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Its good to be anti-Islam

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  • 6 Monate später...


Can't you post more music vids instead, i really enjoyed the tubular bells.


Ignorance is bliss



Can't you post more music vids instead, i really enjoyed the tubular bells.


You just don´t get it, or?

For me it is not beeing anti- islam in general. It is about beeing opposed to islamic extremists.

Anf if you did some research- which is btw somewhat compulsory to take part in a discussion- you should have learned something about the CV of Mrs gabriel.

She was born in Lebanon as a Christian, forced to live in an underground shelter, wounded by a shrapnell and emigrated to the US finally.

So she should have a better idea, how the practical islamic radficalism takes place on a daily basis.

ANd she also stated it is not the majority. The majority is always irrelelvant.....

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The majority is always irrelelvant.....

It is really amazing how anyone can NOT get the relevance of her answer...the examples are real, and they are exact parallels of what is happening.

One could close both eyes and still see the truth.

But then again therer are people unable to see with both eyes open, a pretty common fault in the design of human beings, I guess.

Bearbeitet von carsten1911
  • 2 Monate später...
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What Germany should not learn from Israel


Since the December 19 terrorist attack at the Christmas market in Berlin, more and more ro-Israel voices are urging Germany to learn from Israel how to prevent and cope with terrorist attacks. “Use barriers to block trucks!” “Arm civilians!” “Execute the terrorist on the spot!” (Unless, of course, he is already wounded and on the ground, in which case it constitutes manslaughter, if we are to judge from the now infamous Elor Azaria case.)


German authorities seem to be mimicking Israeli tactics. On New Year’s, police engaged, controversially, in racial profiling in Cologne to prevent a repeat of last New Year’s sexual assaults. German authorities are reported to have purchased anti-vehicle barriers from an Israeli company to secure public events.

Israel advocates also encourage Europeans to look to Israel for an example on how to manage terrorism while maintaining a thriving democracy, an attitude already full swing in Berlin. Life in Berlin goes on. The Christmas attack is old news. Unlike in Israel, though, Germans haven’t collectively mourned the victims. The German media has offered no profiles of their lives. The attack is as impersonal and humdrum as a car accident.

I left Israel for Berlin early this POLICE PLACE concrete blocks at the entrance of the Christmas market in Berlin where a truck plowed through a crowd, killing 12, last month. The author says the migrant influx is to Germany is what the Oslo Accords are to Israel – a Trojan horse meant to destroy the country from within. year, in part to escape “lone wolf,” low-tech terrorist attacks like the ones that mowed down innocent people in Berlin and Jerusalem. It was simply becoming unbearable to live not necessarily in fear, but with the knowledge that the Israeli government is not protecting its citizens by taking the systematic policy shifts and military measures necessary to stop these attacks once and for all. Life simply became a game of “jihadi roulette.”

So, as I adjust to this new Berlin reality, I hope that Germany does not learn from Israel to allow such attacks to become routine, even as Germans seem to be growing more sympathetic to Israel’s plight. Nor should it learn from Israel’s policy of jihad appeasement that began in 1993 with the signing of the Oslo Accords that placed Palestinian terrorism headquarters in the heart of Israeli soil.

The migrant influx is to Germany what the Oslo Accords are to Israel: a Trojan horse meant to destroy the country from within. Just as German Chancellor Angela Merkel refuses to acknowledge any mistake, the government of Israel has not yet admitted the country made a mistake in the handling of its own “refugee crisis” – the Palestinian refugee crisis, to be solved, as it were, with the creation of the Palestinian state.

The governments of both Israel and Germany have made dangerous decisions out of moral confusion, historic trauma and concern over public image. Just as Germans thought they must be humanitarian by hosting and feeding strangers hostile to its values, Israelis believed they must be humanitarian by giving hostile Palestinians self-governance. Just as Germans thought they were “correcting” their evil, bigoted past by accepting a flood of minorities, Israelis thought they were correcting their dispossessed, victimized past by granting Arabs an ethnic state alongside their own Jewish, democratic one. Both countries sought the reputation of moral statehood. In both cases, Germany and Israel have compromised moral statehood by endangering their own civilians.

Israel, pressured by world leaders, has set the precedent, and until the Israeli government reverses the Oslo-inspired policies that have made terrorist attacks inevitable, it does not hold the moral high ground required to lecture or teach Germany. Israelis have every reason to be as critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as they may be of Merkel, since Netanyahu still props up the antisemitic Palestinian Authority and pays lip service to the idea of a Palestinian state. Germany, following in Israel’s footsteps, has likewise propped up in its midst Islamic no-go zones whose inhabitants teach the kind of antisemitism that would make Hitler proud.

As an Israeli American, I can’t really tell Germany what to do. But I can take responsibility for the actions of my own country. Now is not the time for Israelis and Jews to exploit these terrorist attacks as a means to curry solidarity and sympathy from Western nations normally hostile to Israel. Now is the time for Israel to set the example on how to vanquish Islamic terrorism once and for all, and not merely to live with it. Only then will Israel truly be the leader in fighting Islamic terrorism and the light unto the nations that it could be and should have been.

The author is a journalist based in Berlin and author of The Settler, a novel about the aftermath of the withdrawal from Gaza. www.oritarfa. com.

  • 3 Monate später...
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Aug 25 2011
by Bill Warner

Obama said at a White House Iftar dinner years ago:

Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our country, in all walks of life.

These words have no basis in fact. Islam is not part of our civilization because its foundational principles are opposite to ours. Our civilization is built on the foundation of critical thought (how we think) and the Golden Rule (ethics). Islam is built on submission (authoritative thought) and ethical dualism.

