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Chicago Police Chief: Second Amendment Is A Danger To Public Safety


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Moonbats are out in full force again



Despite recent court decisions to the contrary, McCarthy opined that the 2ndAmendment limits citizens to owning smooth-bore muskets. McCarthy went on to say that he believes that the 2nd Amendment supports mandatory liability insurance for firearm owners and the mandatory application of GPS tracking devices to civilian owned firearms.

Let's review:

1. Chicago is notoriously anti-gun;

2. Chicago has repeatedly refused to license its citizens to carry guns;

3. Chicago has the highest murder rate in the United States.

4. Chicago Police Chief McCarthy decries the NRA as undermining police authority because it has the temerity to assert citizens' rights.

Conclusion: McCarthy is the impotent head of a notoriously corrupt and ineffective force. He is desperate for a scapegoat and is using the NRA to distract attention from his failures.


But one has to remember CO is getting more and more liberal. Proof? They legalized weed among with Washington I think on Barry's reelection day.

I'm sorry - how is CO relevant to Chicago?


No prob, because Magpul threatened to move out of CO (see above) and I think that the CO Dem's are not really caring as long as they can push they're (moronic) agenda through.

Again, in what way, shape, manner or form is CO even remotely relevant to a discussion of the Chicago police chief?


In other news: Rahm Emanuel's approval rating in the tank


Emanuel allies insist that he has done much good for the city but it’s clear from the headlines that the dominant story of his time in office so far is the rising murder rate. The Chicago homicide rate in January was its highest in more than a decade and the Windy City has become a national talking point — and not in a good way — when it comes to violence.

Over 500 homicides in 2012, topped by 43 in January of 2013 alone, in the disarmed City of a mini-me Obama.

Gun control works, sure........


Why am I not surprised to read such kind of rubbish from a man named McCarthy? The former known Senator was hunting ghosts whereever he could, this McCarthy is following his footsteps, as far as I can see.

Let's hope, the end will be the same --> ending up ridicolous, kicked out of force...

  • 2 Wochen später...

Illinois Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky admits that Handgun Bans are next

They simply don't give a damn about the 2nd Amendment AND CASE LAW upholding it, including

the 7th Circuit's decision quoted in an earlier post.

  • 1 Monat später...

And we laugh over mass mayhem in Ucraine parliament. We won't see this in german media. It disturbs the mantra we hear every day...


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