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Brno Super 575.1

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Hi there, i have just bought an Brno (Brûnner) Super 575.1 in 7x65R From 1979.

Im now trying to figure out what bullet it should be regulated with? I have tried 172gn S&B, 170gn Hammerhead and now last a 156gn Oryx.
Everyone of them are spreading 20-25cm vertically. The bottom barrel low and the topbarrel high.

Im starting to suspect that RWS are the way to go but do anyone know or have a better guess than me ;) (I have tried to contact czub but they couldn´t help me).

I suspect that Brno guns are bigger in Germany so i thought i should check with you.

Best regards Danielj


Normaly those "cheap" czech combination guns are NOT regulated at all.

It is pure luck, when both barrels shoot at one spot with the available ammo.

You shloud look for VALMET combination gun, Barrels are adjustable.

vor 5 Minuten schrieb AWO425:

Normaly those "cheap" czech combination guns are NOT regulated at all.

It is pure luck, when both barrels shoot at one spot with the available ammo.

You shloud look for VALMET combination gun, Barrels are adjustable.

Okey, so it´s just trial and error then?

i thought that Brno super was their "top model" that doesn´t say much, but it have sidelocks etc so i would like to belive that they regulated for something. But you might be right!



Main Problem is, you will not get the same slugs today as back than. That will ruin everything.

The rifled barrel is not the main Problem, that is located in the smoth one. Have you tried S&B slugs and GECO Camou? I had luck with the Camou in my Tikka M77K.

vor 1 Minute schrieb AWO425:

Main Problem is, you will not get the same slugs today as back than. That will ruin everything.

The rifled barrel is not the main Problem, that is located in the smoth one. Have you tried S&B slugs and GECO Camou? I had luck with the Camou in my Tikka M77K.

Aha.  It´s not a combination gun it´s a double rifle. :)

I belive that the combination gun is called 572.x the shotguns 571.x.
The 575.x came in three diffrent chamberings 7x65r (1), 9,3x74r (2) or 375H&H (3) the number in the brackets should replace the x in the model number.



OK, so I was wrong 🙂

Knew the problem mainly form combination guns.


Doubles are a different kind of story.


As the Barrels are soldered together, there is no way of adjusting it on your own, able gunmaker can do it. But this will cost money.


I got a ZH cheap, there barrels are adjustable and eat the 173grn SPCE ammo with a quite stiff load of N550..


Have you tried different bullets weights already? Say upper Barrel 173grn and lower 140grn?


No easy&cheap solution here 😞


Now not all old RWS ammo is available anymore, and RWS is expensive!



vor 2 Minuten schrieb AWO425:

OK, so I was wrong 🙂

Knew the problem mainly form combination guns.


Doubles are a different kind of story.


As the Barrels are soldered together, there is no way of adjusting it on your own, able gunmaker can do it. But this will cost money.


I got a ZH cheap, there barrels are adjustable and eat the 173grn SPCE ammo with a quite stiff load of N550..


Have you tried different bullets weights already? Say upper Barrel 173grn and lower 140grn?


No easy&cheap solution here 😞


Now not all old RWS ammo is available anymore, and RWS is expensive!



Nope, I know that doubles in 7x65R are famous for being troublesome, but it´s actually very consistant. The lower barrel are low and the top barrel high. around 20-25cm. Pretty good in side.
As i stated i have tried 3 diffrent bullet weights 156gn,170 and 173gn. 

I know that RWS are expensive even worse than Norma 😮 , so i thought i would do alittle research before. Tried to find a Czech forum but couldn´t find any. But it seems like germany have alittle bigger market for the Brno so i thought i could check with you guys before i start buying more ammo.
I think the best bet would be RWS ID in 177gn but with my luck it´s probalby 160gn that was used :)

I have the possiblity to reload to the rifle. But i would prefer to find a factory load. (Stupid i know, but im trying to scale back on things :D )



Did you check the muzzles already?


Sometimes a burred muzzel can shoot quite consistent.


I have to feed 3 guns in 7x65R, all eat same ammo(lucky me) and one SAKO in 7x64. All are very accurate & deadly.


vor 7 Minuten schrieb AWO425:

Did you check the muzzles already?


Sometimes a burred muzzel can shoot quite consistent.


I have to feed 3 guns in 7x65R, all eat same ammo(lucky me) and one SAKO in 7x64. All are very accurate & deadly.


I can´t see any wrong. But im not a gunsmith sooooo..

aaaa three guns in 7x65R seems like im talking to an expert then, this is my second. The old one was a merkel SL2 that i have sold. 

I think i will try to order RWS ID Classic 177gn and hope for the best. But it might be more money down the drain.
(If i had a choice of ammo that i would like to work i would like it to be a heavy one.)



Well, I got my fist 7x65R gaun more or less accidently 🙂

Was locking for a bolt action rifle for hunting(back than semiautos were banned, only had 9,3x62 Voere 2185 for hunting). Was traveling gunshops with my son, but no luck.

