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Beiträge von bleivorbei

  1. Of course not, but one fourth of the population is indifferent to Islam terrorist attrocities at best. More likely they are silent supporters at worst or simply ignorant.

    Be it as it may, our trendy western permissiveness will kill us on the long run. I'm not gonna accept that.

    EBR, your approach seems very simplistic. To how many muslims did you talk lately to verify this, all of them? Two way communication, right?

    I agree, our trendy western permissiveness will get us killed:

    We allowed the CIA to train the taliban, the stratigical hopless invasion of afghanistan - proved by brits an soviets beforehand, the invasion of iraq for al qaida and weapons of mass destruction - none to be found, then we allowed ourselves to withdraw and leave a whole region destabilized, fertilizing the ground well for IS.

    I forgot, on the way we allowed Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

    Then we allow ourselves to condemn and fear all muslims, and the use of that fear against the values and freedom we thought, we stand for.

    You think this could help maybe 1 or 2 muslims to develop a bit of indifference?

    You keep on demanding, but you don't deliver.

  2. Dear Bleivorbei,

    your post is a mixture of negative projection (nobody in this thread said they wanted to cut throats....instead people pointed out that cutting throats is highly uncivilized and anti-humanistic and btw anti-christian) and denial.

    Your turning down of answering basic questions is simply based on the fact that you do not like the answers you had to give to those questions. Man up and admit it.

    All in all you are cutting off the two-way-communication necessary for exchange of thoughts.

    That is an answer in itself,

    For denying that other points of view could be true or should even be allowed to exist is the sign of a radical.

    Food for thought for sure, but I won´t hold my breath until you thought this "food" through.

    You DO like playing Solitaire, don´t you?


    Dear Carsten,

    you accuse me of negative projection, after one fourth of world population has been declared radical and dangerous?

    Denial? To recognize the multifaceted process that led to islamic fundamentalism on the rise? That's what i saw.

    I thought we figured, it is a political problem - not a religious one.

    And i just don't see, what that has to do with with the head cleric of islam, sorry. It would be to great to see sunnis and shiites agree on one.

    Let's have a two way communication - what will the fear of fundamentalist terror be used for?

    Cutting down on freedom - our freedom, if you call it that, to own firearms will be one of the first ones on the list.

    Brave new world don't work so well with an armed populace. Be it hunters and competitors.

    Yeah, not only one fourth of world population is radical, i'm as well.


    Food for thought.

  3. Here we go again!

    Sorry for having a real life. No reason to get smart here....

    Your days must be pretty demanding, considering your writing here at night, but i digress.

    I also got the fun part of your statement above, that the man who often bypasses Congress and some other parts of the legeslative protocol, seems to act like a sponsor and judge all at the same time. Wasn´t this the President, who wanted to bomb Syria in order to restore human rights, which aren´t compatible to the human rights defined in the CDHRI from 1990? Is that the same president, who doesn´t trust his own people for owning firearms, now wants to sign a nuclear deal with Iran?

    This president looks like a deer in the headlights to many people, everytime a new international problem arises.

    He speaks of unintended consequences??

    That is indeed the president i mean - there is a lot to be criticized about his presidency, no doubt - still, how about the responsability of western civilized worlds failed politics and wars.

    Don't you think, it can radicalize a man, seeing his family turn to pink mist?

    No. With this statement you proved instantly, that you are far away from understanding humanistic principles.

    As far as I´m concerned, they could run their Islamistic State down there. I wouldn´t care at all.

    Not very humanistic, as i understand.

    You failed to provide any evidence for your statements.

    Mhh, you bring a lot of evidence - but just evidence that fits your argumentation.

    As an example I really liked your deathtoll counter. A pitty you missed to put it in perspective to the numbers of death caused by civilized wests - i repeat myself - failed politics and wars in the middle east.

    No politics and government have to be in peoples mind on a mandatory basis. With no one thinking about this, how can one take part in an election? Or be a citizen in a democracy? Please don´t express the need to have a lecture on that.....

    Nice twist of my words - i did not pay enough attention.

    What i meant was stopping the western secular countries becoming the brave new world, they are about to become.

    And by the way, the most used tool for this is fear of (isalmic) terror.

    ... and the necessary corrective actions are to be taken.

    What corrective actions you mean - going to war? Only to check, if it comes down to cutting throats or not, humanisticly speaking.

    I said it once before:

    I have no objections at all against any religious believe. There are good christians, muslims, hindus, buddhists. No doubt about it. But how you can differ between a radical follower and the normal one?

    Easy to be answered:

    The good ones keep the belief out of society, out of government, out of school, out of the workplace.

