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Newsticker-EU Waffenrechtsverschärfung

Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Eine, zum Thema Waffen ziemlich dünne, Presseerklärung hat gerade der "Rat" zu seiner Sitzung am 09.-10.06.2016 veröffenlicht, siehe Seite 8





The Council agreed its negotiating position (9841/16) on the proposal for a directive on control of acquisition and possession of weapons, which reviews and completes existing directive

91/477/EEC. On the basis of this mandate, the presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament as soon as the latter has adopted its position.

For more information see press release.


Das "press release" müsste das hier sein (schon etwas älter, vom 10.06.2016).


Bearbeitet von horidoman

Report Mainz macht mal wieder Stimmung gegen Besitzer von legalen Halbautomaten. Die Gewerkschaft der Polizei lässt sich hierfür auch noch dankbar in's Boot holen. Marc Schieferdecker versucht zu retten, was zu retten ist, aber wenn der Schiri und die Fans gegen dich sind, kannst du nich so gut Fussball spielen...


Mag wer bissle mitkommentieren und Shitstorm machen?



Anna-Maria Corazza-Bildt hat auch einen neuen Videobeitrag zur Feuerwaffenrichtline. Kann jemand Schwedisch und das übersetzen?

Offener Brief der tschechischen Gun Rights Organisation "LEX" an IMCO:





Dear Mrs. Ford,

We received certain information that the Commission, S&D and Greens are strongly pressing on you to accept limitations which were agreed upon by Council, with reasoning that “something must be banned“. Some other shadow rapporteurs are allegedly willing to accepts those demands. We would like if you could pass our position on this matter to them.

As you may know, we did our best to approach to this issue constructively and lend our expertise to find solutions of real security problems, like poorly deactivated firearms, “salute” AK's and so on. As of me, I personally spoke in media several times against demands to reject whole proposal, explaining that revision of the Directive cannot be simply thrown away because of real and serious security problems that need to be addressed.

We are very sorry that some shadow rapporteurs interpreted our good will to search for the solutions of security problems absolutely mistakingly as willingness to discuss about rights of the law-abiding people whom we represent and defend, or even as our willingness to sacrifice them to the Commission's satisfaction.

The Commission itself bears immense responsibility for some of the terrorist attacks and many other crimes, on which it participated by its unbelievable and knowing negligence of its legal duties. As you surely know, current Directive of 2008 assigns duty that “The Commission shall, acting in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 13a(2) of the Directive, issue common guidelines on deactivation standards and techniques to ensure that deactivated firearms are rendered irreversibly inoperable.” Surely you know as well that in spite of several warnings from both government and non-government organisations about crimes committed with those firearms, the Commission didn't fulfill that duty until 18. 11. 2015, e.g. seven years after establishment of that duty.

That's absolutely outrageous. Every common citizen who would neglect his legal duty for seven years, while repeatedly warned that people die because of it, would land in prison for long time. Of course, the Commission isn't going into prison; on the contrary, it even demands punishment of people, who did nothing wrong, for its own gross and knowing negligence.

We didn't point to that, because we preferred searching for solutions of problems before searching for someone to punish. Even when the Commission didn't show the slightest glint of self-reflection and insisted on its “something must be banned, because someone must suffer for our sloppiness” position, we believed that common sense shall prevail in the legislative bodies of Union, which shall show the Commission its place and shall cooperate with firearms owners on fixing problems caused by the Commission's negligence, instead of pursuing politically-motivated infringements on their rights. Especially the approach of you and your team, as well as IMCO discussions, gave us hope that the European Union shall behave like an effective tool for protection of both citizens and their rights, not like bureaucratic colossus controlled by wishes of unelected officials.

The IMCO Committee did a great job, for which we are very grateful. Unfortunately, its proposal still contains two points which we cannot imagine Czech public to accept (i.e. voluntarily follow). In the case of adoption of those points, we would be forced to ask Czech political representation to side with their citizens and refuse to implement those points.

