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Newsticker-EU Waffenrechtsverschärfung

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Turbo's Beitrag zu einer geleakten Variante des neuen Vorschlags der EU-Kommission.

Ob es 100% so stimmt, kann ich mich nicht für verbürgen, aber aus Informationsgründen mal hier gepostet.

Generell scheinen die meisten bisherigen Punkte noch drin zu sein, aber abgemildert durch mehr Entscheidungsmöglichkeit der Mitgliedsstaaten.

Panik möchte ich auch nicht verbreiten, ich erwarte von der Kommission auch keine Abmilderung aus freien Stücken. Man muss denen den Knochen im Maul Faser für Faser entreißen...und idealerweise noch ein paar Zähne mit.



Beste Grüße


Das aktuelle Dokument der Vorschläge der EK ist nicht öffentlich zugänglich (wenn man auf content clickt) http://www.consilium.europa.eu/register/en/content/out/?&typ=ENTRY&i=ADV&DOC_ID=ST-6037-2016-INIT

ein Teil wurde geleaked (ich kopiere das nur, das hat jemand auf Fords Seite gepostet). Scheinbar werden die Mitgliedsstaaten befragt und das sieht alles nicht gut für uns aus:

I suspect this might be a part of it. The Commission asking Member States for opinions on how much the Directive should be tightened:

4. In the light of the Council Conclusions of 20 November 2015 and subsequent to the first round of discussion on the
proposed amendments at the GENVAL Working Party on 26 November and 18 December 2015 as well as on 25 January 2016, the Presidency revised the text of the proposal, taking into account as much as possible the various concerns raised by delegations.
The GENVAL Working Party discussed the revised text at its meeting of 8 February 2016. It became clear that both the scope of the amended Directive and its key concepts require further fine-tuning. The discussion should also be continued on the proposed re-categorisation of firearms and on how to avoid overregulation as to market restrictions.
5. The Presidency noted, in particular, broad consensus concerning the suggestion that salute and acoustic weapons, which were used at the Paris attacks, stay in the category in which they would fall according to how they were originally built.
6. With a view to reaching a general approach on the proposed amendments of the Firearms Directive by June 2016, the Presidency intends to seek political guidance from the Council to the Working Party on the five issues set out below.

A. Minimum age for the possession of firearms
In view of the above, Member States are invited to state (…) whether they prefer :
a) that the rule in the current Directive which permits the acquisition, other than through purchase, and possession of firearms by persons of less than 18 years, should be maintained; or
b) that the exception for minors set out in the current Directive should be confined to the sole possession of weapons (…); or
c) that the exception for minors set out in the current Directive should be further circumscribed by setting a minimum age for the possession of firearms.

B. Medical tests for the authorisation to acquire and to possess firearms
In view of the above, Member States are invited to indicate whether they prefer:
a) a rule like in the current Directive which leaves it entirely up to national legislation how to grant or withdraw authorisation to acquire and possess firearms;
b) a requirement of a medical test for such authorisations in the Directive;
c) a (…) medical test for such authorisations with criteria for such tests to be laid down at EU level.

C. Prohibition of semi-automatic firearms for civilian use
With a view to dealing with the risk the current B.7 firearms present to public security, Member States are invited to state their preferences as to whether these weapons:
a) should be prohibited (…), limited to the most dangerous ones, to be further defined by way of technical specifications in the Directive, or
b) their possession for civilian use should continue to be authorised by Member States but under stricter conditions to be defined in the Directive.

D. Exceptional possession of prohibited firearms for cultural and historical reasons
Member States are invited to exchange views on whether they would prefer
a) a general rule such as in the current Directive which gives leeway to Member States authorising the acquisition as well as the possession of category A firearms as long as it is not contrary to public security or public order;
b) only museums [and private collectors] to be exempted from the above-mentioned general prohibition and be allowed to acquire and possess category A weapons;
c) an exception only for museums [and private collectors] allowing for only the possession of category A firearms which, furthermore, are deactivated, as provided by the Commission proposal.

The Presidency acknowledges that this discussion is without prejudice to the issue of the acquisition and/or possession of firearms by army reservists, which will be dealt with separately at a later stage.

E. On line sales
26. Member States are invited to exchange views on whether they would prefer to allow the acquisition and selling of firearms and ammunition by means of distance communication for individuals, where authorised:
a) but requiring that the actual handover is done under conditions that allow for verification of the identity and the authorisation of the buyer, for instance in the presence of a dealer or of public authorities representatives;
b) but only through authorised dealers and brokers with the transfer of weapons being an officially authorised face-to-face transaction;
c) but under the condition that the acquisition and selling of firearms and their parts and ammunition by means of distance communication is strictly controlled.


Besuch der spanischen Asociación Nacional del Arma de España bei den spanischen MdEP zur Diskussion über die EU-Feuerwaffenrichtlinie und die Folgen. Übernommen von der Facebookseite von Firearms United.

Besonders herausgestochen ist folgender Satz:

Wir hören die Beschwerden von MdEP, die nicht glauben können, dass sie 1500-2000 Mails zum Thema in ihren Mailboxen haben.


:gr1: :gr1: :gr1: :gr1: :gr1:

Beste Grüße


Ban on semi-automatic rifles in the EU?
Press Release by our partner ANARMA » 02 Mar 2016 11:08

Google translation:


In a marathon round of meetings ANARMA and FSA maintained contacts with parliamentarians from the political groups CIUDADANOS, PSOE and PP. We attended the meeting of FACE together with other European organizations such as the pro-gun Czechs LEX, the pro-gun French of UNPACT, the association of European collectors FESAC (of which we are members) and others.

Finally the day ended with a meeting in representing the Spanish government in Brussels, in particular with the representative of the Ministry of Interior. As you can imagine we went running from one place to another to get to meetings that had been scheduled in previous weeks work exchanges with dozens of e-mails and documents.

