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NY Abandons Pointless Program

EJER Fuchs

Empfohlene Beiträge


COBIS Dies Quietly

When New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the state budget into law Friday, he quietly sounded the death knell for New York's ineffective Combined Ballistics Identification System (CoBIS). CoBIS was the state's ballistic identification database that had hundreds of thousands of spent shells submitted and, despite that glut of info, never helped capture a single criminal. Now, only Maryland still requires this so-called "ballistic imaging"


Cuomo was Clinton's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) prior to being elected governor. As secretary, he imposed anti-gun owner policies in federally-subsidized housing and created the "contract" he tried to ram down gun manufacturers' throats. It's the same deal S&W was stupid enough to sign, for which it paid dearly - as it should have.

So, has he realized, that the system doesn't produce anything useful, or was it killed due to

monetary reasons only?

That is, as always, hard to tell when You only have the bare Bones of the final result. If the database would have been useful, then the LE-Community would have lobbied for the continuation of the program, I would assume. If Money were not tight, then ideological actionism might receive further funding. So both factors will have led to the cutting of Funds, a useless Database that costs money was given up as a bad idea. It might have been cheaper for the tax-payer not to make that kind of experiment in the first place. But would You truly expect restraint from a politician ? Doing something, even something dumb, shows that one is Trying. If You do not do anything, you are suspected of sloth.


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