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Hunting in Germany - What does it cost.

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Hi to all.

So I did a couple of internet searches concerning hunting in Germany and found a wealth of information. Some of it was very useful, but still I don't quite get how hunting works in Germany.

If I missed this topic in my searches on the forum, I would be very greatful if you can direct me to it.

I understand that hunting and hunters are seen as part of the conservation effort and that before I can begin to hunt I have to do the required courses in order to obtain a hunting licence and also be able to buy a hunting rifle. From Google I understand that this process alone is very difficult, time consuming and expensive. I also understand that there is a lot of tradition involved with hunting.

When I eventually pass the course and get the hunting license in the next couple of years, how do I go about participating in a hunt and what can I expect with regards to cost?

Do you pay trophy fees if the animal's horns are bigger/weighs more?

Does all hunting occur from stands or is stalking also allowed (practical?)?

Do you get to keep the meat?

Does hunting always occur in groups?

Thank you in advance


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

OK, I start to answer your questions. Maybe somebody else will join in.

I understand that hunting and hunters are seen as part of the conservation effort and that before I can begin to hunt I have to do the required courses in order to obtain a hunting licence and also be able to buy a hunting rifle. From Google I understand that this process alone is very difficult, time consuming and expensive. I also understand that there is a lot of tradition involved with hunting.

Short answer: That's all correct, where

  • "expensive" means about 1000 € for the course (plus costs for ammo) and
  • "time consuming" roughly means an 8-month evening course, twice a week, plus training in shooting and weapon handling (in the 8 month about 20 training appointments at weekends, each a few hours).

Besides the evening courses, there are courses where you learn 'en bloc', i.e. in a shorter period of time but more hours per day. Usually these courses are more expensive than the evening courses.

When I eventually pass the course and get the hunting license in the next couple of years, how do I go about participating in a hunt and what can I expect with regards to cost?

Besides the hunting licence, you need to have the right or an allowance to actually hunt in a particular hunting district. This means: You

  • are the owner of the hunting district OR
  • the tenant of the hunting district OR
  • get an allowance from the owner or tenant to hunt there.

How to:

  • Have vitamin C (connections) OR
  • have a look into the advertising section of hunting journals like the "Rheinisch-Westfälischer Jäger" OR
  • talk with the people you meet in the hunting course and look for opportunities


Jagdschein = the German hunting licence

Jagdrevier = hunting district

Jagdpächter = hunt tenant

Jagdausübungsrecht = the right to actually hunt in a hunting district

Jagdausübungsberechtigter = the person who has the "Jagdausübungsrecht"

Begehungsschein = A written allowance from the "Jagdausübungsberechtigter" to hunt in his hunting district

I'm not so sure about the English terms, but the German terms are official. In order to be allowed to hunt, you need

  • the "Jagdschein" AND
  • the "Jagdausübungsrecht" or the "Jagdausübungsberechtigter" must have allowed you to hunt in his district, e.g. with a "Begehungsschein".

Bearbeitet von mwe
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Do you pay trophy fees if the animal's horns are bigger/weighs more?

If you own (unlikely) or lease a hunting district, there are no further fees. You shoot it, it's yours.

If someone who is leasing/owns a hunting district allows you to hunt there, it's basically just another private contract with the terms you agreed on.

Hunting in Germany is based on a district system rather than a license system. If someone owns enough contiguous land (75 hectares in most federal lands), they can form a hunting district on their own, otherwise, the area of several landowners is pooled to form a hunting district and the landowners get to decide (by number of votes and the area behind those votes) what is done with this hunting district (e.g. they can lease it out, etc).

Does all hunting occur from stands or is stalking also allowed (practical?)?

Quite a bit of hunting occurs from stands (which are quite luxurious compared to what I've seen in other countries), but stalking ("Pirschen") is allowed, too.

Do you get to keep the meat?

See above. If you're hunting in your owned/leased district, it's yours, if you have another arrangement, it's whatever the terms of this arrangement say.

Does hunting always occur in groups?

No, not always. Usually, "group hunts" are more of an autumn/winter thing and as much social event as they are about hunting.

Bearbeitet von Ch. aus S.
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I've just found this:


Der Vorbereitungskurs

Zur Vorbereitung auf die Jägerprüfung bietet die Jagdschule Ahaus einen Vorbereitungskurs in Form eines Kompaktkurses an. Der Kompaktkurs beginnt am 03.01.2013 und endet am 27.04.2013. An zwei bzw. drei Abenden in der Woche findet der theoretische Unterricht statt. Zusätzlich finden praktische Schießübungen auf den Schießständen in Ahaus-Ammeln und Coesfeld-Flamschen statt. Ergänzend finden praktische Ausbildungseinheiten in Feld und Flur statt. Für den Vorbereitungskurs und das ausgehändigte Ausbildungsmaterial wird eine Kursgebühr in Höhe von 670,00 € erhoben. Für die Schießausbildung und ein Lehrbuch fallen weitere individuelle Kosten an. Damit Sie sich bereits vor Kursbeginn mit Hilfe des ausgehändigten Ausbildungsmaterials auf die Jägerprüfung vorbereiten können, melden Sie sich bitte frühzeitig mit dem Anmeldeformular an. Das Anmeldeformular finden Sie im Menü Download.

So in the district Borken, the hunting course is not as expensive as in the district, where I live: In Borken it costs 670 €. This year, the course started on January, 3rd, and ended on April, 27th. Two or three evenings per week plus shooting training and some learning outside in the nature. They suggest that you register early for the course. Then you'll get the books and can start learning before the course starts.

PS: The above web site links to jagdschule-ahaus.de. That's also interesting. Don't know, if you've already found this.

Bearbeitet von mwe
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