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Gast We are Borg

Der US Supreme Court hat es abgelehnt, die Klagen der Stadtverwaltungen von NYC und DC gegen den Waffenfabrikanten BERETTA zur Verhandlung anzunehmen!

Damit sind die Klageabweisungen der Vorinstanzen rechtskräftig!

Künftig sind zivilrechtliche Klagen gegen Waffenhersteller, die wegen des kriminellen Missbrauchs ihrer Produkte zur Verantwortung gezogen werden sollen, aussichtslos. :eclipsee_gold_cup::heuldoch::icon14::00000733::P


NYC Lawsuit Against America's Firearms Manufacturers Denied By U.S. Supreme Court

Monday, March 09, 2009

Fairfax, Va. – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court denied consideration of New York City and Washington, D.C. lawsuits, New York v. Beretta and Lawson v. Beretta, respectively, that tried to hold American gun manufacturers responsible for the acts of criminals. The Court 's order leaves standing a pair of decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and District of Columbia Court of Appeals, both of which found that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), enacted in 2005, prevents these types of lawsuits against lawful firearms manufacturers and dealers.

“Big city mayors conceived these lawsuits to try and litigate American gun manufacturers – who President Roosevelt referred to as “the arsenal of democracy” – out of business,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “NRA has always believed the courts would agree with Congress that the PLCAA rightfully stops these reckless and politically motivated lawsuits.”

In 2000, New York City, Washington, D.C. and several individual plaintiffs sued gun manufacturers, based on the idea that although they manufactured a legal product, forcing them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees just to prove their innocence in court would drive them into bankruptcy. In addition to being based on a bogus legal theory, these lawsuits endangered American armed forces and law enforcement. During congressional debate over the PLCAA, the Department of Defense agreed with the NRA that bankrupting U.S. gun makers and making us dependent on foreign countries like France, Russia or China for small arms is a threat to America’s domestic and international security.

“We are pleased that the courts have recognized the misguided intent of these lawsuits,” concluded Cox. “ America’s law-abiding firearms manufacturers must be protected from reckless suits that have no legal merit.”

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  • 1 Monat später...
Hmm, da wir ja die mächtige böse Waffenlobby sind, könnte mal jemand unauffällig die Versetzung dieser Richter an unser Bundesverfassungsgericht einfädeln ? Falls es da bald mal was wichtiges zu entscheiden gibt ? :ph34r::vampire::021:

@WolfK33: 100% agree :eclipsee_gold_cup:

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Gast We are Borg

Das bringt nix!

Der SCOTUS ist doch der reinste Mumienaufbewahrungsanstalt!

Unsere Verfassungsrichter werden kraft Gesetzes mit 68 Jahren zwangspensioniert. In den USA fangen die mit 68 Jahren erst mal richtig an!

John Paul Stevens ist 89. :rolleyes:

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