That is, the meetings had worked before for them to be as productive and effective as possible. With CIUDADANOS the meeting was grossly distended, Javier Nart MEP surprised us with a great knowledge of the world of weapons. We were reviewing the documentation submitted clarifying and prioritizing the most important points. We agreed to coordinate and maintain a line of communication with him before the expected arrival of the proposal from the European Commission to one of its committees, the AFET. On the other hand he informed us that this issue are in contact and coordination with the "shadow rapporteur" or "rapporteur for his group" Dita Charanzová of the Czech Republic. This MEP has been shown so far as one of the most critical and hard against the proposal of the European Commission. We were offered yesterday a meeting with her and our Czech brothers LEX, but it was impossible because we were running from one place to another just in time.

With the PSOE, the meeting was positive and close, Sergio Gutierrez showed a lot of empathy with our issue and welcomed the information provided, as there were some aspects unknown. We should note that it is one of the committees which owns and is actively working on the amendments. Common space of cooperation was established and were to give specific information about the amendments we propose. We were told that at this time the fiercest discussion focuses as is logical in the ban on semiautomatic rifles, where the Commission is adamant.

We like the rest of MEPs will indicate that the whole proposal is non - negotiable for us, the ban guns, ban electronic commerce of weapons and components and that collectors should remain outside the directive as far . As always he dedicated a small space ICAE-CIPAE tandem, explaining its covert legislative actions. We asked for an example, we cite the abuse long distance shooters and gunsmiths suffer with the change of barrels of their rifles. He expressed surprise and concern.

With the PP an initially somewhat tense meeting, due to what they considered some of the mails received as aggressive and humiliating tone remained. This position was immediately tempered by our President Javier Arnaiz. As in other meetings, with the exception of Javier Nart, we had to start with the basics on the operation and classification of weapons being persecuted by the Commission, up to the issues of economic and social impact. There was commitment to work together and fight for the rights of the affected sectors.

The meeting with the representative of the Ministry of Interior of our government in Brussels, was touchdown and informative, and who had just landed in office. He was informed of the situation and the interim position paper of the Spanish government in favor of the proposal from the Commission he said. He was to give additional information about it and continue working for the rights of our constituents are taken into account.

Finally indicate that attended the meeting of the all - powerful FACE, the association of European hunters, with the European Commission. In it were some European associations with which we share FIREARMS UNITED militancy. The meeting was tense and angry many times, applause to ours and at some point attempt at the European Commission boos occurred. The nerves surfaced and the Commission was nervous in their responses to ours. We will expand information on it soon. At the end of it there were the typical small groups where contacts were made, strategies and new meetings were discussed.

We talked briefly with the President of FACE, Filippo Segato, with our friend Stephen Petroni president of FESAC, with Gilles Profit president of the French UNPACT and with David Karásek and Vladan Vrba of LEX.

In short, the day that started at 4:00 am and ended at 23:00 when we arrived at our homes, was just exhausting but very rewarding, because we are getting to hear our / your voice where decisions are made and strengthens our organization as a valid interlocutor with national institutions and European. Although as our president said in his letter a few days ago, without you simply would not be possible.

We hear the complaint of some MEPs who could not believe they had mailboxes emails with about between 1500-2000 mails. Just say that if we continue to grow and 2,000 instead of 20,000 arrived mails will we be able to what we propose. Thank you for your support.

- See more at: http://www.armas.es/…/prohibicion-de-fusiles-semiautomatico…


Der Bayerische Innenminister Herrmann zur EU-Waffenrichtlinie im Zuge einer Rede zur Eröffnung der IWA Outdoor Classic:


Herrmann wies darauf hin, dass das Verstöße gegen das Waffengesetz rückläufig seien und dass es sich bei Waffen, die im Zusammenhang mit Straftaten sichergestellt würden, zu 95 Prozent um illegale Waffen handle: „Das Problem ist der illegale Waffenbesitz“, stellte Herrmann klar, „Und deshalb sollte man in der Öffentlichkeit auch nicht den Eindruck erwecken, dass der legale Waffenbesitz das Problem darstellt.“

Die EU-Kommission berufe sich bei ihren Plänen zur Waffenrechtsverschärfung auf die schrecklichen Terrortaten von Paris, kritisierte Herrmann, „doch was sie an Regelungen vorschlägt, hat keinen Bezug zu diesen Taten.“ Herrmann erinnerte an einen Fall, bei dem ein Golf aus Montenegro an der Grenze zu Frankreich gestoppt wurde, in dem acht Kalaschnikows versteckt montiert waren: „Das hat doch mit normalem Waffenhandel nichts zu tun“, so der Minister unter Bezugnahme auf die beabsichtigten Einschränkungen des Handels mit Jagd- und Sportwaffen.

Herrmann bezweifelte, dass die EU für die geplanten Neuregelungen zuständig sei. Formal werde dies mit der Aufrechterhaltung des freien Handels begründet, doch habe das Waffengesetz mit freiem Handel in der EU nichts zu tun. „Die EU beschäftigt sich auf klammheimlichem Weg mit Dingen, für die sie nicht zuständig ist“, meint der Innenminister. Sie solle sich lieber um die Einhaltung gültiger Verträge wie des Schengen-Abkommens kümmern.

Die vorgeschlagenen Neuregelungen wie die auf fünf Jahre befristete Gültigkeit waffenrechtlicher Erlaubnisse, verpflichtende medizinische Untersuchungen für Legalwaffenbesitzer und die Aufnahme unbrauchbar gemachter Waffen in die nationalen Waffenregister würde einen Verwaltungsaufwand schaffen, der in keinem Verhältnis zum erwartbaren Nutzen stünde.

Herrmann versprach, sich bei der bevorstehenden Novellierung des Bundeswaffengesetzes (BWaffG) und der dabei geplanten Neuregelung der Aufbewahrungsvorschriften für „angemessene bestandschützende Übergangsfristen“ einzusetzen.

