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The land of the free..........

Gast We are Borg

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CHAPPELL HILL, Texas—A Texas bank has created a new rule allowing concealed handgun owners in the building, in hopes that they’ll be a deterrent to armed robbers.

Chappell Hill Bank, located about an hour northwest of Houston, is a bank with history.

"Near as we know, we’re the oldest continuously operated bank in the United States," said bank President Ed Smith. "The rest of them closed for Roosevelt’s bank holiday in 1933."

There have been rules along the way.

"No damn Yankee is going to tell us what to do," said Smith.

Smith, a fourth-generation Texan, recently added another rule to the list.

"I got to thinking we have a right to bear arms," said Smith. "People who have a conceal carry license are welcome here with their pistols."

The premise is boldly stated on the front door.

"Management recognizes the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution," the sign reads.

Smith said he has received reactions from all around the world, and the vast majority of them have been positive. He said the measure hasn’t been bad for business either, and that it has generated at least a dozen new accounts.

Smith said, more than anything, the new policy was intended to send a message to would-be robbers.

"I’m not a robber, but if I was, I’m not going into some place where I thought there was somebody with a gun ready to fire at me," said Ken Lane, a bank customer.

Smith reiterated Lane’s point.

"You don’t know that Mrs. Middlebrooks doesn’t have a .38 in her purse right there," he said. "And, if you try something nefarious in the bank, you might wind up in a horizontal position."

The bank has been robbed five times in its storied history of 100-plus years, most recently in March, Smith said. He said there won’t be a sixth time.

"Come in here, and you might leave feet first," Smith said.


Smith said he has received reactions from all around the world, and the vast majority of them have been positive. He said the measure hasn’t been bad for business either, and that it has generated at least a dozen new accounts.

Smith said, more than anything, the new policy was intended to send a message to would-be robbers.

"I’m not a robber, but if I was, I’m not going into some place where I thought there was somebody with a gun ready to fire at me," said Ken Lane, a bank customer.

Ebend !! Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe geschlagen. :icon14:


Tip für Interessierte:

Schaut Euch mal dieses Texas Q-Kaff per Google Streetview an! Ich habe selten eine ländlicher geprägte Bank gesehen! :rofl:

Einziger und damit grösster Industriebetrieb dort: eine Wurstfabrik! :00000733:

Trotzdem finde ich die Aktion des Bankers gut und nachahmenswert! :gutidee:

Tip für Interessierte:

Schaut Euch mal dieses Texas Q-Kaff per Google Streetview an! Ich habe selten eine ländlicher geprägte Bank gesehen! :rofl:

Trotzdem finde ich die Aktion des Bankers gut und nachahmenswert! :gutidee:

......hab ich schon mal erwähnt, dass ich der festen Überzeugung bin dass die fortschreitende Urbanisierung nicht gut für eine weitläufige Sicht auf das Thema "selbstbestimmter und verantwortlicher Lebensstil" ist? ^_^

Hier ist also wieder ein passendes Mosaiksteinchen für mein konservatives Weltbild.

Mr. Ed Smith: I am your number 1 fan!! :eclipsee_gold_cup:

Carsten, bekennendes Land-Ei


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