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America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

March 13, 2006


Since beginning our "Boot the BATFE" campaign (

www.jpfo.org/bootbatfe.htm ) earlier this year, we've been

hearing from a number of people. There is a growing

awareness among gun owners of the capricious and arbitrary

nature of BATFE enforcement, and we feel that it is

_essential_ to expand the awareness of this problem..

Using our BATFE Report form (

http://www.jpfo.org/batfeform.htm ) can help us not only

increase knowledge among gun owners, but allow them a way

to address the issue. The form can be submitted online at

the above address, or you can download and print a PDF

version at www.jpfo.org/batfeform.pdf .

Please, download this form, print it out, and hand it out

at all gun shows, clubs and stores that you patronize. Send

it to every gun owner you know. And if you know anyone who

has been jailed, fined, or otherwise punished for a "gun

crime", please give them a copy as well.

The Congressional Research Service memo (

http://www.jpfo.org/ATFguntests.pdf ) PROVES the BATFE has

no standardized procedure for determining what constitutes

an "illegal" firearm. As a result of that policy, untold

numbers of American citizens are sitting in jail --

financially destroyed, reputations ruined, and rights

forever lost -- as a result of the inconsistent and

unpredictable nature of BATFE investigations.

This is the federal government's worst nightmare. Imagine

if this becomes popular knowledge -- the US Government could

be held liable for _millions_ of dollars in fines, damages,

and settlements resulting from civil lawsuits!

Share the form. Share the memo. And help us give "the boot"

to BATFE and _anyone_ who would dare defend this rogue


- The Liberty Crew


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Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2006 JPFO, Inc.

Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long

as the following JPFO contact information is included:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership PO Box 270143

Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 1-262-673-9745

Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)

Fax: 1-262-673-9746

Web: http://www.jpfo.org/


Hier gibt es den Babel Fish zum Übersetzen. :rolleyes:


Mausebaer :ninja:


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