Let’s compare the principles, of these different thought systems, starting with authoritative thought and critical thought. Critical thought (also: analytic thought, scientific thought) is the necessary reasoning or intellectual basis for our culture of democracy. Critical thought is objective–no matter who does the work, they get the same results. It is fact-based, uses cause and effect, and is intellectual, not emotional. Critical thought’s tie into morals is that you don’t lie or cheat about data.

Let’s look at some authoritative reasoning. Authoritative reasoning is based on expert opinion and asserts its truth by power. It is so, because the Establishment says it is so.

The Meccan Koran, the early Koran, has one new idea—Mohammed is the prophet of Allah. (The ideas found in the Koran are derivative.) The proof of Mohammed’s prophecy is repetition of “Mohammed is the prophet” and what happens if you don’t accept that. The reasoning is circular—Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, because Allah says so. (Actually, the archangel of Allah says so.) How do we know what Allah says? Mohammed tells us what Allah says.

The Koran of Medina (the later Koran) contains one new idea—if you don’t believe that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, then you can be murdered in jihad. If you are not persuaded, then you can be eliminated. Now that is authoritative reasoning.

More on authoritative reasoning can be found in the Sharia. The Sharia says that apostasy (leaving Islam) is a capital offense. And what entails apostasy?

To be sarcastic about Allah or any verse in the Koran
To deny the consensus of the Islamic scholars
To deny that Islam is to be the world’s only religion
To be sarcastic about Sharia
And people say that Islam just needs to be reformed. Good luck on dealing with the authoritative rules of thought and reform. It is not that you are wrong, you are dead wrong. Want more examples of authoritative thought? Try Salman Rushdie, the author of the Satanic Verses, a novel. Islam’s reaction to the novel was a death fatwa. When the Mohammed cartoons were published, people died in riots.

So far in America what happens if you differ with Establishment thought about Islam, you are called names, such as bigot or hater, and insulted as a punishment. However, the Establishment keeps flirting with the expanded versions of hate speech being criminalized. Hate speech is speech that the Establishment doesn’t like.

Critical thought does not deal with punishment, just cause and effect along with Aristotelian logic. If you lose an argument under the rules of critical thought, you have had a learning experience, not a life threatening experience. Nor do insults and threats play a part in critical thought.

Now to ethics, the Golden Rule is that we should treat ALL others as we would be treated. This is a unitary ethic, one rule for all peoples. Islam does not see it that way. Islam has one set of ethics for the Muslim and another set for the Kafir. The Hadith and the Koran are very clear that a Muslim is a brother to all other Muslims. A Muslim is a brother to any Muslim before he is the brother to any member of his Kafir blood family.

Look at Mohammed’s ethics. Mohammed is the divine human prototype, the perfect man, as it says in 91 Koranic verses. How did Mohammed treat his neighbor? In Medina he gave neighboring tribes the chance to become become Muslims and to submit to Islam. If they did not, he attacked them. Submit or die–no Golden Rule.

Mohammed repeatedly said that Muslims should lie to Kafirs if it would advance Islam—pure ethical dualism. Here we have the hadith:

Bukhari 5,59,369 Mohammed asked, “Who will kill Ka’b, the enemy of Allah and Mohammed?”
Bin Maslama rose and responded, “O Mohammed! Would it please you if I killed him?”
Mohammed answered, “Yes.”
Bin Maslama then said, “Give me permission to deceive him with lies so that my plot will succeed.”
Mohammed replied, “You may speak falsely to him.”…

Our Constitution’s Bill of Rights is an expansion on the Golden Rule. We eliminated slavery based on the Golden Rule. Do we live up to the Golden Rule on every occasion? No, but that does not diminish its guidance, because we can use the Golden Rule to criticize those that fail to meet it.

To sum it all up: our civilization is based on the principles of the Golden Rule and critical thought. Islam is based on dualistic ethics and authoritative thought. There is no compromise between the opposites of the Golden Rule and dualistic ethics. There is no half-way between authoritative thought and critical thought. Islam’s principle of submission means that only active resistance can let us survive.

We have a 1400 year history of the interaction between Islam and Kafir nations. The data matches the theory. Centuries after Islam enters the culture, the host culture is annihilated–see Turkey. There is no compatibility between Islam and us. Islam is not now, nor can it ever be, a part of our civilization. It is the final goal of Islam to annihilate all Kafir civilizations. Its first stage of–we are just like you, only different—should be seen for what it is. No amount of preaching by apologists can change Islam’s political doctrine and history.

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
Permalink http://politicalislam.com/islam-is-n...-civilization/
Copyright © 2011 CBSX, LLC, politicalislam.com

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

So true. And you can find it all proven based on the experience with the huge muslim community in Germany...


There may be a few critics oder even resistors against terror in the name of Islam, but they stay quiet. Only two thousand people appeared on an a nationwide demonstration against islamic terror. Two thousand from millions. Obviously most muslims are silent supporters of terror, that's the sad truth.


There are only two main categories of muslims: radical ones and those who keep their mouth shut. There is no and there has never been a "peaceful Islam", not here or elsewhere. The goal of the Islam is to conquer all other religions and cultures and the only way to get ist under control is to keep the muslim community limited to a few percent of the total population.


Donald Trump warned Germany in 2015 when Angela Merkel ("Islam belongs to Germany") invited millions of young muslim men... he said that crimes against women and riot on the streets will happen that Germany has never seen before - and he was right. That is why german government and media try to demonize the president of the United States. What would have been a taboo for generations of german politics, is know mainstream since the establishment wants to cover the truth: Germany is helmed by fools and on a straight course that leads to the islamisation of Germany and its annihilation.


Islam is not only a religion, it's an extremely dangerous ideology as well.



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