In the last one on the way I was offered a Brno ZH 348 for 299 Euro otd. Well could not resist.

After that a Tikka M77k came to me and than I got a S&S Drilling for day time stalking.

Normaly I collect finnish and russian guns, but since the collector is quite strong in me, I also pile up some hunting guns too.


Before you "waste" more ammo, try to show the gun to competent gunsmith.

BTW: where are you located?


Is the 20...25cm difference at 50 or 100m?

Any chance, you can use two laser bore sighters simultanously?

Such "small" difference is quite difficult to see, when looking down the barrels at a target, I think.

Never tried it with my ZH.


Or you try ammo with lead free bullets. They are ligher, but harder, good penetration.

 I use 140grn TTSX in 7x6R pushed to somewhat over 900m/s. Just one pig taken with it, head shot, so I can not say, how they work, when aiming for the engine compartment.

Foxes and Enoks normaly desintegrate 🙂




vor 1 Stunde schrieb AWO425:

Well, I got my fist 7x65R gaun more or less accidently 🙂

Was locking for a bolt action rifle for hunting(back than semiautos were banned, only had 9,3x62 Voere 2185 for hunting). Was traveling gunshops with my son, but no luck.

In the last one on the way I was offered a Brno ZH 348 for 299 Euro otd. Well could not resist.

After that a Tikka M77k came to me and than I got a S&S Drilling for day time stalking.

Normaly I collect finnish and russian guns, but since the collector is quite strong in me, I also pile up some hunting guns too.


Before you "waste" more ammo, try to show the gun to competent gunsmith.

BTW: where are you located?


Is the 20...25cm difference at 50 or 100m?

Any chance, you can use two laser bore sighters simultanously?

Such "small" difference is quite difficult to see, when looking down the barrels at a target, I think.

Never tried it with my ZH.


Or you try ammo with lead free bullets. They are ligher, but harder, good penetration.

 I use 140grn TTSX in 7x6R pushed to somewhat over 900m/s. Just one pig taken with it, head shot, so I can not say, how they work, when aiming for the engine compartment.

Foxes and Enoks normaly desintegrate 🙂




Im in sweden ;)

im shooting at 50m at the moment, using a meopta meosight III .
The rifle is bought as an experiment. First double rifle for me, primary i will use it for boar hunting with my dog a Kopov. 

So im not gonna throw to much money into the gun.
But if i like it i will proably regulate the gun to a bullet of my choice and buy some extra barrels for it!

vor 25 Minuten schrieb AWO425:

Good plan!

My ZH is equipped with 1-6x scope, mostly used for pig hunting during harvest and driven hunt.


Good luck with your project!


Glad for your input if you know anyone who owns one on this board. Point them here, they can answer me in german. Google can translate or my wife can understand. But she´s not a gun nut so it might be better with google. :D



Asked my Gunsmith. It is quite unlikely, that you will find an ammo, that wil correct such a huge difference in POI.

Seems like resoldering is the only way, to make it shoot at nearly one spot.

Are there good gunmakers in Sweden, who can work on such Doubbleguns?

Maybe some old Husqvarna Gunsmith is still out there?


Here such work is still done in Suhl and also in Ferlach/Austria.

But it is quite costly.



We have a couple that know how it´s done. :) They usally go to ferlach to get their education.
i starting to think that that is the best course of action, that way i can choose the bullet also.

But i think i will try two more before a regulation. RWS id 177gn and a 140gn bullet(norma Ecostrike). Just for "fun" and knowledge :D


I think RWS are the bullet to regulate for, expensive yes but they seem to not fiddle with their loads, i know that norma have change some of their ammo afterwards wouldn´t be happy if that happens again.

What bullet would you use for regulation?



vor 7 Stunden schrieb danielj:

What bullet would you use for regulation?



A cheap one, and than buy a life time supply of it 🙂

Or handload.


What about lead free ammo? If that becomes madatory, it would be a good idea to regulate the weapon for that.

vor 15 Stunden schrieb AWO425:

A cheap one, and than buy a life time supply of it 🙂

Or handload.


What about lead free ammo? If that becomes madatory, it would be a good idea to regulate the weapon for that.

Im leaning against your advice and onto to RWS ID 177gn. 😮 

I will try to explain.

1. RWS are stable in their loads. Norma have change their loads before.
2. I like heavy bullets. I belive in SD and the speed that ighter bullets gives won´t be "usefull" in the thick of the forest.
3. Handloads, atleast one of the gunsmith that i would consider will not regulate with handloads. Only factory loads (He even writes down the mount and serialnumber on the sight)
4. ID have really good reputation as a boar bullet. (From ppl i know to trust)

I thought about the lead free alternativ. But im not sure i trust Norma to keep the load and bullet spec. Ecostrike seems like a good bullet but i haven´t used it sooo its an unkown.
If the lead will get outlawed, i can always regulate to a leadfree afterwards. The leadfree alternatives should also become more stable with time and factory load will become more viable.


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