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"BELLEVUE, WA – Preliminary crime data from the FBI for 2010 adds more evidence that gun prohibitionists have been consistently wrong, and that more guns do not equal more crime, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today......

“Gun banners can spin data anyway they want,” observed CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “but in the final analysis, their contention that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens translates to more crime is clearly nonsense. More than 6.2 million citizens are licensed to carry, Wisconsin appears ready to join states with rational carry laws, and the NSSF reports that the largest surge in gun sales happened during the years 2008 to 2010.

“Instead of more guns resulting in more crime,” he added, “increased gun ownership just might be having the opposite effect. Of course, you’d never get the gun prohibition lobby to admit that.”

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“Instead of more guns resulting in more crime,” he added, “increased gun ownership just might be having the opposite effect. Of course, you’d never get the gun prohibition lobby to admit that.”

And that is the key point to take from this story. Not that reducing anti-gun ownership laws did not lead to "blood in the streets" as is always argued by the opponents of gun rights. Not even that there is often a reduction in crime when onerous restrictions are lifted - we all know that.

The real issue is the refusal of the anti-gun rights elements to face such facts and acknowledge the obvious: That their policy of denying honest citizens their right defend themselves, their homes and their families is a failure. Indeed, it is often COUNTER-productive, as criminals, like all predators, target the defenseless. Anti-gun zones create safe targets for criminal attacks; anti-gun laws thus aid crime.

When confronted with facts, the anti-gun element, to the extent it mounts any attempt at rational rebuttal, claims that the failure is caused by not imposing even more restrictions, up to and including the total prohibition of private ownership of arms. These groups, be it IANSA abroad and the Bradyites in the U.S., will not stop until that total ban is achieved.

Those who claim they only want "reasonable restrictions" mean they want even MORE restrictions than the many already imposed upon us. When they ask (demand) that we "compromise" to achieve some new, fabricated goal of peace, safety and security through disarmament, they come to the table empty-handed while demanding more from us. They have nothing to trade, they offer nothing in exchange and keep asking for more and more of what we are left with less and less of.

They are well-funded, have nothing to lose and will keep coming. They will win the moment we stop rejecting their claims and resisting their demands.


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