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Wieder ein Sieg für die US-Waffenlobby!

Gast We are Borg

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Gast We are Borg

Ein Sieg für die US-Waffenlobby und ein virtueller Arschtritt für Hizzoner Daley, den scheidenden Bürgermeister von Chicago.

Im Jahr 2006 erliess Cook County ( = Chicago + Vorstädte) einen lokalen "assault weapon ban". Dagegen wurde von der Illinois State Rifle Association sofort geklagt. Jetzt hat der oberste Gerichtshof dieses Bundesstaats die Klage an das zuständige Berufungsgericht zurückverwiesen und es gleichzeitig angewiesen, sein Urteil anhand der Grundsätze des bahnbrechenden SCOTUS-Urteils "McDonals vs. The City of Chicago" zu fällen. Sollte dieses Urteil wiederum nicht zufriedenstellend für die Kläger ausfallen, wird dieser Rechtsstreit vor den obersten Gerichtshof der USA getragen.


CHICAGO, Dec. 4, 2010

A case brought against Cook County, challenging its "Assault Weapon" ban passed in 2006, has finally been decided favorably for the ISRA backed Plaintiffs. The case of Wilson, et al. vs Cook County et al., was returned to the State Appellate Court pursuant to the Supreme Court's exercise of its judicial authority, and the First District Appellate Court has been ordered to vacate its decision and reconsider the case based on the recent decision in McDonald vs. City of Chicago. McDonald was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court in which ISRA was one of the Plaintiffs.

In a move that surprised all parties to the litigation, the First District Appellate Court ordered both plaintiffs and defendants to file simultaneous briefs in 15 days, with no Reply briefing allowed. The Appellate court's Order came within days of the Supreme Court's issued mandate, which directs the Appellate Court to vacate and reconsider.

The purported "assault weapons," as defined under the very broad and vague terms of the subject County Ordinance, include numerous semi-automatic handguns and rifles, including the Ar-15, M-1 Carbine, Smith & Wesson P99 pistol, Smith & Wesson 22A, Browning BAR Longtrack, Winchester Super X Rifle, and the Mini-30 Ranch Rifle just to name a few Since the lawsuit was filed in early 2007, the enforcement of the Ordinance has been at a virtual stand-still, and the objective of the ISRA is to see that this unwarranted ban is overturned with finality. A supplementary brief is being filed and the decision of the Appellate Court is expected soon. If required, ISRA is prepared to back this case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Since 1903, the ISRA has represented the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.

Gast We are Borg

Und noch ein schneidiger Sieg in AZ und NH:

In diesen beiden Bundesstaaten ist der Besitz UND DAS FÜHREN von Messern ALLER Art (auch Samuraischwerter, Springmesser, Dolche, etc.) wieder erlaubt!


PHOENIX — Arizona used to be a knife carrier’s nightmare, with a patchwork of local laws that forced those inclined to strap Buck knives or other sharp objects to their belts to tread carefully as they moved from Phoenix (no knives except pocketknives) to Tempe (no knives at all) to Tucson (no knives on library grounds).

D’Alton Holder, a longtime knife maker, said, “It’s ridiculous to talk about the size of the knife as if that makes a difference.”

But that changed earlier this year when Arizona made its Legislature the sole arbiter of knife regulations. And because of loose restrictions on weapons here, Arizona is now considered a knife carrier’s dream, a place where everything from a samurai sword to a switchblade can be carried without a quibble.

Arizona’s transformation, and the recent lifting of a ban on switchblades, stilettos, dirks and daggers in New Hampshire, has given new life to the knife rights lobby, the little-known cousin of the more politically potent gun rights movement. Its vision is a knife-friendly America, where blades are viewed not as ominous but as tools — the equivalent of sharp-edged screw drivers or hammers — that serve useful purposes and can save lives as well as take them.


Als Halbamerikaner schlagen zwei Herzen in meiner Brust, das eine freut sich, dass die Hoplophobie in den USA in ihre Schranken verwiesen wurde, das andere trauert darum, dass so etwas in Deutschland nicht geschieht.


Im Jahr 2006 erliess Cook County ( = Chicago + Vorstädte) einen lokalen "assault weapon ban". Dagegen wurde von der Illinois State Rifle Association sofort geklagt. (...)


Lass bei uns mal noch 4 Jahre ins Land gehen, dann sieht es vielleicht auch schon ganz anders aus.

So oder so.


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