    In other words: They don´t take their believe too seriously. They keep it checked and balanced with common sense and humanistic elements.

    You are confusing, how does this go together with: It is good to be anti-isalm .... so true.

    I am not fond to give up any freedom of our society just to provide any socio- cultural commodities to a minority, which doesn´t accept our way of life and our principles to its entirety.

    Mhh, how about the freedom of religion - i had the impression, that's one of our societys freedoms.

  4. Balu, you make my day!

    That is a looong post.

    Well this could be true, if I was a follower of the christian belief or any kind of belief.

    Just for the record:
    I am a follower of secular humanism. I like to employ science, common sense, naturalistic phliosophies etc. for solving nowadays problems. This implies, I deeply reject any religion ( not beliefs). Religions are prone to instrumentalize peoples fears, sterotypes etc.

    Mhh, well, it appears Muslim is the perfect secular humanitarians infidel.

    And secular humanitarism don't seem to be any less prone to - ähem - instrumentaiize peoples fears and stereotypes. That was one of my main points to start writing here. The video you applauded is nothing else.

    I am a follower of secular humanism. I like to employ science, common sense, naturalistic phliosophies etc. for solving nowadays problems. This implies, I deeply reject any religion ( not beliefs). Religions are prone to instrumentalize peoples fears, sterotypes etc.

    The advantage of being an atheist like me is, that I am free of ethics of conviction. I prefer to utilize ethics of responsibility, which itself are based on logic and not following an agenda of any kind.

    That sounds really good - but not following an agenda - seriously? It is rare to find people without a hidden agenda, yet without any agenda - that would make more than my day.

    Ethics of responsibility? You seem to forget the responsability of 'western secular humanism'. If that hadn't waged war in Irak - right, i forgot that was about weapons of mass destruction not about oil - ISIS would't even be there. You are so good with numbers - what was the death toll for this? Upps, it is still rising.

    And there is the point, where religion is corrupted into politics.

    Very valid point - now we are talking: politics - not religion.

    I don't think, it would be difficult to agree about the politics of ISIS and Boku Haram.

    I am not aware of any public executions of gay people in western states, utilizing construction cranes.

    No, western states use cluster bombs, laser guided munition and drones on completely innocent people - collateral damage.

    Man, that's what i call ethic superiority.

    To be honest: I have nothing against this particular belief itself, I just don´t know enough about it.

    I honour that admittance!

    Why do you then applaud the video, bashing Islam left, right and middle, like there were no other aspects?

    But if the radicals are only a minority, then I would like to conclude, it is about time for the muslims worldwide, to start tightening up their own shit and declare a fatwa upon these bastards within their community, draggin´ their own religion into the gutter.

    I don´t like women to be executed for adultery, i don´t like young girls forced into marriage with a 80 year old sugar daddies under islamic justification.

    Good idea - i completely agree on this. A fatwa upon Jihad!

    Religion is a private matter. That means, it is for your head, for your home and for your church or temple or mosque.
    This means in return, keep it away from other people´s life, out of politics, out of society, out of the government.

    Agreed - but is has to be a two way deal. Let's also keep politics and govermnet out of people's head, home and place of worship.

    My phobia? I fear fear - it makes you act without proper reflection of consequence.

    ... you prefered to demonize my standpoint...

    Before you reach a verdict, you should have a conversation with the delinquent first ( in this case my humble me) before making any judgements on other people´s sanity. I refuse myself the right to shut you up. In return, you took your own moral superiority for granted. Once thus given, you reached your verdict without a due and logical process. This holier-than-thou attitude is also very common among religions.

    My bad - how about you grant more than one fourth of world population the same opportunity.

    ... and never mind, before religion becomes law, i guess, we meet in the trenches.

    Best regards

  5. But let me ask a couple of questions first, which shouldn´t be a problem for you to be answered and to be founded on sourced facts:

    • Who is actually the highest ranking Clergy within Islam ?
    • Please name at least a dozen islamic countries ( without using Google, Bing and Yahoo ) which are famous due to their religious tolerance and their long history of freedom of speech ?
    • Name the last 20 ground breaking inventions made by islamic countries ?
    • Why are Muslims the ethnic group, which is prone to have problems in regards to integration, violence and intolerance?
    • The CDHRI is not granting any human rights, equalizing human dignity instead. Why?

    These are 5 basic questions, which shouldn´t take more than 5 minutes to answer, without the use of google. Given the fact, that your reply should be founded on facts, I am looking forward for your reply.....

    Nice try Balu.

    Don't really feel like playing question and answer.