„Wir in Bayern sind stolz auf die Tradition unseres Schützenwesens“, sagte Herrmann. Das gelte ja für ganz Deutschland. „Wir stehen zu den Jägern und Schützen in unserem Land. Es besteht kein Anlass, diese zu kriminalisieren und unter Generalverdacht zu stellen.“


:gr1: (falls er Wort hält)

Beste Grüße



Neuregelung der Aufbewahrung - Brechreiz! Ja wie soll man es denn NOCH besser aufbewahren?

Das ist wohl "nur" die Aktualisierung der Schutzklassen von der veralteten VDMA A/B-Norm auf die neueren S1 und S2.

Ich bitte dennoch, hier keine Diskussionen zu führen! Dafür sind die Parallelthreads da, ihr konnt ja gerne die Inhalte von hier rüberkopieren.

Beste Grüße



Meinungsbericht des "Schattenreporters" MEP Bodil Valero im Ausschuss LIBE (freie Grünlink-Allianz) zum Vorschlag der Kommission.

Kurzum: B7 ist alles mit Pistolengriff, Aufnahmemöglichkeit für große Magazine und Kühllöchen. Magazine werden registriert, über 10 Schuss verboten.

Urteil: [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]

Beste Grüße




Meinungsbericht des "Schattenreporters" MEP Bodil Valero im Ausschuss LIBE (freie Grünlink-Allianz) zum Vorschlag der Kommission.

Habe eine Rückmeldung von MEP Valero bzw. deren Assistent. Ich finde die zügige und persönliche Antwort positiv, der Inhalt ist halt Politikersprech und kann recht weit ausgelegt werden.


:mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

Beste Grüße


Dear ...,

Thanks for your email.

Shooting sports will not be destroyed, the only change is that you will have to have the right firearms license for buying magazines which law-abiding sport shooters of course already has.

Bodil never suggests to ban firearms with these features.

She simply points out that physical criteria should be considered by the commission instead of appearance.

So there is no such proposition.

I don't think registration is impossible and it will not make people into criminals. On the contrary there will be transfer rules so that this does not happen.

Yes it does, but criminals and terrorists are only a small part of the proposal, which aims at lessening the risk of all violence, more importantly accidents, homicides, mass shootings and suicides.

Bodil specifically mentions Mr Bernstein in the background:

The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs organised a mini-hearing on February 15th 2016 in order to examine points that could be improved within the current directive and to clarify the appropriate level of harmonisation on EU level.

The invited expert on firearms especially highlighted the threat caused by converted and reactivated firearms and the need for high common standards for deactivation within the EU and furthermore pointed out that each essential part of a firearm needs to be marked so that it can be traced if stolen or lost. The expert demonstrated that a general ban on semi-automatic firearms based on the criteria of "resemblance" is problematic and not feasible for Member States to implement

We take note of your criticism and will continue to do our best to make the proposal as good as possible, off course not restricting any citizens rights.


Erik Apel

Assistant to Bodil Valero MEP


Auf Bitte einiger Forumsmitglieder, hier alle Mail-Adressen der zuständigen Ausschussmitglieder in IMCO und LIBE:



  • Gefällt mir 1


Kollege... Scheißegal, wie die ganze Geschichte endet... Obs noch gut wird, nur in Teilen, oder auch wenn wir alles abgenommen bekommen, aber eines hast DU ganz sicher, und zwar meinen allergrößten Dank und Respekt!

Hab noch von keinem gesehen, oder gehört, der sich so ins Zeug legt wie du, Zeit und Mühe investiert, und entgegen vieler Prognosen trotzdem weiter kämpft und sich net unterkriegen lässt! Danke, Mann!

P. S. Das musste mal gesagt werden, weil so n Einsatz ist alles andere als selbstverständlich!


Noch ein Artikel aus der österreichischen Krone:. Weiterer Widerstand aus neuer Richtung formiert sich.




Beste Grüße


EU will Schützen die Feuerwaffen nehmen

Bislang galt im Amtsdeutsch formuliert: Mit Waffen befasste kulturelle und historische Einrichtungen, die von dem Mitgliedsstaat, in dessen Gebiet sie ansässig sind, als solche anerkannt sind, sind vom Anwendungsbereich der Richtlinie ausgeschlossen.Diese Ausnahme soll aber nach EU- Plänen, die in der Regel immer befolgt werden, ersatzlos gestrichen werden: Das heißt, auch die Gewehre oder Prangerstutzen, welche die Schützen bei Ereignissen spektakulär abfeuern, sind betroffen - obwohl sie ohnehin keine scharfe Munition verwenden, beziehungsweise nur einen lauten Knall aus der Mündung abgeben.

"Es ist ja gut, dass die EU gegen Waffenhandel und Terrorismus vorgehen will, aber das darf nicht zu Lasten unserer Schützen gehen. Es kann doch nicht sein, dass all die Salutwaffen meldepflichtig werden. Das bringt erheblichen Verwaltungsaufwand. Die werden ja nur bei traditionellen Anlässen zum Salutieren verwendet."

"Und auch die Jäger muss man nicht alle fünf Jahre mit einer Genehmigungspflicht ihrer Waffen pflanzen."

Präsidentin Pallauf wird nun im Auftrag des Landtages - der Antrag wird kommenden Montag von der ÖVP in der Präsidiale eingebracht - aktiv und wird das Innenministerium und EU- Kommissar Johannes Hahn auffordern, sich in Brüssel stark zu machen, um die jetzt gültigen Ausnahmen der Feuerwaffenrichtlinie beizubehalten: "Die Gesetzesänderung darf nicht zulasten unserer kulturellen und historischen Einrichtungen gehen."


Duck and cover, the Thommies are coming. Widerstaand gegen die neue EU-Feuerwaffenrichtlinie wächst auch in Großbritannien:


Einige sehr interessante Äußerungen von Vicky Ford MEP, der Vorsitzenden des Ausschusses IMCO:

"Die MdEPs waren noch nie so vereint im Kampf um die Rechte der legalen Waffenbesitzer"

"Sie sagt vorher, dass die MdEPs für eine Rückgabe des Proposals an die EU-Kommission stimmen werden, damit dieser überdacht werden kann"


:gr1: :gr1: :gr1: :gr1: :gr1:

Gun lobby hits back at attempts to crackdown on firearms ownership in wake of terror attacks

Attempts to restrict the legal ownership of firearms to prevent terrorist attacks has been heavily criticised by rural sports interests Philip Bowern reports

A proposed crackdown on firearms ownership that shooting interests say would have unfairly affected the owners of sporting guns, is being successfully opposed in Europe, according to Britain’s biggest pro-shooting organisation.


