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Vereinsaufnahme - wie geht das bei Euch?


Empfohlene Beiträge

Wenn wir uns in den 40er Jahren ein bisschen mehr angestrengt haetten, dann wuerde hier Deutsches Recht gelten.

Dem ist aber nicht so. Und wir haben gewisse Regeln vom Home Office zu folgen.

In Antwort auf:

The club is a genuine target shooting club with a written constitution.

The principal officers of the club are responsible people who can be entrusted with the proper administration of the club.

The club has at least ten (10) members at the time of application and at all times whilst approved unless, exceptionally, the Secretary of State determines that there are special circumstances which justify a lesser number.

All members are of good character.

The club must appoint a member to act as a liaison officer with the police, and the Chief Officer of Police must have confidence that this person is providing the police with such information as they require to ensure that the activities of the club, and its members, are conducted properly and safely and give no cause for concern.

The club will maintain a register of the attendance of all members together with details of each visit, of the firearms which they used, and the competitions, if any, in which they took part.

The club will inform the police of any holder of a firearm certificate who has ceased to be a member for whatever reason.

The club will inform the police if any member who holds a firearm certificate has not shot with the club for a period of twelve (12) months.

The club will inform the police of any application for membership, giving the applicant's name, address and outcome of any application.

No application for full or probationary membership will be granted unless the applicant has informed the club of whether or not he/she has ever had an application for a firearm or shotgun certificate refused by the police or had such a certificate revoked.

Members, prospective members and guests must sign a declaration that they are not prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968. See also What is a prohibited person?

The club has regular use of ranges with safety certificates for the categories of firearms in respect of which approval is being sought or granted.

The security arrangements for the storage of club firearms and ammunition are satisfactory.

The club does not run a day or temporary membership scheme.

The club does not have more than twelve (12) guest days a year. Guest members must be either members of a recognised outside organisation or people who are known personally to at least one full member of that club.

Guests must be supervised on a one to one basis at all times when handling firearms and ammunition by either a full club member or someone who is a coach with a qualification recognised by the UK or National Sports Council. The club secretary must notify each guest day to the Police Firearms Licensing Department of the area in which the guest day is to take place, at least 48 hours in advance.

Anyone applying for club membership must be sponsored by at least one full member of that same club.

Before becoming a full member, individuals must serve a probationary period of at least three (3) months, during which time they must attend and shoot regularly. The probationary member must be given a course in the safe handling and use of firearms on a one to one basis by someone who is either a full member of that club or who is a coach with a qualification recognised by the Great Britain Target Shooting Federation and governing bodies.

Da der Club nur ca. 6 Monate im Jahr fuer normale Mitglieder offen ist(von April bis Oktober schiessen wir kein KK), muessen wir eben die Meldung schon nach 6 Monaten abgeben( 6 Monate fehlen + 6 Monate geschlossen = 12 Monate nicht geschossen). Wenn das Mitglied einen guten Grund hat nicht schiessen zu koennen, dann wird die Behoerde das auch einsehen.

Bisher hatte ich solch ein Problem auch nur ein mal. Der Schuetze war seit ueber einem Jahr nicht mehr gesehen worden, die WBK war abgelaufen, bei seiner Adresse meldete sich niemand, und seine Anschuetz stand noch bei uns im Verein.

Die Behoerde war da sehr hilfreich. Er hatte seine WBK nicht verlaengern lassen, eine aktuelle Anschrift war denen auch nicht bekannt ( es gibt keine Meldepflicht auf der Insel). Und die Waffe haben die einfach auf die VereinsWBK geschrieben.

Einige werden jetzt sicherlich "Enteignung" etc. schreien, aber ich fand diese Loesung sehr einfach und unkompliziert.


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