    Or is it more an attempt to shut me up - so you can enjoy your islamophobia untroubled?

    Polemics don't get better, if you put numbers in front and questionmarks in behind!

    Instead i have been contemplating a bit.

    You know what is most enjoyable about you guys?

    You rage about how all muslims are talibanesque - and miss completely how you are the same.

    You want to find an infidel - your infidel is muslim - and then you wanna cut throats.

    It happens so easily - what you fear in others is yourself.

    Just a lack of selfreflection.

  6. Please mind, that this is the english- spoken corner of this discussion board.

    Oh - too sorry.

    Still i stand by what i said, which translates like this:

    ... here we go again.

    Putting religious fanatism on one level with a whole religion, you have no idea about - it's disgusting.

    The sufis were too barbaric, aren't they?

    Just keep on happily fearing the evil muslim.


    Neither, you didn´t comprehend, nor you watched the video in it´s entirety, which would you have enabled to see the intention of the video.

    Yes, i did watch through the whole polemic thing. And granted his needling is hitting some very week points of what people abuse islam for - you wanna tell me, this thread is not one more stupid islamophobic repetition of the same thing over and over again?

    I am up for a surprise - but i doubt it!

    Best regards

  7. Ich denke schon das wohl die meisten Vereine n bischen auf Tuchfühlung gehen wenn sich "Neue" vorstellen ... sofern sich etwas als verdächtig/sonderbar/merkwürdig zeigt.

    Ich denke das dient auch im eigenen Interesse vor faulen Eiern.

    Mhhh, und die wirklich faulen Eier werden oft keinem auffallen - oder wer bezahlt die geheimdienstlich psychologische Ausbildung des Vorstands?

    Hier muss man ganz doll aufpassen, nicht Menschen aufgrund ihrer Ethnie oder Religion sehr seltsam zu behandeln - zu diskriminieren - auszuschliessen.

    Oder gab es da etwa schon vorher fremdenfeindliche Tendenzen - die man jetzt endlich ausleben darf.

    ... es nicht so wichtig wovor das Volk Angst hat - Hauptsache es hat Angst - und wie schön gruselt sich's vorm Muselman.

    Das wird wieder herrlich ausgeschlachtet.

    Und die Mehrheit freut sich, wenn man ihr die Freiheit weiter zusammenkürzt. Jetzt sind wir sicher. :bad:

  8. Und genau in diese Richtung muss das deutsche Waffenrecht hin entwickelt werden.

    Mhh na ja, nicht das ich da was gegen hätte - aber der politische Wille sieht wohl anders aus - keine Waffen im Volk. Wird von den Medien geschickt verkauft und Otto-Normal-Bürger freut sich, dass er um so sicherer ist, je mehr man ihm das Recht auf Selbstverteidigung beschneidet.

    Wer soll das also in Deutschland durchsetzen?

    ... das Problem mit der Mehrheit in der 'Demokratie' halt.

    Versteh' mich nicht falsch - ich würde gern ein vernünftiges Waffenrecht sehen.

    Meine Hoffnung hält sich in Grenzen.

    Oder hat jemand 'ne Idee?

    ... und setzt die auch um.


  9. In einem anderen deutschsprachigen Waffenforum hat ein User Mitte August 2013 eine entsprechende Ordnungswidrigkeit durch die zuständige Behörde bei einer nicht angekündigten Kontrolle aufgrund einer "unterladenen" Pistole um die Ohren bekommen.

    Er hat daraufhin juristischen Widerstand eingelegt und das Bußgeldverfahren wurde im Oktober 2013 eingestellt!

    Falls erlaubt kann ich gerne den direkten Link zum entsprechenden Diskussionsfaden einstellen...

    Der Link würde mich interessieren!

    Bis zu diesem merkwürdigen Urteil des BVerwG vom 03.03.14 war die Rechtslage eindeutig, dass eine unterladene bzw teilgeladene Kurzwaffe in einem 0 er bzw 1er Schrank bzw Jägerschrank (A Schrank, im B-Innenfach) aufbewahrt werden darf.

    Die Diskussion hierüber wurde lang und breit im Rechtsforum Wild und Hund geführt.

    Letztendlich hat auch ein namhafter und bekannter Waffenrechtsexperte und Rechtsanwalt in diesem Forum von Wild und Hund sein "OK" zu dieser Auffassung geteilt, und zwar nach Prinzip: was nicht nach dem Gesetz verboten ist, ist erlaubt.

    Der Link würde mich genauso interessieren.


