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Gun manufactorers start banning gun banning LE-agencies


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Barrett started this a couple of years ago, shutting of CA. Now, the struggle has gone national.

However, the major handgun manufacturers, S&W, Ruger, Beretta, and SIG, still happily suck at the .gov teats. They are apparently willing to risk the loss of a few civilian sales (although there are few alternatives for handgun purchasers who DON'T want to support such manufacturers). Perhaps they should note what happened to Colt when it wrote off the citizen market, which then took its business elsewhere.

As did the US gov't., awarding the M-16/M-4 contract to a competitor, leaving Colt w/no market.

  Am 26.2.2013 um 03:46 schrieb EJER Fuchs:

However, the major handgun manufacturers, S&W, Ruger, Beretta, and SIG, still happily suck at the .gov teats. They are apparently willing to risk the loss of a few civilian sales (although there are few alternatives for handgun purchasers who DON'T want to support such manufacturers).

Well its the same story here in Germany, a specially when it comes to companies like H&K.

Their sales and costumer services are practically fixed on LE/ Government contracts. :borgsmile:

I think they would simply give a sh** about a total firearm ban here, as long as they can maintain

their profitable backdoor businesses with dubious government agencies worldwide. :starwars013:


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