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What Pisses Me Off About The Paris Terrorist Attack

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Schon lange hat der IS mit Anschlägen in Europa gedroht.

Warum sind jetzt alle so schockiert ?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Noch einer der verliebt ist in den Wohlklang seiner eigenen Stimme.

When you check out the sources and observe his research, one can´t simply refute his assertions...

Bearbeitet von Balu der Bär

When you check out the sources and observe his research, one can´t simply refute his asertions...

certainly not, but 25 ( twentyfive) minutes is to long.
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

It is worth it.....

I don't see that...

He has some good points about the connections in history, and the terrorist attack didn't surprise me either.

But his very simple view of the world (good, evil and truth - everything highly dependent from the individual point of view) paired with stereotypes and ignoring the individual human being makes it quite a waste of time - and poor for someone labeling himself a philosopher.

Why the hell does he even complain about being called a racist? Self-denial?

Bearbeitet von reschef

Deutsches Forum - deutsche Sprache

oder macht ein Unterforum auf, wo sich jeder ausdrücken kann, wie er will

You mean something like the "English langueage forum" you are currently posting in in German? ;)


I don't see that...

He has some good points about the connections in history, and the terrorist attack didn't surprise me either.

But his very simple view of the world (good, evil and truth - everything highly dependent from the individual point of view) paired with stereotypes and ignoring the individual human being makes it quite a waste of time - and poor for someone labeling himself a philosopher.

Why the hell does he even complain about being called a racist? Self-denial?

That´s related to the history of his Youtube Channel. All the moonbats tried to put him into the racist shaming corner....


Deutsches Forum - deutsche Sprache

oder macht ein Unterforum auf, wo sich jeder ausdrücken kann, wie er will

Na dann schau mal in welchem Unterforum du dich hier befindest....


Ganz egal ob der Franzose es nun selbst schuld sein soll weil er angeblich die falschen bombardiert, das Problem gestern abend war doch das niemand zurückschießen konnte.

Du bist dazu im falschen Unterforum...

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