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[V] Strike Industries King Comp und Checkmate - (brake/flash hider)

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Hi zusammen,

wir haben wieder etwas über und verkaufen je einen neuen:

-Beide gehören zu den besten Flash/Brake-Reduction Hybriden, mit besonders gutem P/L Verhältnis - beide sind in D normalerweise nicht erhältlich:-

Strike Industries King Comp

The Strike Industries King-Comp features large dual chamber design, which was engineered to reduce felt recoil and help reduce the side concussion with the specifically angled gas ports. To top it off, the K-Comp features 4 serrated prongs provide some flash suppression. The K-Comp is a great alternative if you're looking for a cross between a compensator and a muzzle brake or effective “combo” muzzle device.

Length: 2.62”

Width: 0.87”

Weight: 3.8 oz

Materials: Steel

Color: Black

Package Includes:
1 x King Comp

- Dual chamber design to reduced felt recoil
- Specifically angled gas ports to cancel side concussion.
- Serrated prongs for flash suppression
- Heavy duty steel construction with Parkerized finish

Preis 69 Euro

Strike Industries Checkmate Comp

The battlefield is a game of life and death. Any warrior will tell you having a mental toughness and a sharp mind will give you an advantage in the chess game of combat. It is with this in mind that Strike Industries introduces the “Check Mate” compensator! The Check mate top quality, multifunctional muzzle instrument that is designed with a series of four offset serrated angled prongs which stabilize climb and recoil as well as reduce flash. The top port set to the right, benefits right hand shooters with minimizing excessive climb. The aggressive front is added feature the makes sure no one gets too close. The parkerized steel, design, and detail attest to the quality of comp that we’ve created. The Check Mate is sure to dish out the maximum amount of royal pain!

Package include:
» 1 x Check mate comp

» Aggressive front serrated prongs
» Top port for right hand shooters
» Parkerized Steel finish
» Offset angled to increase stability
» Two paralleled ports to expel gas
» Relatively low muzzle flash

So Strike Industries went a little bit nuts. I asked them if they’d like to pick a muzzle device for inclusion in this write-up — whichever one they’d prefer to see in here — and they sent eight of them. I believe it’s literally every one they make. Limiting the submissions from any one company never occurred to me, and since many of these are going to become TTAG contest prizes (e.g. weekend photo caption contests, etc), I figured what the heck, test ’em all.Strike Industries’ Checkmate is a really sweet looking and effective comp at a low price. Nearly all of the ones that beat it in the recoil test are larger and heavier. The aggressive prongs help to reduce flash (click here), while the conservatively-sized single chamber reduces recoil without excessive concussion or too much flash of its own. Machining is nice and sharp with no mistakes and only very light tool marks in some places. The parkerizing on my example is about as good as parkerizing gets, which you can see in the bottom photo when it was new, while it’s a bit beat up in the top photo from being mounted and removed a handful of times over the past few months.The is one of the other muzzle devices that accepts the FERFRANS CRD.

Preis: 65 Euro

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Kurze Erklärung auf Nachfrage:

Beide sind Hybride aus Kompensatoren (zur Rückstoßminderung) und Mündungsfeuerdämpfer (zur Reduktion von Mündungsfeuer).

Beide sind für Ihre Größenklasse hervorragend.

Der King Comp hat eine höhere Minderung sowohl bei Rückstoß (gering besser), als auch beim Mündungsfeuer als der Checkmate.

Dafür ist er jedoch auch fast doppelt so lang und doppelt so schwer wie der Checkmate.

Der Clou am Checkmate ist, dass er sogar ein Tick kürzer und leichter als der A2 Flashhider ist, aber dennoch den effektiv den Rückstoß mindert.

Beide sind in Ihrer Gewichts-/Größenklasse sehr gut (besonders der Checkmate) und vom Preis/Leistungsverhältnis unschlagbar.

Man muss nur mal den King Comp mit dem weit verbreiteten PWS FSC vergleichen - letzterer ist in allem schlechter und doppelt so teuer.

Ließ hierzu auch: http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2015/04/jeremy-s/ar-15-muzzle-brake-shootout-2/

Bearbeitet von -Phoenix-
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