  10. Hier der nochmal der direkte Link zum Beschluss: http://www.bverwg.de/entscheidungen/entscheidung.php?ent=030314B6B36.13.0

    Für unsere Diskussion von Interesse:

    "Das Oberverwaltungsgericht hält den Kläger in seinem Beschluss für unzuverlässig nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 Buchst. b WaffG, weil Tatsachen vorlägen, welche die Annahme rechtfertigten, dass er mit Waffen oder Munition nicht vorsichtig oder sachgemäß umgehen sowie diese Gegenstände nicht sorgfältig verwahren werde. Die Berufungsentscheidung sieht einen unvorsichtigen Umgang mit einer Schusswaffe darin, dass der Kläger eine solche nach Gebrauch nicht entladen, sondern sie im durchgeladenen Zustand, d.h. mit einer Patrone im Patronenlager, in seinen Waffenraum gestellt und dort belassen habe. Darin liege zugleich ein unsachgemäßer Umgang mit der Waffe, weil ein sachgemäßer Umgang die Beachtung grundlegender Vorsichtsmaßregeln erfordere. Die behördliche Zulassung einer bestimmten Art der Aufbewahrung besage nichts über die ansonsten für einen vorsichtigen und sachgemäßen Umgang erforderlichen Verhaltens- und Vorsichtsmaßregeln. Die Aufbewahrung einer durchgeladenen Waffe sei per se nicht ordnungsmäßig (sorgfältig). Es handele sich um eine Selbstverständlichkeit, Schusswaffen nach dem Gebrauch zu entladen. Dies ergebe sich aus der grundlegenden Umgangs- und Vorsichtsmaßregel. Dementsprechend habe für den Gesetzgeber keine Veranlassung bestanden, ausdrücklich die Aufbewahrung geladener Waffen zu untersagen. Aus der ausnahmsweisen Zulassung von Waffen und Munition in einem Sicherheitsbehältnis nach § 36 Abs. 1 Satz 2 Halbs. 2 WaffG folge nichts Gegenteiliges."


    "Die Frage rechtfertigt nicht die Zulassung der Revision, weil sich - was nicht eigens der Klärung im Rahmen eines Revisionsverfahrens bedarf - die genannte Annahme des Oberverwaltungsgerichts als offensichtlich zutreffend erweist. Es besteht keinerlei Zweifel, dass die Aufbewahrung von Waffen in durchgeladenem Zustand grundlegenden Vorsichts- bzw. Sorgfaltsmaßgaben im Umgang bzw. bei der Aufbewahrung von Waffen und Munition im Sinne von § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 Buchst. b WaffG widerspricht. Nur bei Beachtung dieser Maßgaben ist sichergestellt, dass Dritten die einfache Wegnahme von Waffen zum schnellen, sofortigen Gebrauch erschwert wird. Die Maßgaben dienen im Übrigen auch dem Schutz des Berechtigten."

    Ich finde so eine Rechtssprechung äußerst problematisch, da hier nicht mit Gesetzen begründet wird, sondern mit Vorsichts- bzw. Sorgfaltsmaßgaben, Selbstverständlichketen, ...

    Ich kenne: Jede Waffe ist als geladen zu behandeln, immer.


    Es ist erlaubt, was nicht explizit verboten ist.

    Nur kommt das BVerwG hier zu einer völlig anderen Einschätzung. Seine Rechtsauffassung finde ich beängstigend - wenn diese Beispiel Schule macht - willkommen im rechtsfreien Raum für LWB.

    @FvLW: Wie verhindert man, dass so eine Rechtssprechung um sich greift. Es gibt einige Sachverhalte die im WaffG nicht eindeutig geregelt sind. Wenn die alle willkürlich zu unseren Ungunsten ausgelegt werden - Prost Mahlzeit.

  11. Manchmal wundert man sich nur noch - ob dem SB das Gesetz gefällt oder nicht - er muss sich wohl daran halten!

    Solang der Lauf 30cm hat und die Flinte insgesamt 60cm - wo ist derPunkt?

    Eine Disziplin im BDS ist:

    4405 Fallscheiben Schießen Doppelflinte mit Ejektor
    4406 Fallscheiben Schießen Doppelflinte ohne Ejektor
    ... und nicht unterkriegen lassen!
  12. Wo hast du das mit den 127,5mm her ? Das 127 5" auf der Website soll 127mm bzw 5" heißen.

    Oh Oh, da ist die Erhellung, um die ich gebeten hatte!

    Dann ist also damit zu rechnen, dass die PPQ in 5 Zoll = 127mm bei der nächsten Aktualisierung der Production Liste drauf kommt?

    Danke farmer3

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