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The court was told that the pistol was 'extremely dangerous'

Of course, the pistol was extremely dangerous. Lying around in the garage it could have potentially developed a consciousness of its own and started a killing spree. Extremely dangerous. Really. This inanimate object. Dangerous.

What I find most pathetic is that they can not stop progress. This cheaply made pistol is a joke compared to what is coming in form of home made devices in the coming years. Hopefully they will understand at that point that a gun is nothing more than metal and plastic and not dangerous on its own, that every attempt to stop people from having or manufacturing them themselves is futile.

But who am I kidding? Not going to happen. The gun is dangerous. Extremely dangerous.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

They probably found 74 empty cases.

Conclusion: it can fire up to 74 rounds.

Bearbeitet von Gast

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