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Glock 43 Shooting Low Left?

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It's not flinching with the G43, nor does it need adjustment.

It's usually just a bit too much trigger finger on the trigger, pushing the gun to the left while engaging the trigger.

The gun is 6 mm / 1/4 inch smaller than the double stack glocks people are used to, which is what seduces them to place the trigger finger where they are used to put it. Try placing it a bit farther out an to the right to compensate for the lesser width of the gun and suddenly you'll shoot straight.



It's not flinching with the G43, nor does it need adjustment.
It's usually just a bit too much trigger finger on the trigger, pushing the gun to the left while engaging the trigger.
The gun is 6 mm / 1/4 inch smaller than the double stack glocks people are used to, which is what seduces them to place the trigger finger where they are used to put it. Try placing it a bit farther out an to the right to compensate for the lesser width of the gun and suddenly you'll shoot straight.

Precisely why I used the Glock 42 as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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