.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the J & R Eng M-68 carbine, and any variant or modified version of it, including the PJK M-68 and the Wilkinson Terry carbine.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Leader Mark Series Auto Rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the MP5 submachine gun and MP5 carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the Heckler and Koch:

◦HK MP5;

◦HK MP5A2;

◦HK MP5A3;






◦HK 94;

◦HK 94A2; and,

◦HK 94A3.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the PE57 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearms of the designs commonly known as the SG-550 rifle and SG-551 carbine, and any variants or modified versions of them.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the SIG AMT rifle, and any variant or modified version of it.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Springfield Armory SAR-48 rifle, and any variant or modified version of it, including the SAR-48 Bush, SAR-48 Heavy Barrel, SAR-48 Para and SAR-48 Model 22.

•The firearm of the design commonly known as the Thompson submachine gun, and any variant or modified version of it, including the:

◦Thompson Model 1921;

◦Thompson Model 1927;

◦Thompson Model 1928;

◦Thompson Model M1;

◦Auto-Ordnance M27A-1;

◦Auto-Ordnance M27A-1 Deluxe;

◦Auto-Ordnance M1927A-3;

◦Auto-Ordnance M1927A-5;

◦Auto-Ordnance Thompson M1;

◦Commando Arms Mk I;

◦Commando Arms Mk II;

◦Commando Arms Mk III;

◦Commando Arms Mk 9; and,

◦Commando Arms Mk 45.

Hier in Kurzform das Affengesetz in Kanada:

Dafür haben die Kanadier und erst recht die Australier mit ihrem noch besseren Waffengesetz eben die Englische Queen als Staatsoberhaupt.

Das können die Schweizer z.B. nicht und die Amerikaner nicht mehr von sich behaupten.

Man kann halt nicht alles haben.


Man sollte vielleicht auch etwas Englisch können.

Restricted firearms besitze ich eine ganze Reihe und durch den Erwerb der "restricted" Sachkundeprüfung kann man diese erweben und führen etc.

Auch gibt es eine Reihe von Ausnahmen, die oben aufgelistet sind.

Die meisten prohibited sind Vollautomatische. Dennoch ist es auch möglich, mit Ausnahmegenehmigung bestimmte "prohobited" Waffen haben zu können.

Aber wie Tupperwarefan schon anmerkte, weiß ich nicht, wieso wir uns hier angreifen müssen. Es ging hier um Waffenlobby bzw. um Flagge zeigen gegen Waffengegner. Aber wenn man hier lieber was anderes in meine posts reininterpretieren will, kann ich keinen davon abhalten.

Man muß auch bedenken, daß Waffengegner gerne solche Foren aufsuchen. Die werden sich freuen, wenn die sehen, daß wir uns schon untereinander zerlegen.

  • 2 Wochen später...
Seit heute prangt ein gut sichtbarer Aufkleber auf meinem Auto,

" Kids, wo hunt, trap and shoot

don´t mug little old ladies !"

(to mug: ausrauben, überfallen)

Ich stelle mir gerade vor, was man mit meinem Auto und diesem sticker wohl in Deutschland anstellen würde.... :angry2:

Ich finde es immer wieder unglaublich, wie weit unsere Welten auseinanderklaffen in dieser Hinsicht.

kannst du das mal lassen! das deprimiert mich ;)

auf nach kanada.

Oh Gott wie interessant....!

Was interessiert mich das Kanadische Waffengesetz, mir reicht der Text von unserem Wa Gesetz! :gaga:

Genau so überflüssig finde ich den "englisch Unterricht"!

Manche sind halt weder lernfähig noch lernwillig. Wenn dich das Lesen so anstrengt, schau doch Fernsehen...

Wenn es dich nicht interessiert, ist das die eine Seite. Aber zum Beispiel jemandem erklären zu können, dass es keine "amerikanischen Verhältnisse" gibt und warum, weil man zu mindest in Grundzügen die Regeln in anderen Staaten kennt, macht schon Sinn.

Eigene Bildung schadet niemandem, außer dem politischen Gegner.




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