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Balu der Bär

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Alle Inhalte von Balu der Bär

  1. Richtig, ändert aber nix an der Tatsache, dass es funktioniert....
  2. Ich persönlich finde es komisch, das H&K plötzlich nicht mehr gute Waffen bauen soll. Die haben das SA80 sich vorgenommen --> funktioniert Die haben das H416 rausgebracht --> funktioniert G3 --> funktioniert Finde ich persönlich komisch......
  3. Das hielt mich davon ab, bislang!
  4. Quelle! Wieder sind es die Demokraten, wieder sind es die Gungrabber....
  5. Tja das alte Lied von Angebot und Nachfrage.....
  6. Genauso schaut es aus. Die meisten Menschen in der Geschichte, die durch Schusswaffen umkamen, kamen durch Waffen des Staates um. Wenn man gegen privaten Waffenbesitz ist, ist man nicht gegen Waffen an sich. Man ist eigentlich sehr für Waffen. Weil irgendwann braucht man Waffen um die legalen Waffen aus den Händen der Bürger zu nehmen. Man ist auch für die Konzentration der Waffen in Regierungshänden. Denn nur die Regierungen haben sich in den letzten Jahrtausenden als moralisch einwandfrei und juristisch über jeden Zweifel erhaben bewiesen, dass sie alleine die Waffen besitzen sollten. Jeder der gegen legale Waffen in den Händen von rchtstreuen Bürgern mit einwandfreiem Leumund ist, sollte möglichst morgen zum nächsten nordkoreanischen Konsulat gehen, und dort alles klarmachen für seine Übersiedlung.
  7. Wie der Vorteil aussieht?? Na so! Edith will hinzufügen, dass dieser Beitrag allen Foren- Untersee- Booten gewidmet ist.
  8. Kleiner Nachtrag: Wie passt das nun in das Bild des rassistischen Cops in den USA?? Kein Aktivist spricht dieses Thema und David Clarke jemals an. Warum wohl??
  9. Und durch das fehlerhafte Kalkül durch die konservativen Parteien In einem County gibt es den Vorteil , dass es unabhängige Kandiadten gibt.
  10. Wiki. Article! Annother pro-point for the 2nd Amendment
  11. Hehe, die linke Presse versucht hüben wie drüben zum Beispiel Sheriff Joe Arpaio zu diskreditieren. Er wurde seit 1992 immer wieder gewählt.
  12. KLICK! Mal ein paar Auszüge: Gutmenschen hatten doch immer Angst vor dem bewaffneten Volk und dem wilden Westen.... Jaja, da gehen sie die hin, die Argumente der Waffengegner.....
  13. Die Lehigh Defense sind auch ganz ordentlich....
  14. DHS kauft 62 000 000 ( also Millionen ) Schuss 5,56 mm Wo die doch noch vor ein paar Wochen hätten verboten werden sollen, weil die ja angeblich Copkiller seien..... Irgendwie komisch..... Haben doch die normalen Bürger bald ja auch keine Möglicheit mehr sich schusssichere Westen in bestimmten Klassen zu kaufen, wenn die Demokraten dieses Gesetz durchbekommen. Warum ist es eigentlich immer die demokratische Partei, die solche Gesetze durchdrücken will, die verhindern, dass man sich selbst schützt...??