Chairman Karl Heinz Florenz, a German MEP, told those at the meeting that the Commission’s proposals – introduced in the wake of the Paris terror attacks in which 130 people were killed, many with automatic weapons, had been widely criticised inside the parliament.


The European Parliament’s rapporteur, UK MEP Vicky Ford, made a speech in which she said she had never heard MEPs ‘so united in supporting the legal owners of firearms’.

She predicted some MEPs would vote for the proposals to be sent back to the Commission with a request they rethink them to better accommodate concerns held by hunters and sports shooters.


She also outlined where she thought a majority lay within the parliament after suggesting the actual words used by the Commission did not reflect the reality of proposals which would adversely affect hunters.



"Sie sagt vorher, dass [einige - some!] MdEPs für eine Rückgabe des Proposals an die EU-Kommission stimmen werden, damit dieser überdacht werden kann"

Ich wäre da in meiner Beurteilung etwas vorsichtiger.

Mein MdEP (CDU/EVP) hat mir das nicht geschrieben.

Er will sich für einen Kompromiss einsetzen,

der "die berechtigten Belange von Jägern und Sportschützen ausreichend berücksichtigt".

Schön, wenn Vernunft aufkäme, aber das Proposal ist noch lange nicht gestorben.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Noch ein Artikel aus der österreichischen Krone:. Weiterer Widerstand aus neuer Richtung formiert sich.




Beste Grüße


Erfreulicherweise gelingt es hier in Österreich, dank IWÖ und einiger anderer Initiativen, Funktionäre der Jäger und Traditionsschützen aufzuscheuchen.

Da bohrt man teilweise verdammt harte Bretter. Das rührt daher, dass sich Jäger und Traditionsschützenfunktionare der nicht LWB freundlichen Regierungspartei ÖVP nahefühlen und teilweise schon als deren Vorfeldorganisation gerieren und ihre Mitglieder in falscher Sicherheit wiegen. So ist zB. der ehem. Vizekanzler Josef Pröll als Landesjägermeister von Niederösterreich versorgt worden.

Bei der aktuellen EU Kampagne waren diese bisher (fast) alle auf Tauchstation. ganz anders als in DE übrigends!

Die österreische Jagdzeitschrift "DER ANBLICK" brachte (subversiverweise?) übrigends in der letzten Ausgabe 3/2016 ein Statement zum Stand der politischen Debatte des DEUTSCHEN (!) MdEP Florenz. (Leider nicht online).

Auf diese Hebschüsse wird von den Offiziellen Jägerfunktionären sehr verhalten reagiert. Die verunsicherten Mitglieder beginnen aber, sie vor sich her zu treiben. Eine der sehr wenigen online Spuren eines ö. Jagdverbandes ist die hier. (beachte, der geneigte ö. Leser trifft auf diese Information in selbigem Medium zum allerersten Mal!


-oder diese "link "Der Kärntner Jäger" die nicht mehr lange online sein wird. Aber die Printausgabe ist draussen.


Siehe "der Kärntner Jäger" Seite 5


Wenn die Salzburger Traditionsschützen wirklich nicht so ahnungslos sind, wie sie jetzt gerade (im Kronenzeitung Artikel) tun, sollten sie nach der Schrecksekunde aufgrund ihres eignenen "Leistungsprofils" gleich mal aktiv werden.


Bearbeitet von horidoman
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


Heute sollte ja wieder eine Sitzung des Europäischen Rates anberaumt sein?

Gefunden hier:


EU-Vorlage: U32 Offizielles Ratsdokument

Entwurf einer Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Änderung der Richtlinie 91/477/EWG des Rates über die Kontrolle des Erwerbs und des Besitzes von Waffen – Orientierungsaussprache

Gruppe: Info.gifRat "Justiz und Inneres"

betrifft Sitzung am 10.03.2016

Erstellt am 04.03.2016 von: Inneres

Eingelangt am 07.03.2016, U32 Übermittlung

Dokument der EU-Vorlage: PDF.gifRAT: 6755/16 / PDF, 62 KB

Siehe auch eingefügtes Dokument

vom 4. März 2016 Nr. 6755/16


Bearbeitet von horidoman
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ergebnisse von der Tagung der Staaten im Europarat zur Feuerwaffenrichtlinie!!!

Die skandinavischen, osteuropäischen und baltischen Länder waren wie erwartet gegen eine Verschärfung. Die Schweiz macht als Schengenmitglied definitv auch nicht mir.

Ansonsten haben sich nur Frankreich, Belgien und Großbritannien FÜR eine Verschärfung des Waffenrechts ausgesprochen.

Niederlande als Ratspräsidentschaft wird allerdings weiter an eine Überarbeitung der Richtlinie durchführen.


Urteil: :gr1: :gr1: :gr1: :gr1: :pissed:

Die EU-Minister diskutierten heute zum ersten Mal über die Vorschläge der EU-Kommission. «Die grosse Mehrheit der EU-Staaten ist ganz klar gegen eine Verschärfung des Waffenrechts», sagte Sebastian Ramspeck, SRF-Korrespondent in Brüssel. «Es war vor allem Frankreich, das sich nach den Terroranschlägen vom November in Paris für eine Verschärfung des Schengener Waffenrechts stark gemacht hatte.

Auf der Seite von Frankreich – so habe ich heute von Diplomaten vernommen – haben sich heute am Ende nur zwei Staaten für eine Verschärfung eingesetzt: Belgien und Grossbritannien.