First of those points is that the Commission would make rules for conversion of automatic firearms into semi-automatic. To be clear: we fully understand and agree that to convert military firearm to civilian one, technical process of demilitarisation has to be performed correctly and diligently in order to make it irreversible. We don't contend that. However, we doubt about the Commission's technical competence and good will for this task.

Note that part of current IMCO proposal is correction of mistakes that the Commission made in Regulation on deactivation of firearms. Deactivation of firearm is in fact quite simple process compared to conversion. This kind of rules must be made by someone who understands the issue, and the Commission's bodies obviously don't understand that (as even Alain Alexis, director of DG COMP, conceded while in Prague: “Main task of our division is funding of defense industries, civilian firearms are not our prime interest”). Also, while it is certainly possible to convert automatic firearm into semi-automatic in irreversible way, the question is whether it's possible to make unified rules for it: different firearms have different trigger mechanisms, therefore conversion cannot always be performed in the same way. For many firearms, specific conversion rules might be necessary.

Besides this technical view, we must point that the Commission designated ban on these firearms as its political trophy and proof that it “protects the citizens”, and persistently tries to hunt it down at any cost, even by manipulation and deceit1. We therefore fear that if this power shall be delegated on the Commission, it shall purposefully write conversion rules to be impossible to use in practice. On top of that, current IMCO proposal says that no conversions may be performed until the Commission writes down rules for them, which effectively gives the Commission power to ban conversions by not writing those rules. (Yes, there is a deadline in the proposal, but we also have bitter experience (mentioned above) about how the Commission treats its duties, and that there is no way how to force it to fulfill them.)

Therefore we propose an alternate procedure, based on objective expertise, which allows flexibility while guaranteeing safety, diligence and control. This system is already in force in Czech republic and works for several years without problems. Actual method of conversion is designed by manufacturer who wants to use it. However, before using it (i.e. before actual performing of any conversions) he must present his method to national proofhouse for evaluation. The proofhouse is bound by law to approve only methods that guarantees irreversibility of the process. Even after his method was approved, manufacturer must present every converted firearm to proofhouse for inspection, which shall ensure that approved method of conversion was performed correctly. Following of whole process is ensured by fact that only after final inspection, the proofhouse shall stamp civilian proofmark on the firearm, without which it cannot be sold or otherwise transferred into civilian market.

You can find actual wording of our proposal in attached document (marked in red).

The other unacceptable point for us are changes proposed in points 12.B and 12.C, i.e. ban on folding stocks and magazine capacity limitation. Even without practical unenforceability of these provisions, these are exactly those limitations without any relation to terrorism or any other real problem2 and have no purpose or effect, except for making political statement. That's exactly why firearms owners see those limitations as pure punishment for someone else's fault, as mentioned above. In spite of looming ban, sales of those firearms and magazines are growing, suggesting that people aren't going to obey these bans voluntarily. Enactment of these limitations on European level would put Czech government into position, where it has to decide between either refusal of implementation, or enforcing them on Czech citizens through prosecution and punishment. I have to remind here that Czech executive and both chambers of the Parliament already issued their official position, claiming (among others) refusal of persecution of citizens by unjustified infringement on legal firearms possession. Violation of such a promise and enforcing limitations that are widely perceived as groundless and unjust would surely not only undermine trust of citizens in their state, it would also lead to significant increase of anti-Union sentiments among population. These would be probably bolstered by proposed exemption for sport shooters – a permissions for members of state-approved organisations – which looks exactly like remnant from our totalitarian past.

For these reasons, we ask you to adopt changes proposed above.


Yours sincerely

LEX – Czech firearms rights association
Tomas Travnicek, president
Jakub Smetanka, vicepresident
David Karasek, spokesman



Für Facebook-Nutzer:





Vicky Ford hat etwas neues auf ihrer Facebook-Seite gepostet. Sie ist ein großer Motorsportfan und hat der britischen Motorsportvereinigung mit einigen legalen Hürden geholfen:




Hier ist mein Kommentar dazu:


Dear Mrs Ford, I'm a huge motorsport enthusiast and really appreciate your efforts for this community.

Motorsports shows that with proper precautions you can have extremely powerful vehicles racing at 200mph wheel-to-wheel and be able to enjoy this, both as a driver and a spectator.

