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Preissteigerungen beim Futter?


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"100% Preissteigerung bei Kupfer und Zink!

Wegen der stark gestiegenen Rohstoffpreise, werden viele Artikel in Kürze erhöht werden.

Tja, das scheint auch wieder überholt zu sein, wie dieser Bloomberg Artikel zeigt

"Copper Falls, Caps Biggest Weekly Drop Since 2004, as Metal Demand Slows

July 21 (Bloomberg) -- Copper plunged, capping the biggest weekly decline since October 2004, on speculation demand will slow in the U.S. and China, the biggest users of the metal.

Prices fell 10.5 percent this week after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said yesterday the U.S. economy is slowing and China today imposed new lending limits to curb investment and inflation. Copper has doubled in the past year as demand outpaced mine output.

The decline reflects ``concerns about slowing global growth,'' said Robin Bhar, an analyst at UBS Ltd. in London.

Copper for delivery in September fell 8.65 cents, or 2.5 percent, to $3.323 a pound on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. This week's drop for copper, used to make wires and pipes, was the first in four weeks and leaves prices down 18 percent from a record high of $4.04 on May 11.

Copper for delivery in three months fell $325, or 4.4 percent, to $7,035 a metric ton at 6:50 p.m. on the London Metal Exchange, down 20 percent from a record $8,800 on May 11."


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