Die allermeisten anderen Staaten hätten sich ganz klar gegen die Verschärfung ausgesprochen – insbesondere die skandinavischen Staaten, aber auch die osteuropäischen Länder. «Und so blieb der Vorschlag der EU-Kommission letztlich chancenlos

Als nächstes wird nun die EU-Präsidentschaft, die zurzeit die Niederlande inne hat, den Gesetzesvorschlag überarbeiten. Sie möchte die neue Waffen-Richtlinie wenn möglich bis Juni verabschiedet haben.

Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
Hallo zusammen,
es gibt hauptsächlich aus Schweizer Quellen ein paar neue Infos zum geplanten Verbot von Halbautomaten Kategorie B7.
Die Kommission war natürlich sehr schlau und hatte hierfür im Europarat folgende Möglichkeiten vorhelegt:
a) Transfer von B7 in neue A7, faktisch Verbot für Privatpersonen
b) Behalt des Status quo, ABER besondere Bestimmungen für Erwerb/Besitz, festgelegt von der Kommission
Bis auf Großbritannien, Frankreich und Belgien haben sich die EU-Staaten gegen eine Verschärfung ausgesprochen, auch in Bezug auf medizinische Tests und Alterbegrenzungen.
Hier der Artikel der Zürcher Zeitung:
Eine sehr deutliche Mehrheit der Minister habe sich dafür ausgesprochen, dass der private Gebrauch von solchen halbautomatischen Waffen weiterhin erlaubt sein solle. Laut einem EU-Diplomaten soll nun geprüft werden, wie die Bedingungen für den Besitz solcher Waffen verschärft werden könnten.
Die Vorschläge der Kommission hatten generell einen schweren Stand.
hat der zuständige EU-Innenkommissar Dimitris Avramopoulos daher ernüchtert auf die Debatte reagiert. Er wollte die halbautomatischen Waffen strenger regulieren, weil bei diesen eine besondere Gefahr bestehe, dass sie für Terroranschläge missbraucht werden könnten.
Effektiv scheint damit ein Komplettverbot nun vom Tisch, aber die Kommission wird jetzt versuchen, mit hanebüchenen Auflagen den Besitz so schwer wie möglich zu machen. Also extrem gesagt Aufbewahrung nur ab Atombunker, besondere mehrjährige Schulungen, Mitgliedschaft in einer Miliz, sowas in der Richtung.
Es gilt daher auch in Zukunft den Diskussionen in den Ausschüssen LIBE und IMCO zu folgen, damit keine juristischen Spitzfindingkeiten ihren Weg in den Richtlinientext finden.
Urteil: :gr1::crying::mad1::pissed::rtfm:
Beste Grüße

Die offizielle Presseerklärung zur EU-Ratssitzung vom 10.03.2016 ist nicht ganz so aussagekräftig wie die Artikel bei den Schweizern


Beachte auch die verlinkten PDFs am rechten Rand!


The Council held a policy debate regarding the proposal for a directive on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons which reviews and completes the current directive 91/477/EEC, taking into account the recent terrorist attacks.

Ministers agreed on some guidelines for the continuation of the work at technical level. The aim of the Presidency is to have a position in the Council by June.

Ard van der Steur, Minister for Justice of the Netherlands said: "Frank and fruitful exchange of views on the five specific topics of the Commissioner proposal to amend the firearms Directive. Experts will further work on proposal with a view to reach a general approach by next June".

Und diesen Videostream!!!



Stellungnahme der German Rifle Association dazu (Dank an Katja Triebel). Post ist auf Facebook, kann aber ohne Login gelesen werden:


Beste Grüße


PS: Leute, bitte keine Diskussionen hier im Newsticker, dafür sind die Nachbarthreads da.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Firearms United hat die Sprecher für das IMCO-Ausschusstreffen diesen Dienstag mal genauer unter die Lupe genommen:

(Farben geben meine eigene Vermutung der pro/contra-Richtung der dortigen Beiträge wieder, ohne Gewähr):

Dr. Edward Impey, Royal Armouries


Background information about Dr. Edward Impey

>>Dr Edward Impey was appointed Director General and Master of the Armouries in July 2013. An Oxford graduate with degrees in history and archaeology, Dr Impey was previously Director of Heritage Protection and Planning at English Heritage. He is also a former Curator of Historic Royal Palaces and an established author – including two books on the Tower of London.

A Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London and also of the Royal Historical Society, his expertise and publications cover aspects of history, architecture, archaeology, conservation and the Tower of London. He has had a life-long interest in arms and armour."<<


>>Dr Edward Impey, Director General and Master of the Royal Armouries, was quoted [in December 2015] by the Telegraph as saying:

“The Royal Armouries cares for the national collection of Arms and Armour, comprising over 70,000 items from prehistory to today and from across the globe. These are all displayed or stored with the highest regard to security and long-term conservation."

"The proposed changes threaten the Royal Armouries’ ability to discharge its mission in accordance with the National Heritage Act 1983, as it would lead to the mutilation or near-destruction of thousands of historic guns and other items by deactivation."

He added that it "would be a destructive process, usually leading to the loss of those moving parts of the item which are of the greatest interest and significance to the understanding of history and technological change through the study of objects, one of the main missions of museums."<<

Dr. Ian Anthony, SIPRI


Background information about Dr. Ian Anthony, Director European Security Programme, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public. Based in Stockholm, SIPRI also has a presence in Beijing, and is regularly ranked among the most respected think tanks worldwide.

Combating the illegal acquisition, possession and use of firearms in the European Union

No European Union (EU) country remains unaffected by firearms violence. Firearms cause widespread death and bodily harm in the EU; the use of these weapons also spreads fear, and undermines citizens’ sense of security. Over the past few years, tragic gun attacks have repeatedly drawn media attention. Firearm violence is a cross-border phenomenon and a common challenge for all.

Everyday policing reveals many differences in the national weapons and firearms legislation of the EU member states. These differences, as well as the disappearance of Europe’s internal borders, negatively affect the control and enforcement of firearms legislation. Criminals are more than willing to exploit these differences, as a result of which the trafficking of firearms, parts, and components and ammunition is thriving. Furthermore, the use of firearms in criminal offences is growing at an alarming rate.