Shooting sports is exactly the same thing. IPSC with semi-automatic rifles is the Formula 1 of shooting sports. Yes, you can have fun with an antique bolt action rifle on a static 100m shoot, same as you can have fun with a 1960 Mini on a Classic Car Rally. Nevertheless, nothing can compare to the noise and incredible performance of F1 cars. This is, why shooters adore modern sporting rifles and the dynamic shooting disciplines. It's fast, it requires massive amounts of fitness and concentration, and for someone not familiar it seems out of this world.

There are a handful of morons, who want to race on the streets with their modified Ford Focus and crash into other road users. Still, noone is asking for a ban of powerful street vehicles or a ban of F1. It shuld be exactly the same with our sporting firearms.

In the right hands, these machines can be breathtaking to use and to watch. Maybe you want to come visit a IPSC shooting event or a Cowboy Action Match, same as you did with F1 in Silverstone. I'm sure, there are people who would gladly invite you. Let us know.

With best regards from Germany


Hat zwar jetzt nicht 100% mit Waffen zu tun, aber vielleicht mag der ein oder andere auch kommentieren :)



Woher haben die tschechischen Freunde diesen Anhang?

pdf.gifIMCO4.pdf    828 kB

Online auf der EP ParlamentsHP oder im Procedure-file gibts den nicht, oder?





Geleaktes Dokument aus IMCO. Es wurde nicht weit veröffentlicht, da es von einer internen ProGun-Quelle stammt.

Firearms United hat auf Basis dieses Papiers eine Wahlempfehlung zu den Punkten verfasst, findet sich auf der Website.

Und ja, wie ich u.a. angedeutet hatte, der 20 Schuss Krampf wird auch dort erwähnt...Dieses Papier ersetzt im übrigen die meisten der 800 Amendments und ist ein sehr fauler "Kompromiss".

Vicky Ford kämpft Ende des Jahres um Wiederwahl als Chair in IMCO und ist seit Brexit deshalb übermäßig kompromissbereit gegenüber Sozis und Grünen.

Beste Grüße


vor einer Stunde schrieb Empty8sh:

Geleaktes Dokument aus IMCO. ...Dieses Papier ersetzt im übrigen die meisten der 800 Amendments ...


Was heißt denn das jetzt für die Abstimmung morgen?

Ein Zusehen, mitverfolgen oder sogar ein Abstimmen ist müßig, weil bei der Sitzung die vorhandenen und immer noch verlinkten Sitzungsdokumente falsch sind? Das kanns doch nicht sein oder? Nach dem zwielichtigen Zustandekommen des Abstimmungsergebnisses im JURI-Ausschuss jetzt das? Gibts in diesem Augiasstall EU überhaupt keine Regeln? :angry2:

vor 1 Stunde schrieb horidoman:


Was heißt denn das jetzt für die Abstimmung morgen?

Ein Zusehen, mitverfolgen oder sogar ein Abstimmen ist müßig, weil bei der Sitzung die vorhandenen und immer noch verlinkten Sitzungsdokumente falsch sind? Das kanns doch nicht sein oder? Nach dem zwielichtigen Zustandekommen des Abstimmungsergebnisses im JURI-Ausschuss jetzt das? Gibts in diesem Augiasstall EU überhaupt keine Regeln? :angry2:


Eine Überschwemmung oder ein Tsunami wäre da durchaus nötig.


Das Problem ist, dass in diesem Stadium die Briefe/Mails nicht mehr helfen werden, außer dass sie nerven...was zu einer Blockadehaltung führt. Firearms United, FACE, LEX und Industrievertreter versuchen aktuell durch direkten Kontakt mit MEPs noch etwas zu bewirken.


Deswegen auch die Veröffentlichung im Paliament Magazine, da die MEPs das heute auf dem Schreibtisch liegen haben werden.


Es gibt aber einzelne MEPs, die ihre eigenen Amendments trotzdem vorbringen. Evtl. gibt es sogar eine Mehrheit für komplette Ablehnung (ist aber eher unwahrscheinlich).


