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OT: hessisch - englisch


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isch kennt misch hiwerfe, wo der bou doch immer die scheene sache herhat.

isch glaab , der hot unnerm dooch nix zu schaffe smile.gif


Beste Grüße


Forum Waffenrecht Nr.3208


Anner The other one

Babba Father

babbele to speak

babbisch sticky

Balmegadde Famous botanical garden

wie bei de Hembels unnerm Sofa

Colloquial: legendary place that everybody knows but nobody has ever seen

beleidischd Lebberworscht Sensitive person

Bembel Jug for famous Hessian beverage

Bobbelsche Little child, baby

Bosse mache to do something stupid

brunze to urinate

bummbe to beat, hit

Dasch Bag, pocket

der geht ran wie de Flocki ans Gehaggte Not very shy person

des zischt wie Abbelsaft "that fizzes like apple juice"

Dibbe Pot

Dibbemess' Frankfurt public festival

Dollbohrer Awkward person also known as "Hannebambel"

Dorschenanner A big mess

dozze lasse to drop something

dribbe over there

druff up there

Dubbe blot of paint; also: to be somewhat dull

Dummbabbler Someone who talks too much. Similar to: "Sabbelschnuut"

Ebbel Apple

Ebbelwoi famous Hessian beverage

enuff up

enunner down

Erbaame! Zu spät! Die Hesse komme! Hessian National Anthem

fuddele to work not very accurately

Geknoddel Total mess

Grädediersche Small fish

Grie Soß Popular Frankfurt dish

gugge to watch

Gummer Cucumber

Guuuude Hello, nice to see you!

Ei Guuuude wiie? Hello, nice to see you! How are you today?

Wo meschste hie? Where are you going?

Guutsje Candy

Häusje Small house, hut

Hauptwach Frankfurt Times Square

Herr uff Stop! Similar to: Mooomendemal"

Hessisch-Kongo Area south of Darmstadt

Hessisch-Sibirie Area north of Giessen

Hibbe over there; to jump

Hibbelisch nervous

Hinkel Chicken

Hogge to sit

Horschemol! Listen!

Kaan Bock net unmotivated

Kaff Small town

Kerrnsche Small car

Kipp Cigarette

Klaa small

Labbe Washcloth

Lebbe geht weider Hessian motto like "Don't worry, be happy"

Lebbern to drink

Lumbeseggel Furtive person

Mobbelsche Not even skinny person. Similar to:"Pummelsche"

Naggisch naked

Nippes Useless things

Offebach Frankfurt Bronx

Petze to drink

Plärre to cry

Sabber Saliva

Schnalle to understand; also colloquial for female

Schnegge tschegge To watch nice girls

Schnibbelsche Little piece

Schnuggelsche Candy; cute girl

Schnuuud Mouth

Schodder cash, money

Schwanger Lersch Fat (female) person

sisch ablesche to go to sleep

Simbel Simpleton

Stinkwatz Smelly person

Uffgeblase arrogant

Uffrabbele to get up; to pull oneself together

Uffschnitt all Hessian sausages, starting with an"u"

Veraaasche to make fun of someone

Wutz Pig; dirty person

Zeil Broadway in Frankfurt

Zuggerschneggsche Sweet round biscuits; also: pet name for girlfriend

Popular Hessian Phrases:

Unn? What's goin' on?

Kumm Hoiner, steck der a o Do you want to smoke, Henrik?

Was hattan da de Babba da? What has the father in his hand?

Prodoneworscht Bread without meat

Du ahle Babbsagg! You suck!

Hä? - Excuse me Sir, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement.

I couldn't hear you well

Mer waases net. We don't know.

Des is abber babbisch! This is a little sticky!

Mer laaft de brieh de stern enunnee - Sweat is running down my face.

Heit brennt de Planeeet widder. - It's really hot today.

Uffgebassd! Pay attention!

Isch werd rischtisch rammdoesisch - I'm feeling kind of weird

Kenndisch graad verriggd werrn! - I'm going mad

Ooch gee haahm! - Be off with you, you foolish person!

Isch mach weida. - Good bye.


...er war einsam aber schneller...

Hoplophobie ist heilbar !

Wenden sie sich vertrauensvoll an Ihren Psychiater !


Schee, das noch en annerer unser hessisch Spraach spreche duht. Des mecht gar nix, wenn sonst kaaner ebbes versteht.


Viele Grüße


Dieses Leben ist eines der härtesten...

(Lebenslange Mitgliedschaft im FWR Nr. 008)


Ei guude, wej?

Ei, de Schlooch ohbr aach eninn! Hej wedd en Kappes gebabbelt, des sich die Balge bäije.

Oh derre Iwwersedsung konnst dou obbr noch emoh e Händsche ohleeche, besunners systemaatisch is dej nejd, des hoh eich inicht neecht schund gedocht.

Versteht das noch jemand? grin.gif



Manchmal tut die Wahrheit eben weh.


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