Differences in legislation also give rise to legal insecurity for citizens who enjoy the privilege of travelling freely within the EU. The overwhelming majority of firearms, ammunition and explosives are manufactured legally. However, differences in national legislation—particularly differences in EU member states’ definitions of firearms and their essential parts and replicas—complicate international monitoring of legislative compliance. National priorities frustrate the monitoring and enforcement of legislation and, consequently, the combined EU efforts to combat illicit trade.

Review of European firearms law
In this project, SIPRI’s European Security Programme is ‪#‎supporting‬ the European ‪#‎Commission‬ with inputs to an EU evaluation of the effectiveness of current legislation and the potential need for new legislative actions.

'Study to support an Impact Assessment on a possible initiative related to improving rules on deactivation, destruction and marking procedures of firearms in the EU, as well as on alarm weapons and replicas' - study prepared by SIPRI and EY for the European Commission, June 2014

'Evaluation of the Firearms Directive: final report' (European Commission, 2014)


SIPRI is not listed as lobbyist. SIPRI receives an annual core grant from the Swedish MFA which covers approximately 50 per cent of the annual budget, also money from the EU and other MS.

Sources of SIPRI funding, 2014
Swedish MFA
SEK 24 431 000 Core grant a
SEK 4 000 000 Security and Development
SEK 180 000 Dual-use and Arms Trade Control
SEK 125 000 Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation
European Commission
EUR 353 330 Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation b
EUR 327 668 Conflict and Peacebuilding in the Caucasus
EUR 123 250 European Security

Filippo Segato, FACE


Background information about Filippo Segato, Secretary General, FACE - Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU

The Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (FACE) is an international, non-profit making, non-governmental organisation that acts in the interests of over 7 million European hunters since its founding in 1977. From its headquarters in the heart of Brussels, Belgium, FACE represents its 36 members that are national hunting organisations within the Member States of the European Union and other Council of Europe countries. FACE has been a member of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) since 1987, and more recently of Wetlands International.

FACE undertakes the following key objectives:
* Promoting hunting in accordance with the principles of sustainable use of natural resources.
* Informing decision makers, the media and the public on issues covering two key principles, namely sustainable hunting and biodiversity conservation, by raising awareness on initiatives that aim to promote these principles.
* Advocating the collective interests of its members at the level of European and international institutions so that the interests of hunters are taken into account in relation to hunting, wildlife management, nature conservation, firearms, animal health, game meat, etc.

* EU Biodiveristy Strategy 2020
* EU Birds Directive
* EU Habitats Directive
* EU ‪#‎Firearms‬ Legislation
* EU Framework for Animal Welfare
* EU Seal trade regulations
* EU Regulation on Animal Health
* EU Regulation on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species
* EU Water Framework Directive


Lobbying expenses: 900,000€ - 999,999€
Procurement from EU institutions: 0 €
Grants from EU institutions: 141,404 €

High-level groups: None
Consultative committees: EC Working Group on Mapping and Assessment on Ecosystems and their Services, MAES -Working Group on the implementation of Green Infrastructure (GIIR WG) -EC Working group on Invasive Alien Species (WGIAS) -EC ad hoc meeting for No Net Loss initiative (NNL)
Expert groups (European Commission): -Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature (E02210) -EC Expert Group on Reporting under the Nature Directives(E02210) -Stakeholder Consultation on EU action on large carnivores (E02899) -Expert Group on the management of Natura 2000 sites (E02210) -Commission's expert group on Humane Trapping Standards (E02978)
Intergroups (European Parliament): FACE is the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Intergroup Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside since its foundation 1985
Industry forums (European Parliament): None

Jean-Luc Stassen, Belgian Proof Master


Background information about Jean-Luc Stassen, Belgian Proof Master

Automatical translation of news by RTBF.be

May 24, 1888, so it 125 years ago today, the Belgian Parliament gave the green light to the installation of bench tests firearms Liege. First located on rue St-Léonard, this bench tests was to verify the strength of arms and ammunition manufactured in the Liège area. Today, under the supervision of the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Justice, the bench of tests of Liege has acquired over the decades a reputation not only at home but also abroad.

The bench tests is installed rue Fond des Tawes, Liege, and its tasks have expanded since the 2006 law on the possession of firearms, as pointed out Jean-Luc Stassen, director of the bench of tests: "We have received new missions neutralization, processing of full automatic guns semi automatic mode, traceability of arms import, destruction of weapons as well as the updating of the central arms register. We also do the inspection of commercial ammunition. "

And customers are not only Belgian: "We also have customers who come from neighboring countries Belgium and we have some American clients Smith & Wesson for example chose the bench of tests of Liege to test these weapons. the European market. "

Note that this Friday at the Convention Center, is held on the occasion of the 125 years of bench tests of firearms a formal ceremony attended by local and federal authorities.

Cedric Poitevin, GRIP


Background information about Cedric Poitevin, Deputy-Director, Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security (GRIP)

Groupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la sécurité

Founded in 1979, the Group for Research and Information on Peace and security (GRIP) emerged in the specific context of the Cold War. Hence, the first publications focused on the balance of power resulting from the East-West confrontation. Throughout the 1980s, GRIP became well-known for the accuracy of its analyses and information reports on the arms race, its mechanisms and the interests at stake.

With the fall of the Berlin wall and the emergence of new geostrategic dynamics, GRIP has broadened its scope of research and focuses primarily now on security issues. GRIP has acquired recognised expertise in armament and disarmament issues (production, legislation, transfer control, non-proliferation), conflict prevention and crisis management (particularly in Africa), European integration in the area of defence as well as in strategic challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.

GRIP’s goal is to enlighten the population and the decision-makers on complex issues in order to ease international tensions and promote arms reduction for a safer world. Thus, GRIP is working on conflict prevention, disarmament and the improvement of arms control.

