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Am kommenden Montag (17.03.25) stehen ab 15:00 Uhr Wartungsarbeiten an. Wir bitten um Euer Verständnis


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A man walks into the Vets office with a Dog wrapped in a Blanket. There is a Sign hanging over the Counter that reads $50 for the Diagnosis. He looks desperate and tells the Vet Poopsie laid down for his nap, and I can't wake him up. The Vet looks at the Dog, and says Sir your Dog is Dead. The Man goes into a Fit, and insists that his Dog isn't Dead, and accuses the Doctor of Incompetence. The Vet Goes to a Cage, and comes back with a Cat in his Hands. He moves the Cat all around the man's Dog, and Finally Sets the Cat onto the Dogs Face. See there says the Doc, Now do you believe me. Yes Yes says the Dogs Owner, I do now. Ok says the Doc that will be $250. But the Sign says $50 for a Diagnosis says the Owner. Yes $50 for My Diagnosis, and another $200 for the Cat Scan.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Am 3.9.2017 um 18:22 schrieb mwe:


The one down on the right side might be a Kongsberg ;)

and the left a Kimber TLE?

looks like a tasty breakfast :P

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