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Mental tricks

Peter K

Empfohlene Beiträge


Hi Peter,

well - that is a BIG topic, crazy.gif and one that it would be very tough to reply to in a short post on a forum...

Let me say this:

YES - shooting is a very mental sport, and IPSC is no exception. Mental training is a big part in achieving success in competition under pressure. Shooting well at your home range in practice is one thing, but we all know that it's not as easy on match day, and the bigger the match, the more the pressure tends to be. So you do need to work on the mental side of your game.

Relaxation, mental focus, concentration, stress control, positivity and mental rehearsal just to name a few, are critical to great performance. there is SO much information out there, so many good books to read. I recommend you do so. My 2 favorite would probably be:

"With winning in mind" by Lanny Bashham icon14.gificon14.gificon14.gif

and "The inner game of tennis" by W. Timothy Gallwey icon14.gificon14.gif

These two books greatly helped me to understand the workings of the inner mind, and how they effect performance.

Some great relaxation exercises can also be found in "sports psyching" by Thomas Tutko.

And of course there are dozens of other books, in German too, I am sure.

Here's an idea: If we can get a group together interested in this issue and you would like me to come to do a lecture about this perhaps we can be arranged. 3-4 hour session somewhere. Perhaps in conjunction to one of the big matches, when we are all there anyway... Just an idea, if someone wants to try and arrange it.


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