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"Obama factor" keeps ammunition factory humming


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For the past few years, commercial ammunition has been Alliant's fastest-growing business, fueled in part by Americans' increased concern over their safety and fears that stricter gun control laws could be ahead, company officials say.
The commercial business grew from $258 million to $930 million in annual sales in the Past 10 years, accounting for an ever-larger part of Alliant's overall sales, which totaled $4.8 billion last year.

Read more here: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012/04/06...l#storylink=cpy

Better stock up on Federal and CCI primers before our American brethren scoop 'em all up.


Bring Euros - primer prices have been rising all year.

The usual New Year price hike took primers at my LGS from $32 to $34/thousand. As of 2 weeks ago, the latest price hike (up each month) took them to $40/thousand.

I haven't bought SP primers in years; I need SR primers for rifles and the race gun. The extra strength cup doesn't hurt when loading for .40, either; it certainly doesn't hurt in any pistol caliber.

However, I found some old stock Remington 5 1/2 the clerk let me buy a brick of for my $30 in gift certificates. For a $10 savings, it was worth it to get them for .38 Special loads.

So, if you like American primers, get them while you can.

Note that, over here, Wolf is gaining in popularity, largely because of the much lower price.


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