  15. Die hätten damals das G41 nehmen sollen.....
  16. Sorry for having a real life. No reason to get smart here.... I also got the fun part of your statement above, that the man who often bypasses Congress and some other parts of the legeslative protocol, seems to act like a sponsor and judge all at the same time. Wasn´t this the President, who wanted to bomb Syria in order to restore human rights, which aren´t compatible to the human rights defined in the CDHRI from 1990? Is that the same president, who doesn´t trust his own people for owning firearms, now wants to sign a nuclear deal with Iran? This president looks like a deer in the headlights to many people, everytime a new international problem arises. He speaks of unintended consequences?? Ok, Bush wasn´t even better, but the withdrawl of allied forces in Iraq was conducive to the rise of IS. Now with the 60 country coalition he wants to slowly push IS out of Iraq. Interesting. Where to and how?? He mentioned himself, that missing education, missing opportunities are to be blamed for radiacalized Muslims who turns into Islamists. He indirectly blames religious processes for that. Klick here for the statement Funny is also the fact, that he mentioned Libya. Wasn´t he the Commander In Chief, when they bombed the shit out of Gaddafi?? He is also pushing the point of education. Interesting. What kind of education?? Beware of secular humanism. This is gonna be a joy to behold.... Yeah, you are absolutely right, this is so funny, that I am close to be flabbergasted. No. With this statement you proved instantly, that you are far away from understanding humanistic principles. As far as I´m concerned, they could run their Islamistic State down there. I wouldn´t care at all. The problem is, that they are going out on a mission to spread their believe by force. Btw. your list of islamic states, which have a long and extensive history of the freedom of religions is still missing here. Why are you keeping this door to enlightment shut?? The points which are outlined in the video of Mr. Connell will fit on any militant religion. That´s why. And I am currently not aware, if Christians or Hindus or Buddhists were recently flying airliners into tall buildings or commiting suicide attacks in western states. If you can provide some intel on other groups than islamic ones, this will be greatly appriciated. I tried to find any incidents, which could fit to any religious believe besides Islam and I was forced to put the ballpen aside, because it was kinda narrowed down to the Islamists. You also tend to mix up bashing with fierce criticism. You weren´t able so far, to falsify any of the points mentioned by Mr. Connell and the guys here in this forum labeled by yourself as Islamophobics. You failed to provide any evidence for your statements. One piece of advise: Never forget the first rule of holes. If you are in one, stop digging!!! No politics and government have to be in peoples mind on a mandatory basis. With no one thinking about this, how can one take part in an election? Or be a citizen in a democracy? Please don´t express the need to have a lecture on that..... If a individual wants to be a kept man, then he doesn´t need to be bothered with politics and government affairs. That is absolutely right. Here in the western states, we use for this principle the mainstream media. Remember the extensive, bloody well researched and sourced background informations on firearms..... The same principles are to be followed in the IS. Everyone has to swallow the preaches of the Mullah and believe him without verifying them, and everything is gonna be AOK?? Is it that what you are trying to propose here?? Do you also have the german newspaper "BILD" on your subscription list? You fear fear?? Interesting. Rather than cultivating a phobia, I tend to iron out the circumstances which are making me feel frightened. This implies the necessity, that I recognize my freedom and the duties and the rights which come with it. Any threat to these- in form of religious bigots for instance - have to be considered and the necessary corrective actions are to be taken. I said it once before: I have no objections at all against any religious believe. There are good christians, muslims, hindus, buddhists. No doubt about it. But how you can differ between a radical follower and the normal one? Easy to be answered: The good ones keep the belief out of society, out of government, out of school, out of the workplace. In other words: They don´t take their believe too seriously. They keep it checked and balanced with common sense and humanistic elements. Personal note: In regards to your signature: I am not fond to give up any freedom of our society just to provide any socio- cultural commodities to a minority, which doesn´t accept our way of life and our principles to its entirety. Enough heat??
  17. Thank you. But I go for the extra mile in rejecting any man made religion ( btw. there is nothing else in religious business than man- made). I don´t reject and oppose the personal belief of the individual. Whatever you do in day to day life, one must not forget: Common Sense is King! I once had a discussion with our local priest. He urged to prove my atheist theories. My reply was: Prove first that there is actually any god. The look of his face was pricleless. For all other things there are the credit cards......
