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IPSC.ORG Newsletter 02-27


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> Gesendet: Samstag, 8. Juni 2002 12:15:42

> An: juergens@bdr.de

> Betreff: IPSC Newsletter

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- Costa Rica

- IPSC Newsletter (Spanish)

- Columbus Cup


- American Handgunner Postal Match

- IPSC Challenge

- Preview

Welcome to the latest edition of IPSC Newsletter.

You received this issue because you have subscribed to

the IPSC Newsletter mailing list. If at any time you

wish to unsubscribe, please go to http://www.ipsc.org

or directly to http://www.ipsc.org/mlmaint.htm.


The shooting season has exploded. Already,

we are up over 25% in Level III matches!

No doubt about it, this year IPSC activity

worldwide will crush all previous years.

This huge surge in activity has somewhat

caught us by surprise. Consequently, we

are back ordered on the President's Medals.

We're doing our best to get completely

caught up shortly. Please accept our

apologies, and thanks for your patience.



"First Level III"


Last month I had the pleasure to attend

the first Level III match held in Costa Rica.

Juan Yamuni (CRC Regional Director) and his

very capable organizing committee put on a

terrific first-time contest. Competitors and

officials from more than half-a-dozen

countries came together at the range in

San Jose for 3 days of shooting fun.

Congratulations to Costa Rica, Juan Yamuni,

and his team.


IPSC Newsletter (Spanish)

"Noticiero IPSC"


I am pleased to announce that IROA Range

Master, IROA Instructor, and long-time friend,

Victor Ferrero (ECU) has offered to translate

the IPSC newsletter into Spanish. Now Spanish

speaking members will be able to subscribe

on-line for this service.

Visit: http://www.ipsc.org/mlmaint_sp.htm



"Caribbean Fun-in-the-Sun"


Not only did I have the opportunity to attend

Costa Rica's first Level III match, but I also

had the occasion to meet with the Regional

Directors from Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala,

Nicaragua, and, of course, Costa Rica.

One of the plans that came from discussions

with these Regional Directors was the concept

of an annual Central American and Caribbean

"super" Level III destination match. Sixteen

stages, 300 competitors... a shooting, sight-

seeing, and fun-in-the-sun event... named the

Columbus Cup.

The participating Columbus Cup Regions would


Aruba - Barbados - Colombia - Costa Rica -

Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala -

Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Netherlands

Antilles - Nicaragua - Panama - Puerto Rico -


Extra slots will be set aside for

international competitors.

The first Columbus Cup will be hosted by

Guatemala, the "Land of Eternal Spring".

The appeal of Guatemala as a travel

destination is its history, tourist

attractions, culture, and landscape.

Visitors can tour Mayan jungles, climb

active volcanoes, explore the pristine

Caribbean coast or just kick-back and


Let's discover Guatemala's exotic treasures...

mark next February on your calendar.



"World Ranking"


The stage is set for world classification

and WinMSS is now available on-line (free


Visit: http://www.ipsc.org/mss.htm

WinMSS (Version can easily handle

ICS classification stages and their

submission to headquarters over the Internet.

Shooters (with IPSC Aliases) can setup and

shoot classification stages, score them

with WinMSS, and send the scores electronically

over the Internet to IPSC.

You can then look-up your classification

and ranking (within Class and Division) on the

IPSC web site by entering your IPSC Alias.

Set up classification stages at your own club

as weekly or monthly events. We encourage

shooters to participate as often as possible.

The more data received the better.

Currently there are 74 Classifier Stages

available, and we are planning on having twice

that many by the end of the year. If you have

any interesting stages in mind that would be

relatively easy to set up and fun to shoot,

send them to ics@ipsc.org.

Visit: http://www.ipsc.org/ics.htm



"Classifier Postal Match"


The 2002 "ICS" Postal Match stages are

available for download from the IPSC Web site.

The results this year will be recorded for

classification. Three individual stages and

the overall match results will provide the

four scores needed for classification.

Remember, shooters must have a registered

IPSC Alias for their scores to count.

Have fun and "shoot-for-score" in the 2002

American Handgunner Postal match.

Visit: http://www.ipsc.org/ahpm02.htm





Regrettably, the Challenge match had to be

postponed. Due to the 9/11 disaster it has made

it almost impossible for international competitors

to travel with firearms at this late date. This

was going to be a large portion of the competitors.

Without them it would be a much smaller match,

and that is not how we wanted to get such

a grand event launched. The match organizers

decided to postpone the Challenge to next year

when we can have a full complement of shooters.



"Coming up..."


- World Shoot XIII - Questions and Answers

- Upcoming matches

- and much more

You're in the loop...

Keep the faith,



Copyright 2002 International Practical Shooting

Confederation. All rights reserved.

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