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Quantity restrictions with regards to ammo in Germany?


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I have been working my way through the German Weapon Law - http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_waffg/englisch_waffg.html.

I have either not read the part dealing with the quantity of ammunition a person is allowed to own or store, or it is not mentioned.

Are there restrictions on the quantity of ammunition a person is allowed to store?

I'm also asking this in light of the huge bulk discounts on ammunition I've seen on the Frankonia site.

The legislation the Governed me in South Africa had the following restrictions:

1. 200 rounds max per firearm/caliber if the individual is not a dedicated hunter or sports person.

2. 10,000 rounds per firearms/caliber if the person is not a dedicated hunter or sport shooter.

10,000 is a lot of ammunition for a hunter, but for an avid shotgun/pistol/rimfire shooter it makes sense to buy bulk once or twice a year to get a better price.

And there are regulations on the transport of dangerous things, that also cover ammunition. But for transportation for private use (not commercial), this is normally no limitation.

This is correct. Hazardous materials regulations are the limit for ammunition, which basically amounts to the sky (and the number and size of the ammo safes) being the limit.


This is correct. Hazardous materials regulations are the limit for ammunition, which basically amounts to the sky (and the number and size of the ammo cabinets) being the limit.

Fixed it.

Ammo does NOT need top be stored in a safe. A sheet metal cabinet with a lock is all what's required.


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