GRIP, an independent research centre, has been recognised by the Belgian government (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) as an “organisation d’éducation permanente” (permanent education organisation). The 20-permanent-members of staff include researchers, editing and public relations managers, an archivist and administrative and secretariat staff. Besides this permanent team, GRIP relies on a large network of associate researchers both in Belgium and abroad. It is also active within numerous international research networks.

In 1990, GRIP was designated as “Peace Messenger” by the Secretary-General of the UN, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, for its “precious contributions on peace promotion”.

GRIP’s research and expertise

GRIP’s research work revolves around the following topics:

... Small arms proliferation and arms transfer control: international, regional and national initiatives aiming at regulating the flow of small arms and improving arms transfers controls (through conventions, legislations, procedures); traceability and the marking of small arms; arms transfers to African countries, and civilians’ possession of weapons.


Lobbying expenses: 1,222,196€
Procurement from EU institutions : 23,320 €
Grants from EU institutions: 0 €

High-level groups: None
Consultative committees: GRIP is an observer of the NGO-COARM (EEAS) fora on arms export and transfert.
Expert groups (European Commission): None
Intergroups (European Parliament): None
Industry forums (European Parliament): None

Philippe NOBLES, französisches Innenministerium


Background information about Philip Nobles

Philippe NOBLES | Ministry of Interior,
Central Directorate of the Judicial Police,
Chief of weapons section, explosives and sensitive materials


Automatical google translation of above text:


In the fight against arms trafficking, there are several international standards referring to different texts and programs: the UN conference on the illicit trade in firearms; the United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade; the UN Protocol, adopted in part by the European Union and signed; the 2006 international tracing instrument; the treaty on the arms trade, which we have not yet drawn any conclusions and consequences; at European level, the 1991 Directive on control and acquisition of weapons, as amended in 2008 and for which the European Union is conducting an ongoing assessment with law; the 2009 directive, which simplifies the conditions for transfer of defense-related products; Regulation 258, which implements Article 10 of the Protocol; or the list of war material to the European Union. So there is a profusion of texts without real reference document to clarify the basic concepts on which the others would be based. Each time, it requires juggling multiple definitions, which are not always exactly identical.

On the institutional cooperation for police and justice in Europe, the beginnings are laid in 1975 with the Trevi Group, including a sub-working group is dedicated to trafficking in weapons and explosives, before the matter is addressed in the Maastricht Treaty with the JHA Council, the Amsterdam Treaty and the Nice Treaty with the criminal justice cooperation and the Lisbon Treaty. That said, the regional executives of police cooperation are plural, eg with Schengen on freedom of movement within the borders of the signatory states, or groups focused on geographical areas, for example on the Baltic and Benelux. Countries that are not part of the EU may also be associated. This cooperation builds on the agencies. Europol is thus a European Union agency for police cooperation, as Eurojust and Frontex on judicial cooperation customs cooperation. There are also files such as European Schengen file, particularly interesting in weapons because every night the weapons reported as stolen in France are integrated.

One can also mention the existence of political cycles intended to identify and fight against priority criminal phenomena including, for the period 2014-2017, weapons trafficking. In this context, France is particularly involved in two actions: one towards the Western Balkans - which remains a major concern of space due to the number of non-recovered weapons after the 1990 conflict - and the other towards Africa, particularly the Sahel-Saharan region.

At the French level, cooperation modes are the same as those encountered in other areas of the fight against crime. The management of international cooperation is concerned with the provision of aid, assistance and training to foreign countries where the French presence is represented by internal security attached. The role of the police is central, in parallel with more or less light structures, like liaison officers that deal with themes specific to this direction such as organized crime or drug trafficking. It also manages the exchange of information channels at international and European level. Besides this institutional cooperation, there are operational cooperation: exchanges of information, information on individuals, weapons, the means to get them, requests for assistance or intervention on foreign soil.

We also have requests for cooperation on arrests, controls, permanent teams of intelligence, regional platforms, joint police stations. Especially as arms trafficking is an ongoing traffic with passages of borders illegally held weapons illegally purchased illegally imported, illegally transferred from some countries, but these are generally not big quantities. Most often - at least in cross-border traffic - one dealing with arms trafficking in small amount, called ‪#‎ant‬ traffic.

However, several difficulties affect the cooperation in the fight against arms trafficking. The European legal standards, first with vulnerabilities whose regulations already would avoid many of the problems encountered in the Union. Thus, for example, that the 1991 directive provides two definitions of parts and ‪#‎essential‬ parts (which are classified and can only be acquired under conditions identical to those for weapons which they fit). Second difficulty, countries will classify certain documents as essential and others will leave the free acquisition. But it makes no sense within the European area because it becomes possible to freely acquire in a country that is impossible elsewhere. The exclusion of certain items of competence scope of the directive is another difficulty. Thus the Directive states that the neutralized weapons, those blank firing or "historical" are not weapons. They must therefore be regarded as free objects of movement between member countries. However, the directive gives eg no date set for the ‪#‎historical‬ weapon while giving Schengen 1870 and the Regulation on the Protocol Article 10 gives 1899 ... well, all countries may have different dates.

In this context, the ‪#‎neutralization‬ of weapons is a major problem since the same definitions and the same realities do not cover the same terms. It is expected that, to neutralize weapons, must make each of its essential parts, taken alone, incapable of functioning. But as not all countries have different definitions, this promotes heterogeneous neutralization facilitating their rehabilitation operation and therefore trafficking. A protocol that applies to all European States should be adopted in this regard. However, other problems remain. This is the case, for example, for ‪#‎blank‬ firing arms, due to a legal framework that lacks precision. Europe has indeed taken in the 1991 Directive, the terms of the Protocol which stipulates that a blank firing weapon is a weapon that looks like a weapon and was designed so that it cannot be modified to fire . This description is inadequate to define a clear-weapon left a gun. Similarly, it is difficult to classify ‪#‎ammunition‬, the same ammunition as may be suitable for weapons classified in different categories. a gun can not be used if it has the ammunition it draws. If ammunition is covered by the Directive, there is no indication how to classify. Similarly, the term "‪#‎replica‬" is used but it is not explained (is it perfect copies of an existing functional weapon as in France or simple toys like the English consider).

