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If you think, WE live in an Orwell state


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I have no Facebook account but if I had I would pass my pPassword 10 Minutes after hell freezes over.


There is something the Americans misundersood about the 2nd Amendment. It is not there to protect the right to bear arms, it is there to protect all the other freedoms they have. They were supposed to fight any form of tyranny that tried to take their freedoms away from them with the arms which the 2nd Amendment allowed them to bear.

But they gave away their freedom willingly, in fear of terrorism. Their government ran on that fear for over a decade now, seizing freedom and liberty in almost all aspects of life.

Now the 2nd Amendment itself comes under fire and the Americans are afraid that the government will oppress them once they give their weapons up. I got news for you, it already happened.


Indeed, and once the rights are lost you will never get them back.


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