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Das WO-Team wünscht Euch ein frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch

Match schedule for next year - the Israeli Open


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Hi guys,

I don't know how many of you are aware of it, but I have been promoting the Israeli Nationals for next year. It's a good level III match in early April - and I have organized a complete week program - to take care of ALL your needs in Israel during your visit. This will not be just a match! You should come for a whole week - and enjoy the program I have prepared: 3 days of guided tours to the famous sites in the country, a HB beach-front 4 star hotel in Tel Aviv -and of course the great April weather. You can find all info at www.israeliopen.doublealpha.biz

Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. I hope to have many European shooters come to compete in this match. I am sure you will enjoy it thoroughly!


Hi Saul,

your program seems to be a good opportunity to shoot a nice IPSC-match and to visit the "holy land" just in one week.

BUT: Don´t you think that many of us are not shure if it´s a good idea to visit a country which has become one of the most dangerous places in the world? I´m shure that I will visit the holy land someday. But not now!!! It´s far too dangerous!!!


Hi Peter,

I can certainly understand why you would get the impression that Israel is today one of the most dangerous places on earth. But I must tell you, having lived there my whole live, it is not all that dangerous. Bear in mind that all you see on the news are the trouble spots, and terrorist attacks. Yes - these things are happening, but, most people live there lives there, getting up in the morning and going to work, just like we do here in Europe. Living a normal life. The chances of you being involved in any terrorist activity are about ZERO, well, maybe not zero, maybe 0,000001. But still - you get what I mean. for sure the chances of you being hurt that week in a car accident (god forbid) are bigger. Especially if you avoid the danger places in Israel and public transportation - which of course we will. But of course, this decision is up to each person to make for himself.


Saul, a few numbers might help (or not...): Israel has approx. 6 Mio people (and, btw., is about 1/3 the size of Bavaria). Assume a violent death rate of about 1000-2000/year, on all sides of the conflict, then this is roughly (!) equivalent to the 40000/year violent deaths in the USA for 200 Mio people there. Travelling to Israel, statistically, is about as dangerous or as harmless as traveling to the USA (much more dangerous than travelling to Bavaria, but much less dangerous than traveling to Brazil or Venezuela).




well pointed-out. And even more so when you consider that 1000-2000 is actually a higher than real number. It is still well below 1000 per year. (not saying that the violence situation is good, but only that it is not as bad as some may think). Israel "enjoys" SO much news coverage, that one gets the wrong impression. It is not a "war zone" all over all the time. Not at all. And as you point out - there are other vacation locations much more dangerous, like South-Africa. I am sorry to say, as I was actually born in SA...

Anyway, I hope some of you will make the decision to come to Israel. i think it will be a great week of shooting.


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