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Mit dem Song werde ich mich in Zukunft am Morgen vor einem Match wecken lassen. <_<

Und zum mitsingen, hier der Text :rolleyes:

The IPSC Song

(Sung to the tune of "YMCA" by The Village People)

Shooter, there's no need to feel down.

I said, Shooter, pick your mag off the ground.

I said, Shooter, it's time to try a new stage

But this time just take it easy.

Shooter, Are You Ready for fun?

I said, Shooter, Stand-by with your gun.

I said, Shooter, hey there, that was the Beep,

Are you deaf or are you dreaming?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It's fun to shoot with (the) I-P-S-C.

It's fun to shoot with the I-P-S-C.

We have paper and steel,

We have swingers and not,

Hey there, come on and take some shots.

It's fun to shoot with (the) I-P-S-C.

It's fun to shoot with the I-P-S-C.

You can make some new friends,

From all over the world,

There's just no other sport like this.

Shooter, are you listening to me?

I said, Shooter, what do you want to be?

I said, Shooter, making Master is glee,

But you got to know this one thing!

No one does it all by themselves.

I said, Shooter, put your pride on the shelf,

And just come here, to the I-P-S-C.

I'm sure we can help you today.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It's fun to shoot with (the) I-P-S-C.

It's fun to shoot with the I-P-S-C.

... ,

We have everything for you to enjoy,

You can chill with the girls and boys.

It's fun to shoot with (the) I-P-S-C.

It's fun to shoot with the I-P-S-C.

Have a bundle of fun,

Just by shooting your gun,

Then cry in your beer when done.

Shooter, I was once in your class,

I said, I was, so damn easy to pass.

I saw no way, to get out of my rut,

I was just so close to quitting

That's when someone came up to me,

And said, Shooter, come with me to the range.

There's a sport there, called the I-P-S-C.

They can start you back on your way.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It's fun to shoot with (the) I-P-S-C.

It's fun to shoot with the I-P-S-C.

We have paper and steel,

We have swingers and not,

Hey there, come on and take some shots.

It's fun to shoot with (the) I-P-S-C.

It's fun to shoot with the I-P-S-C.

Have a bundle of fun,

Just by shooting your gun,

Then cry in your beer when done.

Vocals: me

Lyrics: Vince Pinto

Original theme: Village People

Music: karaoke instrumental taken from

ipsc ist rock’n roll. ich höre hier keinen rock’n roll

ich sehe vor meinem geistigen auge nur rosa tutu. entspricht höööchstens olympischem schnellfeuer :pardon:

Hallöschen Stefan,

das rosa Kleidchen heist nicht tutu sondern tütü

Darauf ein Prosecco - Stöschen

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Ich würde den Song gern als CD erwerben, weiß jemand woher????? :man_in_love:

DVC Klaus

An der CD wid sicher schon gearbeitet :rolleyes:

Unter anderem mit dem Song "No Mike today, it wasn't always so...." auf die Melodie von "No milk today....." von Herman's Hermits aus dem Jahre 1968 ?


Bearbeitet von Wolle
  • 6 Jahre später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Vocals: me

Lyrics: Vince Pinto

Original theme: Village People

Music: karaoke instrumental taken from

Unglaublich was man hier im Forum nicht alles ausgraben kann :crazy: ... gibts dazu noch n "funktionierenden " Link ?


Gibts ja wirklich .... :laugh:

Bearbeitet von Gonzzo

Vince Pinto hat das bestimmt schon geklärt aber mal was anderes , kannst du den Text aus m Kopf ?

Falls du an der DM teilnimmst .... ggf wird das der Eröffungssong wo alle mit singen müssen ...

Ich habs schon mal auf CD gebrannt ..... wird in endlosschleife abgespielt ... :icon14:

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