Wir haben das Schiff auf groben Kurs gebracht, jetzt müssen wir hoffen, dass es nicht in der Brandung zerschellt. Vor Gericht und auf See...


Beste Grüße




Bitte die letzten 3 Beiträge stehen lassen...





Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 53 Minuten schrieb Shelby:

Du meinst also, dass wir nicht mehr schreiben sollen?


Nein, ich bezweifle nur die Wirkung jetzt so kurz vor der Abstimmung. Ich lag aber schon mit meinen letzten Einschätzungen falsch, also lasst euch von mir nicht beeinflussen.


Ich selber habe in den letzten Tagen mein Pulver komplett verschossen in Bezug auf Briefe. Wer schreiben mag, kann das gerne tun. Vermeidet aber Kettenmails, sondern schreibt gezielt die entsprechenden Leute an.


Beste Grüße



EDIT: Das hier war mein finaler Brief an IMCO und die Berichterstatter:



I would like to ask you for your vote tomorrow against any ban or unjustified restrictions of legally owned firearms without an impact assessment.

There is no reason to put certain semi-automatic firearms in Category A, just to grant exceptions, which can then be revoked without any further legislative change. This is a postponed ban, nothing else.

A ban on firearms above 10 or 20 rounds affects ALL firearms with a detachable magazine, as any of these can theoretically use larger magazines. This paragraph is improperly worded and creates huge legal insecurities.

None of the proposed measures affects terrorism in any way, it just puts blame on law-abiding citizens. Please put a stop to this.

Thank you very much, with best regards


Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor einer Stunde schrieb Shelby:

Du meinst also, dass wir nicht mehr schreiben sollen?


Noch eins: Direktester Draht ist die Facebookseite von Vicky Ford. Da könnt ihr am ehesten noch Kommentare hinterlassen. Ich kann nicht mehr kommentieren, da Facebook mich nach zu vielen Kommentaren unter den Posts für einige Zeit blockt.




Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hier der Link zum heutigen Livestream:




15:00 geht die Sitzung los, ab 15:45 soll abgestimmt werden, wenn meine Informationen passen.


Hier ist die offizielle Version der Compromise Amendments:


Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Link zum "Procedure File" Zum Mitlesen: Link zu "Committe draft report" und zu den bisherigen "Amendments" der Abgeordneten 


Die heutige veröffentlichte Version der "Compromise Amendments" ist da natürlich nicht enthalten und liegt den Abgeordneten vermutlich auch nur in englischer Sprache vor.

Bearbeitet von horidoman
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hier eine schriftliche Presseinfo zur heutigen Abstimmung  http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/20160711IPR36757/Gun-control-MEPs-clarify-licensing-rules-and-safeguards


Unter Next Steps sieht man, wie es weitergeht.


Für den 22.11 war ja die Abstimmung bzw. 1. Lesung im Parlament terminiert.


Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, wird dann vorher im September der Trialog beginnen. Mir ist jetzt nicht ganz klar, über was das Parlament dann am 22.11 spricht oder sogar abtimmt: über das Ergebnis der heutigen Abstimmung im IMCO oder über den noch zu erreichenden Kompromiss aus dem Trialog?

Bearbeitet von shooter2015

Ich habe nochmal beim Press Officer von IMCO um Klarstellung des Paragraphen 12B zur Kategorie A7 gebeten. Vielleicht solltet ihr das auch tun.





Dear Mrs Nadkarni,
I would like to ask for clarification on point 12B of the compromise amendments in today's IMCO vote, the criteria for category A7.
"semi-automatic centerfire firearms which allow the firing of more than 21 rounds without reloading, if a loading device with a capacity exceeding 20 rounds is part of the firearm or is inserted into it"
Does this apply...
1) only when a magazine with more than 20 rounds of capacity is inserted (otherwise the firearm stays in Cat. B4/B7)
2) for the pure technical possibility of accepting larger magazines above 20 rounds
3) if a magazine above 20 rounds is shipped with the firearm / is standard issue for the specific firearm
4) if magazines above 20 rounds are generally available on the market for the specific firearm
Thank you very much in advance for clarification!
Best regards


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