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Extra tax on ammo proposed


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Well, Illinois with its licensing requirement is not a gun-friendly state by itself and it is not surprising that such a bill gets proposed. Ever since a federal excise tax was mandated on all hunting equipment and is solely appropriated for the management of natural resources, antis try to copy it for their purposes on a state level.

In short form - the bill will probably get killed in the legislative assembly for several reasons.

- it does not make money for the state but they have to administer it

- too much pressure from pro-firearms organizations

- ammo sales in state will drop sharply and people just order their stuff online, so the local gun shops will cry loud enough and their lost business is lost tax revenue

On the other hand, would be fun to see someone suggesting a rider to make discounted shotguns availabe to the less fortunate, so they can defend their homes against the "gun violence". Would add a little bit to the statistic of youngsters killed in shootings but hey...


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