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Canada at it again


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It is refreshing to see the small waves of common sense regarding gun rights currently washing across the US is also lapping at the border of our Northern neighbor. The registration was a predictably expensive, impotent boondoggle when enacted and is a demonstrable failure now.

Before we all break out the bubbly to celebrate, however, it should be noted that the real impetus had nothing to do with rights, but costs. The expense of that cretinous registration scam is what really created the backlash against it.

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Developing: http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/02/15/co...g-gun-registry/

Of course, the moonbats are out in full force:

"Meanwhile, opposition MPs** and supporters of the registry are expected to say the government’s actions are a step backwards, because the registry has been useful in keeping the country’s streets safe."

Is that you, Hardy S.?

"Jeff Larivee, whose wife was killed in the 1989 Montreal massacre, is a spokesman for the Coalition for Gun Control. He said he and many other Quebecers feel outrage at the Harper government’s determination to dismantle laws that, for many, serve as a memorial."

WTF, a law to serve as a memorial????

And a "froggish" attempt to ignore the federal regulation and come up with a local one

"Meanwhile, the government of Quebec, meanwhile, has plans to take legal action against the Harper government for withholding Quebec-specific data, which is essential to its plans to launch a provincial registry."

MP = Member of Parliament, not to be confused with the RCMP

Developing: http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/02/15/co...g-gun-registry/

And a "froggish" attempt to ignore the federal regulation and come up with a local one

"Meanwhile, the government of Quebec, meanwhile, has plans to take legal action against the Harper government for withholding Quebec-specific data, which is essential to its plans to launch a provincial registry."

THREE school shootings in Quebec; the largest being the 1989 massacre perpetrated by a failed student, son of a misogynistic Algerian.

Perhaps the question is, "What is it about Quebec that foments such incidents?" and not "How can we further penalize lawful activities?"


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