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Was habe ich denn da nicht mit gekriegt? :unknw:

Worum genau ging das denn dabei? :confused:

A Settlement Has Been Proposed in an Economic Loss Lawsuit that Alleges Safety Defects
You may be eligible to have your firearm retrofitted or receive other benefits
Recently, a federal judge ordered the parties in an economic-loss class action to remind owners of certain Remington firearms that a settlement has been reached. The settlement involves two classes. The first class includes owners of firearms that utilize a trigger connector. The second class includes owners of firearms that utilize the X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism that is the subject of a voluntary safety recall. The settlement allows owners of Remington models 700, Seven, and related models to have their trigger replaced free of charge, among other benefits.
The settlement was entered following allegations that Remington firearms can fire without a trigger pull. Remington denies those allegations with respect to the trigger connector but is offering trigger replacements to ensure continued satisfaction for its valuable customers. With respect to X-Mark Pro trigger mechanisms, Remington has implemented a voluntary safety recall. If you own a firearm that is subject to the safety recall, stop using your firearm immediately.  Safety has always been a priority for Remington.
Even if you do nothing you will be bound by the Court’s decisions. If you want to keep your right to sue the Defendants yourself, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class by November 18, 2016. If you stay in the Settlement Class, you may object to the Settlement by November 18, 2016.
Call 1-800-876-5940 now to learn the models involved, make your claim or find out more. Or visit www.remingtonfirearmsclassactionsettlement.com.

Remington Outdoor Company | 870 Remington Drive | Madison, NC 27025 | United States

Quelle: http://app.bronto.com/public/viewmessage/html/19426/2syss597pdb5quro01irb40qpq43o



Mausebaer :huh:


Danke! Soviel zum XMP aber was ist da mit dem Anderen?


The settlement involves two classes. The first class includes owners of firearms that utilize a trigger connector. The second class includes owners of firearms that utilize the X-Mark Pro trigger mechanism that is the subject of a voluntary safety recall.




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