  18. Thx anyway. Well if my questions are a game only, it would have been too easy for you, to dismantle them, or? You seem to prefer to launch some semantic decoys instead. Shutting you up?No, cos I have no right for doing so. Polemics weren´t here to be improved, questions were here to be answered by yourself. The self reflection, mentioned in your post, only kicks in, if I have an external view, which you failed to provide, obviously. In this case, you reduce your argumentation to accusations and polemics. Well this could be true, if I was a follower of the christian belief or any kind of belief. Just for the record: I am a follower of secular humanism. I like to employ science, common sense, naturalistic phliosophies etc. for solving nowadays problems. This implies, I deeply reject any religion ( not beliefs). Religions are prone to instrumentalize peoples fears, sterotypes etc. The advantage of being an atheist like me is, that I am free of ethics of conviction. I prefer to utilize ethics of responsibility, which itself are based on logic and not following an agenda of any kind. Furthermore, I don´t fear Islam itself, it is the outcome, what the followers of this religious belief making out of it. And there is the point, where religion is corrupted into politics. Right from the start of this year, islamic groups have ammassed a death count of more than 2500 victims. Just a little reminder: Boko Haram have done a "great job" of spreading islamic belief in their country, or? ( I sincerly hope, you recognize the irony within) A quick visit at Human Rights Watch will show you instantly how peaceful their deeds are in the name of Islam. And for a religion of peace, there are many people to be found killed, but you won´t mention that at a cocktail party, or? Self reflection? Ok let us reflect a little bit: I am not aware of any public executions of gay people in western states, utilizing construction cranes. Seven countiries on this planet still convicting lesbian, gay and bisexual people to death for same sex activities: Iran Mauritania Yemen Saudi- Arabia UAE Nigeria Sudan I leave it up to you, what common ground these countries share. If you don´t feel like Q&A again, I am glad to help you out: It is the state religion, on which these verdicts are justified and based on. To be honest: I have nothing against this particular belief itself, I just don´t know enough about it. But if the radicals are only a minority, then I would like to conclude, it is about time for the muslims worldwide, to start tightening up their own shit and declare a fatwa upon these bastards within their community, draggin´ their own religion into the gutter. I don´t like women to be executed for adultery, i don´t like young girls forced into marriage with a 80 year old sugar daddies under islamic justification. Why is pre marriage sex haram and forcing an eleven years old girl into marriage to perform her sexual duties as a wife halal? You see, I like to question everything and worship nothing. You gotta understand first: Respect must be earned, it is not to be demanded. From a logical standpoint there is no reason and no sensible intention to respect a religion, who violates basic human rights. And the CDHRI from 1990 is a clear hint, that these guys want to segregate rather than integrate. United Nations estimates for honor killing ranging up to 5000 victims per year. No one from the corner of people defending Islam seems to care. And here in Germany there is an outrage, when a group of mentally and politically deranged guys and one girl --> NSU ( all of them completely beyond mental ) going on a killing spree. See the difference?? Still don´t feel to do Q&A or would it be justified to use the word hypocrite here?? Religion is a private matter. That means, it is for your head, for your home and for your church or temple or mosque. This means in return, keep it away from other people´s life, out of politics, out of society, out of the government. Period. Or even more simplified: God is an individual construct, god is a personal concept. Keep your personal projection of god cognitively locked away. And that is only Islam to be covered. Most of all religions are not better. They just have different timelines. Instead doing Q&A you prefered to demonize my standpoint, evaded my questions, diagnosed me with islamophobia. What is your phobia? Hereiophobia, Enissophobia? Before you reach a verdict, you should have a conversation with the delinquent first ( in this case my humble me) before making any judgements on other people´s sanity. I refuse myself the right to shut you up. In return, you took your own moral superiority for granted. Once thus given, you reached your verdict without a due and logical process. This holier-than-thou attitude is also very common among religions. This attitude lead to the Paris shooting, or am I wrong? Some artist produced some cartoons putting Mohamed and Allah in focus. Some lunatics were offended and shoot the whole office and it´s occupants up. Where did they get their morale from? And if you dare to risk, to support your very own standpoint ( which provided you the morale to diagnose other people with a phobia) it only take 1 minute to explain, why Islam is religion of peace. And no, I am not islamophobic. I fear the moment, when religion becomes law.
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