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Luftgewehr einem Frankfurt?


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Does anyone know any air rifle shops in Frankfuft which have a good selection and price??



you can try Frankonia in Darmstadt which is about 30km away from Frankfurt

and easily reachable by car or train from Frankfurt central station. There are some

shops in Frankfurt but I cannot recommend them as they're either overpriced, have

impudent manners when dealing with customers, or both :)

As far as I know, Frankonia also has the largest assortment.

The address is:

Frankonia Jagdcenter

Adelungstraße 23

64283 Darmstadt


you can try Frankonia in Darmstadt which is about 30km away from Frankfurt

and easily reachable by car or train from Frankfurt central station. There are some

shops in Frankfurt but I cannot recommend them as they're either overpriced, have

impudent manners when dealing with customers, or both :)

As far as I know, Frankonia also has the largest assortment.

The address is:

Frankonia Jagdcenter

Adelungstraße 23

64283 Darmstadt


here are some of the best sites I've found in the USA

best advice shop...honest...prices good but shipping cost high


Probably the best price site in US for air rifles (cheapest/safest/least rude) is


Probably just like you I've been looking to get the best price on air rifles/ shipping and to be treated nicely by the shop people. Unfortunatley they pretty much are all the same. Intraverted arrogants that don't have much technical knowledge.

Stay in touch



Der Threadstarter wollte wissen, wo in Frankfurt man Luftgewehre kaufen kann.

Ihm wurde dann Frankonia Darmstadt empfohlen.

Er hat dann mit zwei Empfehlungen in den USA geantwortet.

Wobei der Thread hier deplaziert ist, was wohl wiederum mit der Muttersprache des Fredstarters zusammenhängt.

Gast We are Borg
wots going hier ab

I nix inglisch, awer a wisse will!!

Why you nix sprech Englisch?

You not in Schule been?


  • 2 Wochen später...
Why you nix sprech Englisch?

You not in Schule been?


I can speak englisch well, abba nit so schnell :rotfl2:

And what says Dagobert dazu?

Oh by the way: this is not a joke about the threadstarter, good luck!


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