I will conclude by talking about the ‪#‎traceability‬ of firearms. The police encounter big problems on the records retention period. In terrorism cases, we met with the use of weapons produced during the Second World War, perfectly functional. The database does not maintain track. This raises the question of the type of information that must be stored, the retention period and the centralization of this data. At European level, the ideal would be to have a traceability from the entry on the territory of the Union. The importer or manufacturer registered the weapon once and for all and it will continue its life with its various owners, avoiding the risk of errors due to reversals of successive data. Indeed, we must not forget the difficulties associated with misidentification. This may be deliberate, to make an untraceable gun, but it can also keep malformed people not knowing read the markings on weapons, for marking reading difficulties (Cyrillic, ideograms, ...) or punches ... And say that when the weapons are assembled from parts from several weapons, or ammunition of marking? Much remains to be done.

Mauro Silvis, ANPAM


Background information about Mauro Silvis, ANPAM Director

ANPAM plays a key coordinating role both nationally and internationally. At the national level ANPAM is very active in both coordinating, and providing an essential point of reference for,national institutions. Thanks to our constant presence and proven reliability, these institutions now refer solely to ANPAM on all issues which relate to its area of expertise. Its role is to represent its members when dealing with institutional and governmental bodies, with economic, cultural, political, labour and social institutions, and with any other social institution at National, European and International level. ANPAM organises research papers and studies, debates and conferences on economic and social interest of the industry, with particular reference to the general interests of the sector of firearms, ammunition and explosives for civil uses and to the analysis of supply and demand in the Italian market, as well as the European Union and in foreign markets; At the European level ANPAM provides the IEACS General Secretariat (European Institute for Hunting
and Sporting Firearms). ANPAM also holds the ESSF Secretariat (European Shooting Sports Federation). ANPAM strives to represent the interests of its members wherever it is required.
At the international level, as Founding Member of WFSA (World Forum on Shooting Activities), ANPAM also holds the Secretariat for Europe. WFSA is a UN registered, international NGO which brings together 47 associations from different countries.
It is the forum where issues with international significance, including those in relation to regulation, legislation, the environment, safety and research are addressed.


Lobbying expenses : 10,000€ - 24,999€
Procurement from EU institutions: 0 €
Grants from EU institutions: 0 €

High-level groups: None
Consultative committees: None
Expert groups (European Commission): None
Intergroups (European Parliament): None
Industry forums (European Parliament) : None

Mehr Info hier auf Facebook, Login erforderlich: https://www.facebook.com/events/1037020886359128/

Beste Grüße


Bearbeitet von Empty8sh
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Öffentliche Anhörung zu illegalen Waffen in der EU. Dita Charanzova hatte im IMCO einen sehr kritischen Beitrag zum Kommissionsvorschlag. Da beide Politiker aus Tschechien bzw. Slowakei kommen, ist eine vernünftige Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema sehr wahrscheinlich:


Save the date! Hearing on Illegal Weapons in the EU from the Central European Perspective on 5th April 13:30-15:30

Hier nochmals die grobe deutsche Übersetzung ihres Beitrags von der letzten IMCO-Sitzung:

Dita Charanzova

Das Working Document ist eine gute Basis. Die EU Richtlinie muss verbessert werden, durch Markierung, Registrierung, Austausch von Information und besserer Kontrolle des Online-Handels. Deaktivierungsrichtlinien müssen harmonsiert werden. Die Richtlinie muss aber ausgewogen sein. B7-Verbot ist praktisch nicht umsetzbar und nicht akzeptiertbar. Ausnahmen für Milizen müssen vorhanden sein, die Kategorie B7 generell soll ohne Änderungen sein. Eine klare Unterscheidung zwischen Aussehen und technischen Merkmalen muss getroffen sein. Deaktivierte Waffen der Kategorie A sollen bleiben mit entsprechender Lizenz. Spielzeugwaffen sind auszuschließen. Schreckschusswaffendefinition muss einfacher werden (rückgebaute scharfe vs neu gebaute). Museen betroffen. Aufbewahrungsregeln sollen besprochen werden. Personen unter 18 sollen Ausnahmen für Waffenerwerb haben, z.B. Försterausbildung. Weitere Besprechung für medizinische Tests. Für Onlinehandel muss die entsprechende Lizenz sicher vorhanden sein. Europäischer Feuerwaffenpass muss besser werden. Bessere Verfolgung von Munition.


:gr1: :gr1: :gr1:

Beste Grüße



Bearbeitet von Empty8sh

Die EU-Kommission versucht nun durch die Verschärfung der Besitzerlaubnisse, ALLE HALBAUTOMATEN indirekt zu verbieten. Entweder du bist Mitglied einer staatlich kontrollierten Miliz unter militärischem Befehl, dann darfste deinen Krempel behalten, oder du bist Jäger, Sportschütze und Sammler und kannst dein Krempel abgeben.

Bitte nicht zu früh freuen. Die EU-Kommission lässt leider nicht so schnell locker. Jetzt versuchen sie die Reihen der Gegner aufzuspalten:

Quelle: All4shooters


:pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Beste Grüße



Ich erinnere an die morgige Sitzung des Ausschusses für Binnenmarkt und Verbraucherschutz (IMCO)!!!

Public Hearing
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
The revision of the Firearms Directive
15 March 2016 from 15h00 to 17h00
European Parliament, Brussels
József Antall Building
, Room (6Q2)







Videomitschnitte und Kommentare auf Englisch werden wohl am ersten hier veröffentlicht bei Firearms United Croatia auf Facebook (Posts sind öffentlich ohne Login):


Hört mit hin! Merkt euch die Sprecher und Fragesteller!

Ich habe leider wenig Zeit, kann also nicht direkt livetickern. Falls das jemand übernehmen möchte, immer gerne :)

Beste Grüße


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