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Gun Control Advocate’s Playbook LEAKED


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Gun Control Advocate’s Playbook LEAKED

We’ve believed for years that there’s some official playbook that gun control advocates use when pushing their agenda, but now for the first time it looks like a copy of that playbook has leaked out. The CCRKBA found the document, entitled “Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging” (download for yourself by clicking the title), and made it available late Thursday. I won’t bore you with the whole thing, but I did want to point out one specific section in the summary section that seems to be the blueprint for all civilian disarmament campaigns . . .

Where's the beef? :confused:

Somebody did the work of 80 pages .pdf collecting how to influence ordinary, uninformed, uninterested people with focus on gun control in the USA. :blink: The pattern how to influence people is always the same: play with emotions, tell stories, avoid facts and statistics, lie with partial truth and added fiction - no matter it's about nuclear power plants vs renewable energy sources, health insurance, eating meat vs. vegetarianism, ...




Where's the beef? :confused:

For example, it's in the companies who wrote this disinformation guide: Greenberg Quinlan Rosler Research has advised the election campaigns for

  • Tony Blair - remember which right this man took away from the British people
  • Bill Clinton - the honest man, who "did not have sex with this woman" but signed the so-called "Assault Weapons Ban"
  • Gerhard Schröder - "Genosse der Bosse", the guy who gave us Hartz 4 and lowered the income tax only for income millionaires. Now he's a so-called "consultant" for the Rothschild Bank.

See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Greenberg. So I think this stinking guide teaches state-of-the-art propaganda. I know, it's primitive. But unfortunately, it seems to work very well nowadays. Note that the Age of Enlightenment is long gone.


oh shock... and we always told ourself that our enemies are a bunch of stupid know-nothings and we would not have to be too concerned because their arguments were not thought out and they were unorganised...

seems now - after all our "I told you so!" - that we are the stupid unorganised lazy bunch, which can't stand against Edward Bernays RAND Corp Delphi Propaganda...

They are talking to the public in a highly sophisticated way and they get the democratic votes, while we do nothing, fear to talk to anyone and think THEIR politician would help us...


oh shock... and we always told ourself that our enemies are a bunch of stupid know-nothings and we would not have to be too concerned because their arguments were not thought out and they were unorganised...


Did you? :mellow:

I have always written, that (at least some) of the Antis are doing a high sophisticated job and that they are a danger to freedom, democarcy, justice and legal gun ownership. :sad:




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