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WW1 trench burried soldiers


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An amazing discovery - one must but wonder how many more are still down there.

I am glad they finally got an official burial, albeit 95 years after the fact.

My grandfather was in that war as a lineman in a New York artillery regiment. He never quite recovered from being gassed - not that constant smoking helped one iota.


My Grandad was a Sergeant in the 5th Hannover Infantrie Regiment 165 and caught a .303 Brit bullet into his hip at the western front. He never recovered from it and died from an infection of his open wound in 1943.


Rest in peace, soldiers.

What a craze by - nowadays peaceful - european neighbours to kill and maim themselves in numbers of millions...during four painful years.

My grand-granddad fought for Austria on the eastern front (Galicia) but never talked much about it. Unfortunately I did not ask him more when I was a kid, and when it would have been possible. He is long gone now, as is our "biological link" to WW I soldiers as a whole. Only books and films can tell us now.

For us shooters and collectors, one special part of remembering - and, yes, in a way honoring - these men is preserving their equipment and weapons, and using them in a nowadays peaceful way.


It is sad that this innocent soldiers ( they really are because of their age! )

are still considered as awful enemys...

Regarding some of the comments of this report makes me feel really sad...


The line of John Donne is written at the right place

The families, who got a letter, didn't even answer, with one exception. Poor

Forgetting the past is epidemic nowadays


I am speculating here but these were young men who died which means they did not leave direct descendants. This is not an excuse but there is a difference between great grandson and great grand nephew.


That might be the reason for not coming, but not for not answering. Did they think that was an advertisement or a beg for a donor?

Anyway, no one can reset. It's done

P.S.: About WW1, the Belgians have the best reasons for remembering, they still sit on a powderbarrel. Any thunderstorm can be the last for the farms there, especially near the german borderline


Yes. Let's not forget where the WW I western front was...

Other than Belgium and eastern France, German Reich territory itself (with very few exceptions) was not touched by the ground war.


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