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Hi folks,

since this is a quite sensible topic: has anyone experience with tannerite targets? Quite popular in desolate areas in the USofA and easy to acquire raw materials. Spectacular when hit with a HV bullet.


Used to be fun in Marylandistan - until they got banned for being "too dangerous" and hard to tax extra. Now we just go to VA ;-)

What exactly do you want to know exactly? Composition, sensitivity, amount needed for a decent bang or what else?


@EBR: You should take a look at the Firebird targets, they are Fireworks class 1.4G/S and free to own in Germany.

Wile they are categorized as fireworks in the UK, they would need approval of the BAM to be used as pyrotechnics in Germany - most likely as technical fireworks. They are not listed as either Class T1, F1 or F2 and thus are professional use only.


I presume, if you order ammoniumnitrat or alluminum powder in quantities you will have the Federals on your back in an eyeblinck. So you better stay away from trouble.

  • 2 Monate später...

I love Tannerite and luckily I am able to use it quite frequently when I am over in the States.

However in Germany/EU Tannerite is subject of the law for explosives and dangerous goods.

It would also be illegal for anyone to attempt to fabricate it in the EU if the person is not a trained and certified blaster and has the license to handle explosives. Tannerite is considered a 2 Agent explosive compound in the EU.

I do only know that some units of the German Army is fabricating a compound similar to Tannerite to trigger other explosive agents.

For anyone who is able to shoot Tannerite; Use a pound of Tannerite and place it next to a 20oz bottle of gasoline. Quite spectacular.

Watch for yourself; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNtL3eYTfFo


Nitrocellulose is sensitive to impact. Our NC powder is desensitized, but the camphor will gas out over time and inapropiate storage.

Has anyone tried to shoot at a pellet tin full of old and aged powder, preferably a very fast burning one?


Nitrocellulose is sensitive to impact. Our NC powder is desensitized, but the camphor will gas out over time and inapropiate storage.

Camphor is a softener, that transforms nitrocelluloe into celluloid. It's not to desensitize NC. Celluloid is a thermoplastic compound, and is considered the first industrialized thermoplastic. It was in use as movie film up to the 40s, and until a week ago it was also used as table tennis balls. These are made from plastic now, because of all those explosions happening when it was impacted by the racket, hu?


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