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Connecticut gun registration - gun owners refuse to cooperate


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Well, it seems like Connecticut will have another 300k felons on its hands.... or that is about the amount of gun owners refusing to listen to a new silly law passed by the state legislaturists requiring to register every gun that just looks "scary".


The fun part is: even the bleeding-heart liberal Washington Times agrees:

Respect for the law is essential for society, but this presupposes the laws themselves are worthy of respect.

They can't seem to get past their pro-establishment viewpoint, but when even the Times recognizes a crappy gun law, there must be something fishy going on.

Oh, and a little lighter comment on the topic from one of my favorite webcomics: failure to fire



Hi Boule,

"The fun part is: even the bleeding-heart liberal Washington Times agrees"

Small correction, teh "Washington Times" is very pro-gun. Emily Miller has publisched her entire series of "Emily gets a gun" about the old Chickago law in the "Washington Times"

The paper you think of is the "Washington Post", very liberal und many left leaning articles.


Good to see that CT gun owners are raising a sticky one and I'm wondering whether the CT Statie's will be trying

to go door-to-door to confiscate the non-registered guns/mags.

I'm quite sure the law is going to be challenged and the Federal Circuit Court will either knock it down or at least

send it back to the legislation.

Once the Circuit Court repeals the law, it will help RI gun owners as well; they are facing similar BS being in

the early legislative stage, though.


The paper you think of is the "Washington Post", very liberal und many left leaning articles.

Dran, I always confuse the two.... might have tbeen the cause that I consider anything coming out of D.C. baloney.

Thanks for correcting me!


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