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Are more German Gun laws coming after this shooting?


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I was just wondering how these two recent school shooting would affect your gun laws?

Of course no amount of laws could have stopped this from happening as it's impossible to control the hearts of men. But are your Communist ***** politicians going to take advantage of this tragedy and take away your guns like in England? Or are any other bad laws coming?


Robert Johnson


at first: thanks for your sympathy for the suffering of the victims, the teachers, the workers, the 14 year old girl, the 15 year old boy, the policeman and all the surviving dependants.

second: nobody knows what the future will be and what changings in law will come.

Gast georg wagner


I'm living in this country for quite a couple of years now,but don't ask me,what they'll be going to do......

germans oscillate between two poles always:

absolutely negative

absolutely positive

there's obviously no "mid" here........



Hello Robert,

I have some very good friends in GB with whom we discussed the "what-if"-situation if some fool would give germany their own Dunblane-massacre.

I saw the new laws in England which lead our fellow sportsmen to giving up their sporting activities.

This lead England into a period of more crime as ever; heavily armed policemen are suddenly a normal fact, a situation which was not even discussable before these unhappy days.

Collective punishment has a long tradition in germany. And although it is forbidden by our constitutional laws, I am convinced, that this will happen to us sportsmen.

Our politicians don`t pay too much attention to such details like constitutional laws or so. Only two Hours after the amok-massacre in Erfurt the changed legislation to be more servere.

My son will have no right get possession of my fireweapons when I die.

All handguns need for storage now a safe with minimum 2.200 pounds and double cells of steel.

The police will be able to check the gun storage 24 hrs a day (compared with a gangster: there you need a official judge decision to investigate someones home)

The posession of ammo without special allowance ( i.e. reloaders without ammo-permit ) will become a crime. So far, only the attempt to buy ammo illeagally was an offense.

You will need a license to carry teargas-guns; most one-hand-knifes will turn illegal ( there were sold about 30 million of such knifes.) What do the people do with those envelope-openers ? Throw them away ? As a Junkee I would check the trash...

Half of the population of germany will be criminals without even knowing that they posses something forbidden.

Like some friend told You: germans tend to extreme polarity.

Total stupid laws or even more total stupid laws.


[Dieser Beitrag wurde von doc2 am 29. April 2002 editiert.]


>Only two Hours after the amok-massacre in Erfurt the changed legislation to be more servere.

Ok, but this had nothing to do with Erfurt, it was a years-long process.

>My son will have no right get possession of my fireweapons when I die.

Not true exactly, they have to be made unusable with some to-be-developed device in 5 years

that doesn't destroy the weapon (or its shootability).

>All handguns need for storage now a safe with minimum 2.200 pounds and double cells of steel.

2.200 pounds?? Any "B" class safe should suffice. These are available starting at ~100 Euro.

>The police will be able to check the gun storage 24 hrs a day

Only with a well-founded reason or danger to the public safety, no?


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